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Please add Lava :)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by vilereaver41, Jan 29, 2014.

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Mods: Rainbows
  1. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    this is fairly easy to do if you dont code the physics, and just have a static block you place with png map.

    i might get around to it if someone makes me some nice lava sprites.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  2. PandemicCommander

    PandemicCommander Shipwright

    I do agree that some maps should have SOME natural hazard you can fall into, though having builders able to move lava or tar around may cause too many problems. I'd love to see some CTF or TTH maps with some kind of lava or tar pits. Hell, even bottomless pits like we have in deathmatch would be cool.
  3. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    That could be arranged
  4. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

  5. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    All the liquids to choose from and everyone always wants lava in a game just cause minecraft did it.

    Don't be South Park to their Simpsons.

    Oil, tar, acid, I'd prefer any of these over lava.

    P.S. it'd probably be better to have another mechnically unique block like sand instead of just another liquid. Espceially with how liquids behave, now imagine they have to code interaction between 2 liquids, uggh.

    You're just saying lava would be more enjoyable, you have no evidence to support that, what are your ideas for the mechanics even? Should it flow? Like water? If so would have to be made by the devs I believe, or you'd have to do a lot of coding (might not be available?) to interact with current water.

    Lava would assumingly instantly kill you, burn things, burn people, it sounds like something you bridge over and call it a day, if you can't move it manually it doesn't help to build castles in front of it, etc.

    Sounds like it would be boring as snot, something like tar would allow buckets to reasonably be used to ferry it to pots in which you could pour on enemies heads from above to do heckadeeps. ofa. declined. eoc.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
    Kramgnauh, epenow and 101i like this.
  6. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Lava works the best for a few reasons.

    It is the most identified with instant death.
    It looks better than any other insta-death liquid/plasma.
    It makes the most sense than any other options.

    There is a reason why Minecraft and Terraria have it in their games, because it works. Just because could use it doesn't mean we are copying, just that we are smart enough to have done what is best rather than putting something crappier to be different.

    There is a word for people who do that.

    HIPSTERS! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
    ThePiemaster likes this.
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It is the most identified with instant death.
    1)Who said anyone wants instant death? It is the most identified by a single set of people, people who have played these games, they identify lava with death in block games, because it is what they've seen, this is not true of people who have played other games for years on end or who have played just these.

    If I had played nothing but pitfall for years and then came to playing KAG, I would establish that any pit is dangerous and I would therefore avoid pits and consider them lethal, this is called personal background bias. What you perceive is not what others may necessarily perceive.

    2)Instant death is not a good mechanic, even in those other games, it's not instant death really, although it will usually end up in your death (in starbound as well it is the same, not instant, can be avoided even after touching, but usually will lead to death)

    It looks better than any other insta-death liquid/plasma.
    Clearly bias, but nevertheless, not really. I mean I much prefer the way acid looks in terraria/starbound personally. Oil looks pretty good in the major Minecraft mods. Lava looks okay at first, but the mechanics it brings to the table aren't great directly, you could do something with lava just like with oil and throw it off of a building, or use it to burn people, but it doesn't make as much sense.

    It makes the most sense than any other options.
    This isn't even a fucking reason.

    URMOM: "Why do you like pancakes?"
    Duplolas: "It makes the most sense than any other options" :huh?:

    epenow and Hella like this.
  8. Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants

    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants Insanity Incarnate Donator

    Lava would be nice for mapmaking... Keep it near bedrock, with a nice big pit leading down to it, and watch as people try to figure out ways to bridge it without falling in and toasting themselves.
  9. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    What about tar AND lava.


    That way you can have cool splashing people with buckets utility (although that would be arguably be inbalanced but that's for a different place, and how would you fill the bucket anyway without dieing?) or maybe some sort of tar traps or whatever you want. AND we can have cool volcano maps and something that makes more sense to be in the bedrock.

    And/or maybe poison water like starbound. It would slowly corrupt the water blocks around it into poisonous water, had they collided (also maybe a bucket of poisonous water could turn all water blocks into poison water in a certain radius). Should also spread slower to make sucking it up with sponges more effective(BP oil?). Basically you can use it against the enemy team so they NEED to use boats, but eventually you will need to use boats too if you don't take measures against it. Is also the only dangerous liquid that makes sense to use boats in.
  10. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Tar/Oil was actually used in medieval times rather than lava. (Which would burn you alive before you got close:oops:)
    Now I want you to provide me evidence that isn't a 10 year old playing minecraft to support lava 'Making sense'.:smug:

    epenow likes this.
  11. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    Again, please, tar, fire arrows, do the math
    Starsly, BlueLuigi and 101i like this.
  12. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    Do you mean oil and fire arrows?

    because then you get burning oil.
  13. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    Well when I said tar I ment tar but burning oil is close enough.
    zerd likes this.
  14. Lets also throw in some creepers, skeleton archers, diamond ore and a new crafting system for making new weapons. Hell why not change the games name to Kagcraft!

    Honestly though I don't think we need to add lava to the game. As the game should evolve around the player creating death traps from scratch and not be given a hole filled with lava, where they can just put a few trap blocks over and create a death hole in mere seconds.
    Jedi13, Starsly and epenow like this.
  15. M00SHAK

    M00SHAK Haxor

    Lava would fit more into a "story mode" of KAG. Maybe if Zombie Fortress made it's triumphant return (very unlikely to happen) then finding the "zombie spawn" would be like entering a hellish dimension, and there'd be lava all over the place. But of course, this is very much like terraria... :oops:
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2014 ---
    I'm pretty sure the devs are trying to keep it original :wink:
  16. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Story mode=Survival
    Zombie spawn=Nether Portal
    Hellish dimension=Nether
    Back to minecraft foul demon!
    @Geti please respond to this thread ;-;
  17. M00SHAK

    M00SHAK Haxor

    I'm not a demon ::(:

    Plus, half of that doesn't make sense... How would a SPAWN be a PORTAL? You can only come out of a spawn, so the objective of the "story" would be break the spawn (that was the goal of classic Zombie Fortress) . And story mode wouldn't really be like survival. Story has a beginning and an end (maybe with different opportunities for a variety gameplay). Survival has an objective of survive.
    101i likes this.
  18. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Awfully sorry I mis-read your post.
  19. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    It would be amazing to add like boiling water that you can tip on people.
  20. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I have no plans to add any more fluids to the game. You can change what water is in a mod by changing the water texture and making stuff that's "in water" die, or become slowed, or whatever. I dont think lakes of unending lava or tar really have a place in the game, and adding features for the sake of having them is not good practice.
    BlueLuigi and 101i like this.
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