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Random Disconnects, usually 5-7 mins in

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Krizzen, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

    Subject says it all. I get random disconnects, usually a few minutes in. Most of the time I get disconnected a minute after build phase. Sometimes I can play for hours and never get a disconnect. Servers I play in range in ping from 70ms to 150ms, but I opt for the lower ping.

    I see a lot of this in my console log file:

    [21454 setNetworkID: wrong id 0

    Anything to do with it?

    I have 18MB cable, no problems at all in any other game (except for the very very rare NAT issues with very obscure software).
  2. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

    Resolved. I now rarely have strange disconnects. I believe KAG requires a very stable connection, else there will be problems because my ISP is infamous for late night network tests/upgrades, which is when I usually play KAG!

    On top of the strange disconnects, I was somehow accidentally kick and banned from a server, and shortly was cleared of the ban.

    However, I wouldn't say I've tamed this beast, its just merely resolved its self to rear its ugly head another day.
  3. Krizzen

    Krizzen Shipwright

  4. Strech

    Strech KAG Guard Tester

    I have the same problem since the first build. :(
    In the house i live during the week i have a 20Mbit connection: i don't know if it's the provider's fault or the house's wiring is fucked up (it has a veeeery old telephone wiring) but the connection is unstable. I get temporary freezes in online games and sometimes it disconnects and reconnects, but in kag i get disconnected after about 1min in any server for no reason.
    It's different from being kicked because as a kag guard i can't be kicked even for ping...

    For the sake of science one day i tried to plug in another router and... it worked! I have freezes every minute or so but i don't get disconnected...