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How to become a pro Knight?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by DragonShark, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Bomb jumping is an advanced mechanic? O.o
  2. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Basic mechanics being movement and regular use of bombs as well as jabbing/slashing. Anything past that is probably advanced since the majority of people won't/can't do it, as has been seen even in classic.
  3. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Maybe.. Someone pro could train me! :D
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Maybe if you get train by shark you can become more shark, then find dragon master to train you too, and you will be super pro.
    CrystalClear likes this.
  5. seriously...bombjump is hard?... i'see a triple bombjump i'can do the double...but not the triple!
  6. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Well, triple is pretty easy. What you need to have is 3 bombs ( obviosly ) and spam spacebar
    Find the latest bomb or try to get it in your hand first time
    And jump, thats my technique. :wink:
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    That is not a triple bomb jump.

    Triple bomb jumps are pretty hard, but I managed to do them first in classic, haven't tried in beta yet.
  8. lel dragon u just throw 3 bombs and jump? nah it's not it...it's a pretty advancaed technique i'playing 1 year but i'unable anyways to do dat...becuse it's absurdely rare to see..double is simple just throw the first bomb at 1/3 and cook another bomb when precedent explode u can be launched in air with the other press f when u flying and shield up to flyyyyyyyy u can stun with a arrow a flying knight? (bombjumping)
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 15, 2014, Original Post Date: Feb 15, 2014 ---
    triple for me is just impossible i'see vov4ic do it
  9. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    At least in classic the only way to do it was to juggle the third one in the air, grab the 2nd one and catch the 3rd one as the 2nd one goes off.

    Alternatively and easier, throw down 1, 2, and 3, 3 should be pulled up slightly later. 2 needs to be thrown in the air high where you believe will boost you off of 1 (not at apex), 3rd is used at apex/in air like a double bombj ump's 2nd usually is.

    It took a long time to learn the triple so I don't intend to learn it in beta to make a video sadly, but I'm sure you can get someone who knows how to explain it to y'all how it's done in beta.
  10. i'need a video or a in-game dimostration lel
  11. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    To triple bombjump in Steam kag i find its easy to do the two bombs on the ground, put space them out about one block, and light the third one.
    Put the third one in your inventory, pick up the second and double bombjump, then grab the third out of your inventory and do the same shielding as you would of on the second one.

    P.s: Make sure the timer on the third bomb last longer then the second bomb exploding, because you wouldnt want to get a double done and try to pull out the third one to find out its already exploded in your inventory. xD
    Vampire and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  12. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    MFW the once glorious and majestic art of bombjumping has been reduced to simple spacebar spam...
  13. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    There may be spamming of the space bar, but this does require timing to get the bombjump to reach maximum lengths.
    It also requires more then just space bar as you can see im my vid, the use of the inventory and timing is critical from a successful bombjump over enemy lines, to a comeplete fail in the air exploding in a rain of body parts and blood.
  14. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You can't pull a bomb out of your inventory if it is lit, and it will blow the fuck up on you killing you instantly when in your inventory (waterbombs od this too)

    At least I've never been able, tried it today even, I do it to troll people for fun sometimes, grab their bomb and just throw it in there.
    -Tj- likes this.
  15. spam spam spam oh look i'do a triple bombjump!
  16. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Check the link i posted before you, its proof you can pull a bomb out of there.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  17. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Huh, yeah, weird, for some reason it won't work for me to open inventory like that, maybe it's because I rebinded the button, but I wouldn't think that would affect it.
  18. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    One tip:
    Jab more. Don't jab spam but jab when you see an oppening.
  19. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    For me the most important thing is to know who I'm fighting against. People usually stick to a head they like so it's really easy to identify them in battle. The reason it's so important is because it helps you determine their skill-level and how aggressive you need to be.
    EhRa and BlueLuigi like this.
  20. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Hello. This is Sammy. You might have seen me in game and come to know me as a:

    Loose Cannon, Trash Talker, and Pretentious Arse (and liar).

    Starting from le top. I know this thread isn't about how to be a team player, but hey - every bit helps if you want to become a decent knight( everyone knows I have taken Contrary's and Darcia's place as best knight, so yeah).

