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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Duplolas, Jan 28, 2014.


Would you like to see this implemented?

  1. Yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    My favorite and most comedic aspect of KAG is the fact that you can pick up sharks and run around the map with them. It is such a great part of KAG, but why not make it greater?

    Whenever you pick up a shark and run around with it, its jaws are constantly chomping at the air. However, they do no damage to others when being held, but take damage from both enemy and team players. I would like to see that changed.

    I propose that when a shark is held, the bites should do damage in the area in front of it (of course only to enemies). The bites would do 1 heart of damage each (same as a jab) so that is doesn't become too overpowered. The only thing different between the shark and a jab would be the distance in front of you it could reach and the fact that it constantly would be attacking.

    Plus, since the number of sharks on a map is limited to the number of sharks that initially spawn, this idea wouldn't be able to be spammed. Once all the sharks are gone, they are gone for good.

    Thoughts and ideas?
  2. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    So an auto stab-spammer? And they wouldn't even flinch if you shield? And knowing kag, when you pick up items, you can still attack? Stab spamming plus slash spamming? Aren't sharks really easy to pick up?

    one word: WHY
    Sir_Walter, Piano, Klokinator and 2 others like this.
  3. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    If you shield it still blocks. Attacks could be disabled while holding it. Not many people know how to pick up sharks. There are barely any sharks on maps, 2 is the usual, and around 6 is the maximum. They don't respawn, so supply of them is limited.

  4. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    This would be absolutely horrible. Basically having a jabspam with double the normal range on top of your regular attacks? Sharks are fine the way they currently are.
  5. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/how-to-tame-an-animal.18780/ Anyone who can navigate the forums can ride a shark.
    Then why can we still attack whilst holding kegs and chickens?
    But as soon as you try to kill said person, you have to lower your guard, and then you'll get "shark" spammed. Also, they added in the stun after stabbing a shield to counteract stab-spammers. There's no easy way to stop this, because they're constantly trying to hit you, and you can't do a thing about it unless you get lucky, jump off a tower, and Slash-Stomp them for four hearts. But that is easy to see coming, and imagine how OP this would be in the hands of any competent player.
    What the hell does this gif have to do with anything?
  6. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    All you would have to do is constantly break their guard with slashes, and the shark would do all the work for you. There's no way this could be balanced.
  7. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Shark spawns on a map are symmetrical, therefore, it is balanced.

    You wouldn't be able to jab or slash with a shark because if this were to be added, the shark would become a physical object, whereas now you can walk through a shark when someone is holding it. Also, standing on a shark's back wouldn't do damage, so simply jumping over the shark and slashing the person holding it would be easy.

    And the .gif is the closest I could find to the shark .gif I originally wanted. I didn't have enough time to find the one I wanted so... YOLO.

    Also, need I remind you that just because something is OP doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. As long as both teams have equal access to it and people have fun using it, everything is A OK.

    This idea would cause major damage once a game. Once your team's shark is gone, it is gone for good. It doesn't last long either. Sharks die quick.
  8. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Still a retarded as all hell idea.

    Please, just stop, people are just posting in all of your suggestion threads to say how retarded they are at this point.

    Please understand what OP means in this context, because you don't.

    Sharks don't die quick if they're raping you and you can't stopthem, you have to waste a lot of resources (bomb arrows, bombs, kegs or mines) to kill them, this is forced waste, and if it is placed in a good area it can be devastating.

    The fact that sharks are symmetrical (Not necessarily by the way), makes it worse as good players can very easily get to the enemy shark before any of the enemy, thus securing 2 sharks for their team.

    You need to learn the difference between a suggestion in this forum (something to be added to the core game) and a suggestion for a mod (some dumb shit that might be fun now and then, but is clearly not going to improve the game in any core way, or is worth the hassle.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2014
    Klokinator and Auburn like this.
  9. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Sharks don't die quick though, they heal when they kill players/fishies. You could just.. feed your shark a dead person or something and it'd be k.

    I wish i could downvote lol. This is a bad suggestion.
    Auburn likes this.
  10. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I do understand what OP means. OP means Over Powered.

    If it means anything other than that please let me know, since the only other time I have seen OP used is when it stands for Original Poster.

    When sharks spawn they are symmetrical to all the other sharks on the map. They do move as soon as they spawn though, but not far enough for a team to capture the other's shark(s).

    As for all of your other complaints, they all could be easily fixed with small changes.

    Keeping sharks from regenerating health after being picked up would fix your problem. It also fixes the wasting of ammo taking the sharks out. You could even decrease a shark's base HP.

