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Bring back gold bricks from classic

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by JPD, Jan 11, 2014.


Should gold bricks return?

  1. Yes! Gold bricks should return!

  2. No. Gold bricks are pointless.

Multiple votes are allowed.
Mods: Rainbows
  1. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Gold could be slightly blast resistant. (Makes a choice between hoarding, researching/building siege, and using it to line the walls)
    It's an otherwise wood-grade material whose only perk is being shiny, in block form, and is only really useful for hoarding.

    It'd become
    Wood < Stone (Anti-Infantry, but weak to wtf bomb hail siege)
    Wood < Gold (Anti-Siege, but weak to Knights that plink at it)
    JPD likes this.
  2. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I don't see why people want to have these re-added though.

    The current map cycle already has a limited supply of gold on a map. With some maps only giving you enough to make 1 siege shop and 1 bomb bolt upgrade. There are very few that allow you to have more than that. So why give players the ability to place gold blocks if essentially all the gold on the map is used up on more important things?
  3. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    So you are telling me that using gold to both create, and defend against siege isn't an interesting thing.
    JPD likes this.
  4. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    "Interesting" and "Useful" are two very different things.

    For example:

    Space Dandy is the coolest shit around, but watching it does nothing practical.

    Doing school work is the most boring shit around, but doing it is very practical.
  5. austinthus

    austinthus Horde Gibber

    Ok, well if not golden bricks, then at least golden backwall. Using wood for that could be considered a waste, and you should only use stone backwall if it's an emergency or you lack a brain. Imagine this: your impenetrable castle defends well, yes, but it's missing something... maybe the boring wood backwalls need some wallpaper? Golden backwalls! :D
  6. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    i can understand this with a modded server where people arent taking a match seriously, however being applied to vanilla ctf allows for moronic uses of such gold. whether the guy used gold by accident because he simply wanted to make the place look nice or some griefer came in and gathered all the gold, then spent it on back wall and blocks simply to ensure that you dont get a siege shop.... its extremely annoying already in this game when builders are below average, they hinder the team in every way and this idea just gives them another way to do so whether intentional or not.
    epenow likes this.
  7. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    >Don't add gold blocks because people can potentially grief and misuse it.

    I guess we shouldn't let people build anything at all because they can potentially grief and waste resources.

    Edit: Holy shit did someone just say watching Space Dandy isn't practical. Do you into symbolism? Obviously you are some backwards uncivilized savage if you can't even extrapolate even the simplest of themes Space Dandy tries to teach you, you uncultured swine. Why don't you go back under your rock and start world war 3 or something with the all zero friends you have before you start saying "watching Space Dandy isn't practical". DEEP LESSONS ARE TO BE HAD FROM THE DANDIEST GUY IN SPACE.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
  8. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Other than that, you could just mine the block back if you don't agree with its placement.
    Full return on pristine, less return if bombed, or nicked by a stray mook.
  9. Frederikam

    Frederikam Drill Rusher

    This block seems useless. Two building materials is enough. I can imagine builders walking around "minecrafting" shiny gold blocks, while they should be useful as battle builders, or as any other class (Which is already a HUGE problem in KAG).
  10. skelozero

    skelozero Catapult Fodder

    wot we need is iron not soft gold...
  11. Frederikam

    Frederikam Drill Rusher

    That'd just cause **A LOT** of pretty much useless "minecrafting", if you're thinking of the FUN ctf.
  12. skelozero

    skelozero Catapult Fodder

    im sorry i do not understand the term "minecrafting" please explain it
  13. Frederikam

    Frederikam Drill Rusher

    Minecrafting, is when a builder is working on the base, in particular, building decorations and completely useless structures. A "good" builder would however work on the front, or even dig through the enemy defense, or build important buildings such as tunnels. I imagine that some builders would be working on reinforcing their structures far from the front.

    Here's a case from yesterday:
    I was working with a team as a knight, despite this about half the team was builders. I saw builders building useless wooden towers (minecrafting!). We didn't have any tunnel connections, despite the many builders. A few builders were building defensive structures (useful builders), but we didn't have the manpower to push back (Because of too many builders), and therefor our structures eventually was crushed.

    This is one of the reasons why I created Tower Rush, as the construction of essential towers distract the "minecrafting" builders, making them build useful towers instead.

    Basically your goal in Tower Rush, is to build a tower from the center to the top, as the first team.
  14. skelozero

    skelozero Catapult Fodder

    and then how would adding iron (as a usefull ore not a vanity ore) make it worse?
  15. i mean sure guys, i miss golden manner structures but we got storage now
    101i likes this.
  16. Frederikam

    Frederikam Drill Rusher

    Because it means, that builders get more stuff to decorate with. Some may take their time, to turn a stone tower into an iron tower or something like that.
  17. skelozero

    skelozero Catapult Fodder

    yea i see your point but i think the case is bad builders im guessing this happens to you alot? mabey make the ore at the front line or something...
    Frederikam likes this.
  18. Frederikam

    Frederikam Drill Rusher

    I'm thinking the same. When I build maps I prefer to put the gold in the center of the map.
Mods: Rainbows