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Build 200 released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Hourai

    Hourai Shipwright

    I like the new build. I'd only remove that arrow when throwing bombs, unnecesary.
    Also, you can kill easily an enemy knight by jump-slashing over him, but it's harder to kill them at direct combat in flat terrain... who wins depends almost only of who has more hearts or friendly archers shooring~ I'd do something with that too.
  2. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    That's what I've been fighting for the last couple of days. I lost, as you can see.
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    The arrow when throwing bombs is to indicate where it will go, and while it seems unnecessary to veteran players many new players didn't understand that you could aim the bomb at all. This solves that. It also means you get an easier to read bomb timer free of charge.
    We'll see how we can make knight combat more skill orientated, but it's likely to never be properly fixed while you can still jump over enemies - being able to jump over people is the root cause of a lot of the combat quirkiness. We wouldn't be able to fix that without making jumping require standing still and charging your jumps or just limiting jump height to 1 tile, which I think many people would be very angry about.

    You can't, stop trying to prone on the end of skybridges or over your own team's spike pits. Ilaks hates it too. Must be something in the water you're drinking, I've literally never needed to prone on a bridge.

    @Contrary jabstun was taken out to prevent the whole 3 jabs to kill first hit wins thing. We'll get a better feel of how this balances over the weekend no doubt but combat was feeling better for me with 400 ping on the test server, and much better with 70 on the AU dedicated today so I'm leaning towards keeping it.
  4. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Well.. Keep the good work MM and Geti you work hard for our players and that very nice =)
    Just keep addings features and fixe bugs and make KAG the best game ever made with the most beautiful community
    So..I will eat salt and vinegar chips =)

    Ps: Geti I uploaded your Head haha ;)
  5. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Combat using the knight feels much improved for me, even at work on my crappy laptop. I like the changes overall. I really like the teambridge change. Really lessens the usefulness of skybridges and makes team ladders easier to build. Only problem that the devs cant fix is that builders still like to minecraft too much and not help out up front :(

    And lets not forget I can be STYLIN' IN MAH TOPHAT! :D
  6. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Can you fix it so you can throw bombs directly down on the block you're standing on? Allows for bombjumping without having a straight 5 tile platform.
    Noburu likes this.
  7. haladuz

    haladuz Shipwright

    Maybe changing crouching button to the customary "ctrl" would fix that issue with crouching on traps/bridges.
    Crouching could be toggleable, would help archers on some situations, I guess.
    ilaks likes this.
  8. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Not liking this.
    Previously, I could reach a state of flow, when me and the game became one. It was fantastic, and quite literally what I played for.
    Now, no more. As much as I try, I can't roll with the punches, I cant react smoothly. I cannot flow!!!!
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Bandwagonman like this.
  9. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yeah one of the few things I dont like with the update. No epic bomb jumping onto the enemy battlements and killing the archers that were just flipping you off!
  10. Mornaval

    Mornaval Shopkeep Stealer

    I lol'd a bit too hard at that.
  11. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Bomb jumping is still possible just tweaked, as it should be, knights have no buisness being more agile than archers.

    @Wonkyth: I know what you are talking about and it will come back if you keep playing. You just need to change your playstyle a bit.

    Generally: I know this seems as if knight vs knight combat just became random as hell, with everyone just doing something no one really understands, but there is a lot of underlying strategy going on and you are most likely overwhelmed with the new changes (I know I was, when we tested parrying + semi-stun I didn't understand what the hell is even happening, also it was pretty laggy so that had something to do with that aswell), test them out, push the boundaries and find out how to play with these new changes and you might just discover that battle is not as random as it seems, but you can actually controll the flow of the fight pretty easily.
    So hop on a good server and try it out.

    Parrying (or clash): This simply makes fucked up attacks less punishing... you go and try to stab someone he stabs too... no one gets hurt, nothing happens. Shield up and jump over him/backup and overwhelm him with a charge, a shieldbash or a quick jab from behind. Don't just keep on stabbing, thats exactly what the nice *cling* sound is telling you -> stabbing is pointless right now, go do something else.

    Semi-Stun: I love this, I think it adresses a lot of issues at the same time. There is no viscious cycle like stunlocking or getting caught up in infinite slash combos. It feels fair. You can stop someone from attacking you and keep on pushing without random effects. If you are getting hit from anything, backup or jump over him, just DON'T hit left or right mousebutton frantically, it does nothing. Once people realize this they will walk away after getting stabbed the first time, something that is easily possible (as I do it all the time). It's just different, completely different from what we did before.

    Bomb jumping: I love the arrow I think its very beginner friendly (as are the new tooltips that were introduced sometime, good job!), I think though we should be able to throw bombs as before, like Geti said with the new pointer there is no reason to make bomb throws unable to go down...

    Shield Bashing: Geti told me that its not possible in the current engine to change the weird lag that happens when someone gets shield bashed... So its not their fault.

    Also to all the archers out there: Keep in mind that this build is actually a sneaky boost for you:
    -No stunlock means you can escape when getting caught up in the frontlines (This is less worse than it sounds, I thought this would be a big deal but turns out it isn't)
    -Semi-Stun means gray and red level arrows just got a big upgrade, they disable attacks AND shield for 0.5 seconds. You can also break a charging knights charge, or at least halt it.

    I think this was a great update for the knight and playing him is outright better and more balanced than it was before.
    Also jumping is not that bad, just wait a while like Geti said and you will not even notice it anymore.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  12. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder

    I hate the brisge thing!!!
    ilaks likes this.
  13. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Yeah, I guess you're right.
    I still don't understand enough how the new system affects my play-style, but there still seems to be a few things screwy.
    Also, I've had no trouble shield-bashing in this build...
  14. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Dont think Ive seen it mentioned yet, so here goes:

    New bug: Knights can get through one wide opening and one thick walls in certain situations by slash attacking. Frequently when they do they teleport half a screen or more.
  15. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Yeah, just take a break. Changes can be painful in games, and often it takes a while to lose your attachment to the previous setup. Hopefully, after the break, you can welcome KAG back into your gaming repertoire. ;)
  16. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    I don't know if this would be a legit complaint but would it be possible to have explosion animations for bombs match the area of effect of the bomb? The bomberman cross explosion is so misleading. It's like, "oh hey a bomb, better dodge it by hopping backwards and away from the cross..." boom you die from a giant circular blast radius in mid air when none of the explosive animation hits you. Not a big deal but I don't know how to say it... just that people seem to know how to throw bombs further now with the directional arrows and with that there are more random luck deaths then ever before with bombs.
    haladuz, Strathos, Contrary and 5 others like this.
  17. laurentiu

    laurentiu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Very interesting update but name tags MUST be raised highter above the head because I cant see my hat...And some hats could use some more work.

    I also fucking hate random team change cause of unbalance...
  18. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    This. Has always confused me.
    Acavado likes this.
  19. Arrunas

    Arrunas Shopkeep Stealer

    I miss all the cool things, they happen at strange times in the early mornings where i am :P

    Cannot wait for the zombies mode to hit, i think thats whats going to finally turn a friend ive been trying to convince.
  20. Ok, I launched KAG and it downloaded new patch. Then I have broken game thanks to unsuccesful patching. I tried one more time. And one more time. And again. Always with the same effect. Broken game (190 build). So I downloaed KAG one more time. It was still 190 so I had same problem. Game is patching and in some moment is launching without full patch so it's broken. Any ideas how to fix it?
    E:nvm, I got 200 build sended from other player. Thanks, Fritz.