    Also, there is something already in the game similar to my idea.


    If you think that Sharks shouldn't be able to be controlled then why not get rid of the ability to ride bison? Bison currently are more powerful than sharks, are much more of a hassle to jump over, can be rode, can jump over structures, have more health, and can regenerate health if fed. All you have to do is feed them. It is everything you hate about my idea + more, yet you have never once complained about it.

    So to sum up all of the things that could be implemented to fix your concerns:

    No regeneration (from over time or being fed)
    Decreased health
    No attacking while holding a shark (since attacking while holding a keg and chicken is already not suppose to be in the game)
    Make the shark a physical object so players can jump onto them and attack the user
    The shark can no longer do damage unless hit directly by its bite
    The shark's bite does 1 heart of damage
    And decrease the run speed while holding a shark (down to keg speed)

    These are all really easy changes. It isn't adding or removing anything from the game, it simply is changing the properties of something.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2014
  11. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Sometimes more over-the-top things doesn't make a better game. At least there's generally only 1 bison per map, and very few have them at all.

    You also completely vulnerable while riding a bison. You can't shield. Just takes someone who knows how to jump or aim to end your stampede. That said, tamed bison are pre' ridiculous.
  12. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Oh, but you know bison can run twice as fast as any class in the game right?

    and typically there are only 2 sharks on any map and less than half of the maps have them at all.
  13. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    If the devs have to go out of their way just to make this change, it probably isn't worth doing. Maybe funny the first time, but after it will just be BS. Also, plebs don't know that sharks can't hurt you when held, so they will run anyway.
    Auburn likes this.
  14. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    With this logic the game would never have been made. Man, making this game is so hard, fuck it, no game for anyone. Too much work.

    And even then, changing the properties of a single object is a lot easier than previous updates like the immobilization of vehicles and water falls. Sure they have to go out of their way to do them, but they still go put in didn't they.

    And do you even know what a pleb is? But even if these were indeed literal plebs playing the game, common sense kicks in. If my team is holding it, I didn't get hurt, if their team is holding it, I do get hurt. Takes maybe 30 seconds to figure it out.
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The fact that you require all of these changes for this to even be considered a remotely considerable idea (not even a good one) is proof of the fact that it's probably not a good idea

    Furthermore, it still is not a suggestion that would be a good idea for the game, generally these sections on indie forums are for people to throw out ideas that are almost always bad and just let them die, but when people come along and post several a week and show no signs of stopping, that's when it kind of becomes a problem, post count or not (who gives a shit about that), because they are just further diluting the pool for those who actually care to read through it.

    One could simply set these people to ignore, but they may have something worthwhile to say outside of this section.
    Auburn and Sir_Walter like this.
  16. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Yes they are a lot of changes, but small changes at that. Look at all of the suggestions I have made and compare them to other ones. "New dirt blocks reaction to explosion" makes dirt move when an explosive goes off. "End Game Bonuses". "Lava". "Limb Loss/Armor Destruction"

    Those are all major changes to the game that would require hours of work, starting from essentially scratch to make. That is from page 1.

    Among the suggestions I have made on page 1, there is "THH Factory Suggestion" which is about something MM posted about in the 2nd suggestion thread made. "Pivot/Rotation System" something another player brought up in a previous thread that I found interesting. "Thread about Lanterns" a thread about giving lanterns new attributes. And "Spike Properties", a thread about being able to change if a spike extends and retracts on stone surfaces.

    All of these are more reasonable than any of ones I listed above. Most are easier to implement than everything I listed above. And this thread is more reasonable and easier to implement than anything I listed above.

    Sure I make a lot of suggestions, but they are backed by reason, logic, and experience, whether that be from me playing the game, looking through and finding other's suggestions, or looking through old updates and finding what is in the game to add to. Look through the list of idiotic ideas that have been suggested in the past and compare them to mine, then come back.

    If this is a place for
    then why care what I say. Why state your opinion if it isn't going to matter either way since it is just going to die? Infact, why even have this section? And how can this be a place for threads to go and die, while it also be a place for people who care about it to read through?

    All in all, I make suggestions because it is an idea that pops into my head. If it is something that is within reason, doesn't severely fuck up the game, and I can find enough evidence to make a case for it, I post it. I mean, how much harm can a suggestion do? Infact, anytime someone posts in a suggestion thread or creates one, it is because they like the game and want to help out in some minor way. Even if what they suggest never gets put in the game, every thread and every post shows support from the community.

