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Rapid Deathmatch

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Shadlington, Nov 1, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Rapid Deathmatch: The original and the best

    This is a 6v6 server running my custom RDM game mode.

    It has a pretty big map cycle and I'm always looking for more to add!
    I'm also interested in feedback on the maps - which do you like, which do you loathe?

    I like to change up the settings and see what works.
    At the moment archers have bombs but knights don't... Lets see how that goes.
    Contrary, Wolffkran, Hourai and 7 others like this.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    A nice distraction, thanks for sharing. See you ingame :)
  3. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Little update: This works best when you have 2 versions of every map, with swapped tent positions (if you're using uneven maps like we are).
  4. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    This server is awesome.
  5. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Glad you think so :D

    Incidentally, maps and suggestions for tweaks are very welcome!
  6. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    Playing on this server is the most fun I've had playing any game for a while. I love the fast pace and intensity of the battles!
  7. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Me and Wonka are working on a new map I would like to add into the server rotation:

    Ruined Pyramid



    This Map is about the same size as the bigger of the two maps we have right now.
    The different layers would provide interesting battles, I would imagine. I don't know if or how its possible but I would love to add a quarter to the room on top (it got oposing teamdoors on each side)

    Edit: Thank you Contrary for your criticism, I tweaked it accordingly, now the gaps on the left and right are full out ways to get up and down, the little balcony on the left middle layer is now made up so that you can destroy that one block of dirt to create another pathway, on the right of the middle layer there is something like that now too, you can destroy that one block of thick rock to make an additional pathway to the third layer or the block of dirt to create a way to the left.

    Anyways let me know what you guys think or maybe you got your own TDM map to show?
    Wonka likes this.
  8. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    That map looks like it would be fun for knight combat, but I'm not sure how great it would be for archers. There's not very much room for them to work their magic in all those tunnels. Another thing that worries me is having quarters in the map; it could work in other TDM servers, but it would take away from the fast pace of Rapid Deathmatch by making the battles last too long.
    Wyeth likes this.
  9. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    There are 3 small gaps that archers can shoot through from the second layer to the lower layer. Also except for the middle layer you got a lot of straight tunnels that you can easily shoot into (as they are rather wide) I was thinking of making some of the trees (notably the one on the left) high enough for archers to reach the third layer as a shortcut. Originally the space between the layers was a lot wider so archers would have probably had an easy game. After changing that I didn't account for that. Will change that. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Keep in mind that you start without money and you can't switch to builder quickly to acquire money. The only way to actually use the quarters (if no one has allready destroyed it which happens with a single slash) is if you have allready fought enemies, and as the map is not that big and enemies tend to cover together surviving this initial impact can be pretty hard. I think though that controlling the quarters and guarding it would be a valuable asset for a team, this would create tension to get to the top first (ensuring kind of a rush maybe?). But yeah I dont think its such a big deal as its mostly pretty hard to even survive while being hurt. I just wanted to give players some incentive to go up the pyramide.
  10. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    Mhh normally I'm not a person who posts any stuff and I already send a pm to shad... but because my lovely Wyeth wants me to do so, here is a map I made and would like to see in this game-mode! =)
    Would be nice to hear what other people think about it! =)

    So here it is, I'll call it... mhh ... Airbound Ruins:

    The map is 96x32 and the tents(spawns) are near the teamdoors!
    When I started building it I thought of jump'n'run but it's not that hard to get over those platforms, but I think they will give a good chance to bash your enemy down or shoot at people at the lower stage.

    Hope we'll soon be able to test it, if you don't hate it! :huh?: =)

    See you all.

    EDIT: 04.11.2011

    So I edited the map and made it bigger but this version I don't like as much as my normal one I think it's just not what I wanted the map to be like, now u can't let the ruins drop down for example and it's really large, just doesn't feel like the map I thought of.

    Here it is Forgotten Ruins:

    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/48131452/Forgotten Ruins.png

    Edit: Fixed the collapsing of the hole map: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/48131452/Forgotten Ruins Fix.png
    I like the collapsing-feature but there are people who get disconnects because of that...

