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[1026] Does anyone else think the archers should be more powerful?

Discussion in 'Archer' started by BIOBOSS, Feb 8, 2014.


What you think:

  1. archers are fine as they are

  2. they are a bit weak for only range class

  1. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    I know, it's just I can never get enough velocity with half shots to do enough damage unless I'm on a tower ::(: Also I just mainly use the grapple as archer so I'm not actually the best at shooting.
  2. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Half shots did 1-1.5h damage around b800, it was interesting to be an archer when you can cause 1-2h damage when fencing, and 1.5-2h damage at long range.
  3. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    @epenow the lower the angle, the better. Half shots are good for mid-range and near-melee range, if you practice aiming them you can make some nice high angle shots with them as well.

    Basically, practice aiming half shots as well as normal ones, as each is very effective based on the situation.
    Nabuco likes this.
  4. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    I practice using grapple more than any thing.
  5. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    So do I, that's why I play hyper-aggressive. That's why half shots are so helpful, as you can do them between grapples with almost no slowdown.
    PandemicCommander likes this.
  6. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    yeah, the problem is that fencing took a huge hit between b800, and now.
  7. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    We'll thanks for the tips!::):
  8. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    One thing I've been working on is to start charging your shot at the bottom of a grapple, Trumbles does it well.

    Sir_Walter, Nabuco and Trumbles like this.
  9. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    Ohhhhhhh, that's what Trumbuls meant
  10. PandemicCommander

    PandemicCommander Shipwright

    Would be inetresting, I hate how quickly arrow ladders go away
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 28, 2014, Original Post Date: Feb 28, 2014 ---
    If we're posting ideas for archer power, I put this in the suggestions:


    BASICALLY: One of the main reasons I die as archer is getting cornered by knights beyond my control. Since you cant move THROUGH people. But since when you crouch, people can move through you, if the crouch had some momentum, a good archer could dive past knights and builders that corner him.
    Plus it would look really cool, a guy grapples in, and dives past a knight to bomb a structure or something::):
    kodysch and epenow like this.
  11. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    A dive would be nice.. But meh. If you're cornered and get out an arrow stun, you can pull yourself through someone with enough grapple tension, or at least drag them with you far enough that you can get out and go the opposite way.

    I'm really enjoying these new archer changes. Burn damage actually does a full heart, arrows can't be jabbed out of the air... (but can be slashed), have to directly hit a shielding knight with water arrows to stun him. Very nice all around.
  12. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Ladder arrows used to last 2 minutes before breaking or slashing (not many really cared, so walls stayed covered), but that was probably cut down because of how many arrows are flying around, and stuck in the ground compared now and then.
    That and it's a side thought to archers now, with their grapple. (Have Arrow Persistence, or Arrow Spam, really)

    I'm surprised that b900+ archers are having difficulty escaping, and avoiding corners... (And again, b800, micro stun, no knockback, no grapple, arrow laddering was too slow to be practical when running, and somehow, I survived a lot of the time, and sometimes killed the knight in question. What's your problem?)
    As far as arrow slashing goes, it invalidates a majority of the arrows that archers fire at me, and others when in the middle of combat. Jabbing is heavily segmented, and is as judgmental as an arrow when it comes to hitting a knight or shield, so I wouldn't even know if blocking with a jab is possible. (I generally don't stab either, or see knights jabbing at archers)

    Trumbles, you need to realize that a stun doesn't last along time, it's the reason why you never hit a shielding knight with anything less than a shotgun stun. Do you think diving can get you past a knight?

    I'm kinda glad people are rediscovering archer fencing though, but you'd need a micro stun or something at mid draw to make it worth anything, now.
  13. But it is still possible to grapple while crouched, you can literally crawl your way out.
  14. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    And then there is the issue of getting jab-spammed, or slashed anyways because grappling from standing or running isn't that much...
  15. Difficult, but still possible. Then again, and I think I'm quoting @Trumbles here. "Playing archer is all about being as unpredictable as you can."
  16. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Honestly, saying something is difficult, and that in some extreme cases it can happen doesn't mean it is a worthwhile, purposeful, or even a skillful endeavor.

    Believe me, Archers don't do things like camping, or shotgun stunning because it's random, but it's the best that they can do.
    Fencing and acrobatics have defined the b800 archers, and I'm simply glad that archers now are bringing it back, as it worked then, and even has some merit to it, even now, defensively and offensively.
    The issue is that archers are very squishy, and weak when they are made to defend themselves, and abjectly can't unless they are given an ideal, or extreme situation. This is what Trumbles is experiencing, but trust me, you can't avoid damage just because you crouch/dive, you could use it to avoid stomping, but Knights have since figured out how to counter that, too. (The damaged frames/state overrides the crouched state, so, that's the explanation there.)
  17. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Yes, many of my approaches are situational, but I have enough approaches to cover almost any situation.

    With the buff to fire arrows, I have even more tools in my kit, and with the removal of arrow jabbing, there's less room for me to be bested by random, dumb luck.

    Yes, getting around a stomp is as simple as pressing S, but it isn't when you're either in the air, stunned by water or a knight, or in a recovery frame. These are the times where I would target you with a stomp.

    TBH, stomping is the most situational tactic i can think of, hardly viable for an archer. But still has the potential to be used, and is easy to pick up, seeing as the most important part of learning to stomp, is learning when to stomp. The execution itself is simple.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  18. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    So you think +0.25h damage, assuming people are not near water, buckets, or water ammo, and actually get hit is that much of a boon? (Also, fire timers don't stack, they only overwrite, so think about shotgunning fire arrows)

    I'm not really sure that your bold confidence spreads to a majority, or moderate portion of the community.
    Especially since jabbing is rare compared to slashing, or shielding within the same screen of an archer, so arrows still kinda blow in that respect.
  19. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    The point is that fire does a full heart of burn damage, instead of .75 of a heart. This is extremely significant in my opinion, as it makes them combat viable.

    It lets you one-shot enemy archers, given no water is nearby, and do as much damage as a slash would to a knight, just slowly.

    While legolas-ing with only fire arrows would be a bad idea, Adding a single fire arrow to a triple shot, would allow you to kill a knight in a single volley.

    All in all, it's a boon. Not a massive one, but it's a boon. It's the little things that count.
    kedram likes this.