    And sure I defend my argument to the end, even if a majority of people disagree, but that is because you don't half ass something, you put all you can into it. A lawyer doesn't just quit and let the person he is defending lose, he keeps fighting till the end.

    Btw, heres the full list:

    Costumes (locked)
    Costumes (locked)
    Upgrades (Locked)
    In-game Head-Editor (Locked)
    Recoloring of team-colors for customization
    More Classes
    Grappling Hooks
    Grappling hooks for knights & builders
    Sledge Hammer
    Loss of Resources after Death
    Logs as Weapons
    Eye-candy flags
    Wizard Class
    Wizard Class (locked)
    Mortar (Locked)
    Classes too independent and too fast
    Class Upgrader
    Remove Water Ammo
    Throwing Spears for Knights
    Boiling Water in Buckets
    Hand Cannon / Grenade Launcher
    Archer Melee Weapon (Locked)
    Team-wide Resource Sharing/Inventory
    Depth Charges
    Diving Bells

    Heart Arrows
    Not able to attack while carrying crates // increase size of crates
    Wooden Catapult Ammo
    Deadlier Arrows
    Make Bombs be more visible
    Buff Bomb Arrows
    Ladder Arrows
    Sticky Bombs

    "Grappling hook"-ammo for ballistas
    Archer only - Glider
    Spike/Shrapnel Mines
    Doors and Chests with Keys
    Archer Caltrops
    Animation for Grappling Hook
    Remove Walljump for Knights (Equipment too heavy?)
    Gold from Gold Bullions should return when destroying them
    Mines should be able to take more damage from physics (== longer fall without being destroyed)
    Lantern Spam - How to Fix/Prevent it
    Farming (Locked)
    More Siege
    More Siege (Locked)
    More Siege (Locked)
    Slower Moving Siege
    Grappling while Charging Arrows
    Better Door Sprites
    Spawn Camping in TDM
    Sonic style bubbles
    Nights too dark
    Axe when chopping wood/trees
    Kill Streaks
    Respawn-timer Tweaks
    Not losing Resources/Items when swapping Classes at Tent
    Tweak carried Corpses
    Farming / Animals
    Mats From Animals
    More hostile Animals and plants
    Truly Dynamic Water
    Getting Seeds
    Getting Seeds (locked)
    Taming Bison
    Weather (Locked)
    Grass growing back
    Block Variations
    Sea Battle Map
    Tall Grass
    Custom Boats
    Super Boat
    Boats Always face Enemy
    Lock Boats
    Dinghy Damage
    Pirate Ship
    Tech Trees and Buildings:
    Upgrade Factories
    Buy Migrants
    Pay for Additional Tech
    Tech Tiers Instead of Tech Tree
    Conveyor Belts and Lifts
    Turn Spikes
    Stone Ladders & Stone Platforms
    Tech Tree Changes (to include cannons, rifles) (Locked)
    Workshops only usable by team that built them
    Multi Direction Doors
    Resource producing Factories
    Sponge "evolving" into Block
    Remove Ladders & Trapblocks - Replace with Classic Drawbridges
    Game Balancing:
    Game Balancing
    Offense/Defense Balancing
    Nerf Archers
    Nerf Archers (Locked)
    Archer Stomp
    Knights Break Wood and Dirt
    Sky Bridges
    Support System
    Stun Reduction
    Archer's Abilities old/new
    Slash Cooldown
    Nerf Boulders
    Nerf Knights
    Slashing should be slower
    Nerf Stone Doors - Buff Stone Blocks
    Building Things is too fast
    Put speed limit on shield glide
    Remove Double Slash
    Nerf Kegs
    Hitbox tweaks
    Game Mechanic Tweaks:
    Upgrading BackWall
    Upgrading Doors
    Auto Balance
    Remove Swimming
    Gain Resources from Buildings