    And because I prefer the original version I also made Airbound Ruins v2.0 with support of Wyeth and the good idea of Shadlington! Thanks there for!
    Actually no big changes but the flying platforms aren't as straight as they were before.

    Airbound Ruins v2.0:

    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/48131452/Airbound Ruins v2.0.png

    I think this one is better then the big one, but let the community should vote for what they would like more!

    I wish u all fun while playing. Bye!

    EDIT: 05.11.2011

    Here is a little update to Airbound Ruins, just to make it easier to let the hole thing collapse or just parts of it.
    Still fully collapses when breaking down enough of the Ruins!
    Airbound Ruins v2.1: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/48131452/Airbound Ruins v2.1.png

    Fixed collapsing map by adding blocks at the bottom so it collapsed cause it was to small, like shad figured out!^^
    So this one shouldn't collapse if you destroy the top!
    Airbound Ruins v2.2: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/48131452/Airbound Ruins v2.2.png

    But I think shad loves to see the maps collapse, that's why I made an extra update... now you can decide which version you prefer!^^
    Wyeth likes this.
  11. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I think I'll add both of these into rotation and we can see how they play ;)

    I definitely want to experiment with things like quarters and see how they effect the game.

    I might consider adding 20 stone to everyone's starting inventory and we could try to make a map that would work with a catapult on each team's side - that might be interesting!
    Neat, Wonka and Wyeth like this.
  12. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    Hey again!^^
    You wanted a map with catapults... so I just started to think about it.
    I came up with some ideas and just made a really simple one.
    I'm tired because it's late and that's why this is just a first look on what I have until now.
    I would like to hear some ideas to make the map more interesting and that's why I'm posting it now, cause tomorrow I'm not that much at home.^^

    So the map:

    Don't know why I wrote my name there... just felt like it xD

    size: 96x64

    How I imagine a round:
    Each team starts in their little "castle" and knights should run to the mid while archer should take the stone and arrows to crush the enemy knights in the mid or the mountain of the enemy, because if the enemy knights win the mid they can just climb your mountain and try to kill the archer.

    I don't know if it really works that good, but we'll see!^^
    And I don't think this map is already ready to be played, because archers may have it easier to stay alive and kill on this map.

    There also is only one way to walk so it's kinda lame...

    Map: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/48131452/CatapultsTDM.png

    I hope for helpful comments!^^
    See you all!


    Yeah when I posted this I was really really tired...this looks pretty dump, but it's hard to make a nice map with catapults.
    I just wanted to try something and made this map: Balls of Steel:
    I don't really want the people to throw stones but they should throw each other to the fighting area!
    I couldn't test alone if u can fly this way or if u just fall down but I think it's possible.
    It's no really impressiv thing and archer may be a bad choice for this map ...

    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/48131452/Balls of Steel.png
  13. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    No offense guys but I really dislike Airbound Ruins.

    The reason this game mode is so fun is of course in part the settings, but even more so because of the map. I don't know if Geti thought about it much, or maybe it's just that making something interesting artistically is similar to making something artistic gameplay wise, but the map has a lot of subtle strategy in it. The way it's laid out there are so many ways to quickly flank and draw your opponent into lower ground, giving you an advantage. There are good retreat and good ways to cutoff retreats, to corner and trap people. The only problem with the map is that the hill on the left is a bit of a nuisance.

    Airbound Ruins on the other hand is fairly one dimensional, being sort of a linear circuit with the broad flattish ares on the center bottom and for most of the top level. Most of the time you have one direct path to your enemy and one direct path away with little room for any kind of fancy footwork. The major points of interest, gameplay wise, are the two clusters with ladders on the bottom and the one cluster on top. The paths on the bottom are a one way sort of deal and are very short, leading to a cluster that's very limtied in gameplay. The top is a lot more interesting but isn't connected to any other interesting clusters or paths so its a fairly closed point of interest.

