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Build 200 released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Good news for anyone who's paid for the full version - you're getting new stuff for your money now!

    Remember this?
    I'm sure you do ;)

    Gender swapping is available to everyone using the Misc [BACKSPACE] menu.

    Head customisation is now available to all paid players in-game in all servers. Enjoy wearing flashy hats, helmets and haircuts in-game! For those that have been hoping for a more custom (Do-it-yourself) form of customisation - patience! We're contemplating adding that but will need to figure out a way of making it ergonomic for you guys...
    Knight combat has been changed fairly significantly:
    • Two colliding hits will now bounce off each other!
    • Getting hurt interrupts charging (this applies to archers too)
    • Jab no longer stuns but does push away (this applies to builder hits too)
    • If two knights jab or slash at each other they clash!
      Not actual game footage.
    Other key changes include bridges being two way platforms and not blocking arrows(allowing for quite complicated team-only structures and elaborate traps, not to mention disguised pathways and more intuitive elevators than doorladders as well as being pretty crap for skybridging now as you can be shot with ease).
    Just press (crouch) on a bridge to fall off it.


    The camera is now fixed on the player. You can scroll by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen. This change is mainly for new players (especially ones that never played Soldat). You can easily return the old camera system in main menu -> Player.

    An arrow indicating bomb throw direction, many UI improvements (catapult menu especially), a bunch of things to assist in making guards lives easier including the name of anyone causing a collapse in the console, and the usual pile of tweaks likely to garner a thousand complaints ;) (we tested these for nearly a week to make sure they are good)
    Changelog B190a to B200:

    Zombie survival is next on the TODO ( :D )
    Valkyrie, Rainbows, laurentiu and 6 others like this.
  2. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Awsome.Thank you for the great and fast updates:D.Can't wait for zombies.
  3. Static

    Static Shopkeep Stealer

    Awesome work guys!

    Can't wait for zombie... Thinking might make another server when zombies come out!

    Going to.be awesome!
  4. mAz-

    mAz- Shipwright

    Shweet! You sir, are amazing!
  5. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    New combat is weird. Can't make a real comment yet but the new jab system feels very strange and with the clashing and the different hit detection it feels more random.

    Also it seems like you arbitrarily are not allowed to throw bombs downwards- humongous nerf to bomb jumping.

    Customization is great ofc.

    edit: no jab stun also makes it hard to stop people trying to bomb you at close range and nealy impossible to kill more than one guy alone as they can just out dps you.

    shield bashing seems even more random and inconsistent than before

    friction and colliding with walls seems a little borked as well. Say I'll get knocked back and I'll hit a wall and stay there for a second but then slide super far a second later.

    i see what you're going for with the jumping changes but it feels a lot less tight than before

    the changes to jab hit detection means that you can't escape from a fight.

    why was combat changed? Was this clashing stuff even in test?
  6. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    One word...ZOMBIES!
  7. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Hmm sad I didnt get to test stuff with you all this time :( Off to test on live I guess!
  8. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Jabs were changed because people don't like stunlocking. No idea why clashing was put in but it seems to be because you can just stab each other to death and the one with most hearts always wins, that old problem again.

    Shield bashing... I wish this would get a separate fix. Wish we could also throw bombs on the floor by our feet again, no reason to take that out at all.

    Either way, I like most stuff but as usual my pc likes to lag kag the f*** up so it's unplayable for me anyway.
  9. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    I want my $10 back.
    Darklight and Corpse like this.
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yes. We spent the last 10 hours or so straight testing.

    The bombs not going down was because many people didn't get that your cursor aimed the bomb -> "you can barely throw bombs at all" when Neat et al were able to shotput them into tiny notches forever away. It's been in for a few builds and is probably why all the vets have been talking about "wierd" bomb control. We'll likely remove it soon because the cursor makes it abundantly clear where you're aiming it.

    Clashing and charge dropping are both workarounds for no stun on jab and they worked very nicely last night. In high lag they'll likely suck but so does absolutely everything else. We've given up on designing the game for 400 ping as that doesn't even make any sense.

    Jumping changes are to allow you to do smaller jumps more easily but do make characters feel a little heavier. I've gotten used to it over the past many games though.

    Neat fix your computer it's crap not having you around to kill everyone.

    What fixes do you guys want to shield bashing we can probably slip them in. I'm honestly sick of all the waaah about it and would like to get it fixed. Same with charging - what's so bad and why is it so bad and how would you fix it if it is really so bad? (that last one @FinDude) Don't bother responding to those last two if you've played less than 60 hours of KAG guys, I'm interested in the vets opinion only here.
    Neither of them seem that borked when I play, but that's potentially because I'm used to playing with high ping.
    Valkyrie, Wyeth and IloveElectro like this.
  11. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Ah c'mon guys...! Just enjoy this wonderful game =)
  12. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I know what findudes complaint of charging is. Basically, make it so when your charge bar goes yellow, it always means a slash. Sometimes it goes yellow and you let go really fast, but it does nothing, apparently you were supposed to wait like a few milliseconds more. I dunno whether it's due to lag or what but having precise charge time is very important to actually hitting anyone. So basically, when it goes yellow, you should get the slash 100%. No idea if thats possible due to lag though.