    Be A Team Player

    I mean it. As a knight, you have two primary objectives. Defense and Offense. Lots of people get confused, and just throw themselves to the wolves and end up getting terrible K/D ratios(and in classical we referred to them as Ticket Wasters - and yes, they still exist today). Of course, this just depends on your skill level, but let's get back to Defense and Offense.

    Offense, is attacking the other team. Whether it's destroying some large tower with a ballista or catapult, throwing a boulder on an unsuspecting builder, gibbing 4 knights with a few bombs, whatever. So here's the golden rule:

    Don't kill just to kill.

    If you're selfish and self-conceited you might say, "Well yeah, I'm trying to get a high K/D ratio!".


    Definition of KAG: A competitive* 2D sidescrolling online multiplayer game that relies upon trickery, cleverness, and team-work.


    When you kill, it should be for the benefit of your team. You should be smart enough to know what that means. That is the knights purpose. To protect and to serve your team. You shouldn't waste your "man-power" chasing down some knight that tea-bagged you and called you names, but rather helping your team push forward(however, if he's close by - by all means smite him from the earth, and then some). :teabag:

    COMBAT TIPS from Sammy

    Since I'm still talking about offense I'm going to talk about how to deal with skilled players. Part of being a good knight is being able to bomb jump, stun, scale walls without the help of a builder, be crafty with your surroundings, take risks(often dying for the sake of pushing forward. Keg Runners are often suicidal), and learn distance.

    When you bomb-jump which is essentially(at it's most primitive form) throwing a bomb at your feet and jumping in the air just as it is about to detonate, shield down, to propel yourself over the paparazzi, sharks, angry peasants, etc. Now you might have seen people get fancy, and perhaps use two or three bombs. It's essentially the same thing. Let's use two. All you do is light a bomb, throw it at your feet, and immediately throw light the other one, but without throwing it. The trick is to jump in the air while the first bomb detonates shield down and everything, and just as you lift in the air, throw the bomb in your hand down for MAXIMUM LIFT.

    Yes. That's right. MAXIMUM LIFT.

    Oh and if you don't have the means to buy bombs, there are always chickens. Remember to use your environment to your advantage. Be crafty.
    (see chicken raiding)

    Stunning is fairly simple, and requires basic knowledge of the "shield bash" or water bombing. Shield bashing is more convenient however , but a lot of players tend to over use this and end up getting stunned themselves(due to Geti having borked the code, but that's a story for another time ::P:). If you know how to basically "run" with your knight using the shield(shield sliding) then your technique is "O.K". To sheild bash someone you basically sheild slide until you touch their hitbox, and if whatever Geti uses to detect hits registers correctly the opposing force(usually an enemy knight/archer/builder) should be stunned with a little knock-back.

    Water bombs are easy to use. All you do is just aim, and throw. I really don't want to make this harder than it is, so that's all I have to say for that. For regular bombs however, COOK, AIM, and THROW. Please remember this as enemy knights, can be crafty and take risks trying to pick up your uncooked bomb and throw it back at you causing insta-surprise and death. So remember that. Another general tip, when handling water bombs is not to hit yourself with it. When you use a water bomb you have to be close, yet far away so that you - yourself wont get effected with it.

    I'd say, don't use a water bomb if you're facing more than one person and you haven't practiced. You'll screw yourself over quickly.

    So scaling walls is pretty difficult. I'm not a technical person, and tbh, the amount of blocks you can scale depends on it's defenses, and the number of bombs you have, and also depending on Geti's code.25252525 Often times, this is what happens:

    You run up the wall with your shield only to find yourself sliding back down due to it's height. You run up the wall but get knocked back down, and perhaps crushed to death(and sometimes gibbed) by a knight/builder/archer that stuns you.

    Perhaps the environment is on your side and you have to parallel surfaces(or walls/dirt/ <insert natural land form>) and you're able to get a tiny bit up but not enough.

    Maybe, you're at the tip but you just don't have enough lift to get you over that corner.

    So there's no cure all solution but there are a few things you can do:

    A trampoline(added with running up a wall while your at the peak of the jump). Bomb Jumping. Alternating Wall Jumps. Catapulting yourself over. Chicken Raiding(flying with a chicken). Ballista, etc.

    // more later since I have to run.
    Malitha and Sir_Walter like this.