    Fighting While Holding Kegs
    Falling Trees
    Pickup priorities
    Higher Arrow Production
    No Shield in Water; Doors for Boats
    Scroll of Carnage Tweak
    Faster Shield Gliding
    Jab and Slash Cancel
    Reviving of Players
    Kill Count increasing for Kills with Spikes
    Arrows slowly damaging Wooden Blocks
    Automated Building/Building Layouts
    Being able to gather Arrows from Trees again
    Vehicles can be carried by 2 Players
    Some Factories shouldn't need Migrants
    More Ammo for Siege Equipment/Weapons
    Shotgun-like Archer Charge
    Knights launched by Catapult should damage Stone/Wooden Blocks by Shielding
    Arrows to get deflected if shot too weak
    Mines and Kegs should fit their purpose more
    Boats to be lit up by Fire Arrows
    Slash canceling when getting shot
    Only builder in buildtime
    Thrown Lanterns set Stuff on Fire
    Kegs shouldn't explode from being shot or slashed at
    Different swimming styles for each class
    Not able to spawn on Warboat if being captured
    A way to lock length of grappling hook
    Hot air makes Knight fly upwards
    Only Builders can carry Drills in their Inventory
    Fix Arrow Ballistics/Physics
    Archer truly hiding
    Dirt Blocks Reaction to Explosions
    Spawn System Tweaks
    Knights should be able to damage Backwalls
    Limb Loss / Armor Destruction
    Spike Properties
    Being able to repair Blocks
    Thrown Corpses should stun
    Sharks dealing one Heart of Damage and have a decreased Angle of Attack
    TTH Factories Upgrades
    Pivot/Rotation System for Catapults & Ballistas
    End Game Bonuses
    Game Interface Tweaks:
    View Team Classes
    More Options For Keys
    Key Rebinding
    Language Display
    More Graphics Options
    Player Queue
    Friends List/Marking of Players
    Remove Kicking
    Spectator Changes
    Rcon messages to have more contrast to normal join/leave Messages etc.
    Vote values need a change
    Door Logic
    Kill Cam Suggestions
    Killfeed UI Changes
    Scaleable UI
    Game Modes:
    Offline Lan
    Single Player Saving
    Campaign Mode
    Zombie Fortress
    Classic KAG in Beta
    Conquest Game Mode
    Dota/MOBA Style Game Mode
    Plague War
    Kill the Princess (1 "Flag" CTF)
    1 Flag CTF
    Adventure Mode
    Flagship Mode
    King Arthur's Balls
    King Arthur's Last Stand
    Tower of Babel
    Attack/defend place XY style mode
    Hunger Games
    Tower Race
    Ticket CTF/TTH
    Hardcore/Realism Mode
    Lobby/Warm Up Time
    Server Commands Via SSH
    Remove Non-Admin Kicking
    Hosting Servers in the Game
    Pingkick/Pingban Message Tweaks
    Special Date Events
    More Statistics/Analytics
    Vote Spam
    Taunts from Classic
    Being able to toggle Full Screen/Windowed ingame through Shortcut/Hotkey
    Remove Barrier Bouncing
    Maps shouldn't flag servers as modded
    Dedicated coaches and training servers
    Tweaks for moderating/administrating ingame
    Autokick AFK players
    Expose more variables to server config files
    Control implementations
    Public blacklist
    Voice communication
    Built in Recording Tool
    Quick Admin/Moderation Tools
    Vote Kick Improvement
    Lower Slot Count on official CTF Servers
    Running Game with Help Option should list Parameters
    Main Menu should have more Buttons
    Redirecting to Server Browser instead of Main Menu when trying to join Full Server
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2014
  17. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Eat your own words Duplolas, What I've bolded are NOT small changes. Players have never been able to hold objects that collide with other players while they're holding them. Also, Devs haven't been able to fix the weird attacking with kegs/chickens yet, so it must not be easy to fix, or they would've fixed it already.

    Because holding a shark that can constantly bite your foes to no end is both logical and reasonable.
  18. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Lol even if you couldn't attack, you could just shield bash people over and over while the shark noms their face.

    Also, when did this thread become a compilation of terrible Duplolas suggestions?
  19. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad


    So once keg slashing and jabbing is fixed on its own, because it eventually will whether or not this idea is put in, the only thing left to do is make the object you are holding a physical object. In comparison to all the other ideas suggested, how hard do you really think it is to make an object you are holding physical?

    If there is something already in the game that is similar to something, in this case bison riding to shark attacks, logically it can be suggested to give the same features, or close to them, to the similar feature.

    It is reasonable because it requires little effort when compared to previous suggestions and other things that have been already implemented in the game.


    Just stop. If you knew how to read, you would know that with the suggestion I have made, you can't shield. The only thing you are doing is posting half-assed posts that are semi on topic so you can shit post in the next line.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2014
  20. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester


    A pleb is short for plebian, which was a term for a commoner in Roman times. Anyway, say you were a player relatively new to the game. You know that sharks can hurt you. You see a player holding a shark, so you naturally want to stay away from them (and not die). Also, you see them attacking other players and killing them (really using slash, but you can't tell) but you can't see the sword, and so you think the shark can hurt you.
Mods: Rainbows