    Shield bashing is completely random, that's what most people think anyway. Whether you actually hit anyone back with it is like flipping a coin. I'd say:

    If two people shield bash at the same time, both go flying back in opposite directions.

    Normal shield bash should 100% stun and knock back someone, whether they're charging jabbing or whatever.

    If you successfully shield bash, you should be very briefly stunned and knocked slightly back to compensate, but you should be able to regain control very quickly. This makes the shield bash effective at knocking people off cliffs, separating clumps of enemies and knocking someone back to prepare for charge or retreat. It does not help in small corridors, as you'll be stunned as well.

    I'm in the process of getting a clean install of windows 7 and not running it on bloody not genuine version.
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It's not going to change over the weekend a Michal's signed off. We might revert later, but you're stuck with it for now so make the best of it.

    ILE knows the score, just go have fun.
    Wyeth and IloveElectro like this.
  14. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @Neat cool will take it into consideration. The charge being yellow but not slashing thing is due to lag, yeah. Try it with the Henries and it's always a slash when it's yellow, as soon as the "tok" sound happens.
    We might have to make shield bashing a proper thing with a proper animation as I've got the frames somewhere, and have behaviour like what you've described. I'll put those on the list to look into, but the charge bar being a wierdo is mostly just due to lag afaik - the extra slashes that're sometimes possible might be bug related though.
  15. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Tested a LOT today. Everything seems FINE. Some things will take some getting used to, but overall, i think balance is getting better.

    To everyone hating on the jumps... Ever think that this will increase this usefulness of proper spike pits? Whatever happened to the complaint of "Spike pits are useless!1!!!1"? Something has been done to help it, yet it's overlooked.

    I could EASILY complain that i can no longer mow players like grass with my cheap charging and double slashing, yet i know it's better for the game overall... Why live in the past?

    Geti likes this.
  16. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    I enjoy my new-found heads. (that sounds kinda bad...)
    Geti likes this.
  17. Salted

    Salted Bison Rider

    how to lie down on a bridge without falling down now?
    Valkyrie and ilaks like this.
  18. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Yeah when I first realized that bombs were aimed with the mouse it blew my mind. I think it was when Neat posted his tutorial video that I learned it. To be fair I played archer almost exclusively but still that's something that should be evident immediately. I think us oldfags take that for granted.

    Clashing and charge dropping and soft jabs feel weird for me at about 200 ping. Remembering when hitstun was first implemented on the knight's sole attack way back when? Felt good man, felt real good. Jab stunlock was the worst it ever was back then, but it was way better as it actually felt like something way happening. Now you kind of get lost in combat more and it sometimes feels like "what the fuck why am i dying what is happening oh god", even to me who has read the changelog and has a reasonable amount of experience. Why was jab stun taken out? To stop stun locking? Now that was only a problem at ridiculous ping differences. The new issues are present even at lower pings.

    I don't like the jumping or bomb changes direction changes. Seems like the changes cater to noobs at the expense of what experienced players can do. It does take a bit of experience to control it but being able to jump at the exact height you want was very useful at times. It does make your character feel heavier, but it also makes it feel like your jump key might be a bit sticky.

    Shield bashing is really random. I don't know what else to say as it doesn't act in a predictable enough way to make any other comments on it. Speaking in terms of the previous build's shield bashing, that would be greatly improved by making bashing use the same lag compensation as jabbing and making the bash distance more normalized between different circumstances. A visual cue + unique sound would help a lot as well.

    edit: but I think it needs to retain usefulness in tunnels

    On the plus side bomb throwing is feeling better now and bomb jumping is more reasonable. The distance you could bombjump was pretty ridiculous, and I am beginning to catch a whiff of possible exploits that could launch you even farther. If you slashed in midair during a bombjump it was possible to kill yourself at full health just by hitting wall.

    Also the pumpkin head no longer looks like a butt. Good job on that.
    Slather and Corpse like this.
  19. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Contrary, stunlocking has been an issue on good pings, for example when you get slammed into a wall by a stun and then bounce right back into the enemies jab, which stuns you again, and so on till you're dead. You don't need ridiculous lag to pull that off. The bouncing thing was what caused that, if we just stopped at a wall from minimal momentum rather than bounced off it back into the enemy, that might help too.
  20. Knight1

    Knight1 Shark Slayer

    Awesome, Hopefully the new knight system will favor the more defensive people