    The main gimmick of the map seems to be the broken sky aerial path. An interesting element but I think has several problems. For one the way it slants always gives one party a straightforward and unchangeable advantage over another in the engagement. With the large gaps making movement limited and predictable this makes fighting on it a shallow affair which is doubly troublesome as it takes up so much of the map.

    The map Wyeth posted is better but still too linear. I also dislike the small map Geti made. It's ok-ish, it would be ok once in a while but it's no where near the quality of The Map.

    I made a map today which uses a broken bridge similar to yours, and while it's not quite ready (read: still has a tonne of issues) I would feel bad posting such an extensive criticism without posting something of my own.


    Wyeth, Shadlington and Wonka like this.
  14. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    Mhh okay contrary thanks for your honest critic.
    It was my first map so I'm not sad about it, no I really like it, because it's much better then the other one I posted.
    But I'll try to hold on to your tips for the next map if I make another one!
  15. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hey don't give up on that map! Contrary makes some good points but you should just take them on board and keep tweaking it - there's plenty of room for improvement and it was pretty good for a first attempt!

    Perhaps you could mix up the upper path a bit, making it less even with more than one path (I'm picturing lots of blocks dotted around instead of a single path - not sure how well it would work in practice though).

    You could also allow the two structures closer to the centre to be jumped onto from either side instead of just via the ladders.
    Asterix likes this.
  16. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    I agree, also keep in mind that it is still Contraries opinion he is stating, I think he raises a lot of good points, but not every other player will agree with them (for example maybe some people like more linear maps) as I think you are going for that. I do not mean that you should discard Contraries opinion, just don't simply give up cause someone tells you he doesn't like your map, because someone will ALWAYS dislike your map, you can't please everyone equally that's sadly the truth.

    I think Shadlingtons idea of making the upper part up of clusters of smaller blocks would be quite interesting and would add a lot of strategical value.

    adding some platforms on the pillars leading up to the "bowl" in the top middle would certainly be changing the way the map is played a lot. I kinda like the idea of having only one (or 2) ways up to the skybridge though. It's different and different is good.

    All in all its a straight forward map, but that doesn't necessarily makes it a bad map.


    @Contrary, thanks for your insights, I like the way you think, I added some more alternative routes to Ruined Pyramid, more flexible movements should result from that, check it out in the post above.

    Also I *really* like your map layout. It allready looks incredibly fun, it's a lot like Geti's maps, which shouldn't say thats a bad thing at all, we all love Geti's maps!
    I especially like the bottomless death pit you added, environmental hazards for the win!

    One general thing for everybody and I gonna add some words here so that people looking for it on the forums can find it quickly: RGB, Change of colour, Tree tops, Trees, Map making.

    Your trees do not have tree tops at all, there should be spiky ends on top (thats RGB: 13, 105, 34) you probably allready know that, but if you check you will see that your editor actually changes it to 13, 104, 34 after saving (maybe closing and opening) its certainly not the right tile when you open the map ingame. You need to have 24-bit colour depth for it to work and not change the values around, 32-bit doesn't work as everything except sky and bedrock will vanish if you use that. As you can see in my picture I got mostly nice trees, some are without leaves but the spiky tops are definately there.
    Hope that could help you slightly or anyone else who is browsing the forums looking for help in this matter.
  17. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    Mhh I think you misunderstood me! xD
    I like the map and already played it with people who said it is fun so I'm not giving it up but don't know if changes would be good, because like wyeth said, they may change how the map in the moment works, but there are things I can possibly do.
    I'll think about changes of the flying bridge today and when I get home I may edit my post!
  18. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    wonka i try ur maps on my 5vs5 ClanWar server
  19. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    If I got some time on the weekends I will try to make my first map and upload it here =)
  20. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    That's fine, but I would like to know what you think of them, cause these are the first maps I created and I would like to have some critic on how I could improve my skills, so what do you like and what do you hate?!^^
Mods: jackitch