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[1057] Knights scaling walls infinitely?

Discussion in 'Knight' started by tons0phun, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. tons0phun

    tons0phun Shipwright

    So last night I was playing a round of this, and I saw another player by the name of "Spuds" do something with a knight I'd never seen before.

    One of our builders had build a vertical wall made of stone, which was at least 20-30 blocks in height. Spuds runs up to this thing, and scales it up the whole way, without using a single bomb to jump.
    He had his shield up in the gliding position, but it was like he somehow produced an infinite amount of small wall-jumps to get all the way up and over.

    Is this a well known exploit? Is there any intention to address or remove it?
    Waky likes this.
  2. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    This is definitely a well known technique. Basically I believe jumping off the wall gives you a small upward lift, and if you shield up and go back to the wall right after you jump off, you will go up a bit. Geti has said he isn't interested in "fixing" (if my memory is correct) but it isn't really that bad. There is a simple solution- building an overhang. 2-3 downward facing wooden plats will stop any would-be rusher in their tracks. Besides this it is fairly difficult to master, so these factors make it easily countered and rare. Honestly, if your base falls to a wall-jumper, it is more your failure at building than their OP mechanic.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2014
  3. lol this is really well known.
    Waky likes this.
  4. DooMAD

    DooMAD Shipwright

    I normally try to build towers with 4 or 5 down-facing platforms at the top, as they also slow down archers a bit. Some skilled archers still get past them, but many can't do it very easily.
    SirDangalang and Waky like this.
  5. tons0phun

    tons0phun Shipwright

    I'm aware of this maneuver, but this isn't what I'm talking about.

    What I mean is that a single knight went up a 30-block high wall like it was an escalator.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 24, 2014, Original Post Date: Mar 24, 2014 ---
    How is it done?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 24, 2014 ---
    I do that too, but again this isn't addressing archers doing what archers are made to do.

    This is about somebody exploiting a gameplay mechanic to make knights scale a 30-block high wall as well as an archer can.
    Waky likes this.
  6. @tons0phun was there any arrows stuck into the wall? If yes then this is why he seemed like he just floated up the wall.
    Waky likes this.
  7. tons0phun

    tons0phun Shipwright

    No arrows, no pockets of empty blocks in the wall, no bomb jumping.

    From what it looked like, it was like he got another small jump out of the edge/corner of each block up the wall, even though it was a single surface. I'm pretty sure it's an exploit of some sort.
    Waky likes this.
  8. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    So you are saying that it all happened in like 3 seconds? Because doing it the known way takes a lot longer than that.
  9. tons0phun

    tons0phun Shipwright

    Didn't say it was in 3 seconds, but if I had to guess I'd say it took somewhere closer to 5 or 6, as it was a considerably high wall. The main issue is that he came to it, and then did some sort of short hop-and-hover move up the whole wall continuously until he cleared it. He also tried to argue the fallacy about how "If it's still in the game it's legit" about doing this exploit.
  10. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

  11. tons0phun

    tons0phun Shipwright

  12. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    Yeah that's well known. I don't think the admins are for fixing it. It encourages building overhangs, spikes, platforms (you can't do this on platform blocks).
  13. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    There is already a thread for this, they should most likely be merged. Also if you searched you would have had all of your answers.
    Knighthart and Vampire like this.
  14. tons0phun

    tons0phun Shipwright

    But doesn't it imbalance the game just a bit to have it so knights can scale walls alone themselves?
    At first it was just something uniquely for archers, and if knights wanted to get up a wall they had to use teamwork with a builder to use ladders up the wall.

    The more I play this game the more it feels like it's just really about knights, with archers and builders being optional classes rather than secondary classes. Seems to me like the devs. are probably knight players. But it is their game I suppose.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 24, 2014, Original Post Date: Mar 24, 2014 ---
    I tried doing some searches that turned up nothing, but I realize now that it's dependent upon whatever page of the forums you are actively observing. Sorry about that.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It's not really an imbalance by much when you think of it.

    1)Knights should be able to do roughly this when there are multiple on each other's shields
    2)Every other class can do it
    3)Archers can do it and cause just as much if not more destruction
    4)Knights can get over almost anything with 1 bomb, virtually everything with 2 bombs already
    5)It's relartively slow
    6)It's skill based, so it actually introduces something to learn in this beta. (Jesus christ add more of those things)
    7)It's ridiculously easy to stop, stop building retarded straight up tall buildings, you put a 3/4 tile outcrop and you've solved this, also downward facing bridges, literally just 2-4 of them.
  16. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Its a "skill" that requires a bit of practice to be able to successfully do. Like the others already said, building to prevent against it is very easy.


    Having a 2 block over hang keeps it from happening.
  17. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    I've seen a Knight get over a 2-block overhang. It has to be longer, or be made out of platforms so they can't hit the edge of it and keep going.
    SirDangalang likes this.
  18. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Knighthart likes this.
  19. DooMAD

    DooMAD Shipwright

    Bare in mind I'm saying this as someone who almost always plays as builder.

    Competetive games are all about skill. If a knight player has taken the time to practice climbing structures in this way (it's not that easy to do) then fair play to them. If a builder hasn't taken the time to learn how to build structures that prevent knights from employing that skill, you should be blaming the builder and not the devs.

    The developers shouldn't be expected to babysit players who don't learn all the skills required to become good at the game. The game would become boring and sterile if they took out all the tricks and exploits. There's an entire subforum dedicated to building critiques, so if you see someone building a straight vertical tower, tell them to go read it. Or better yet, switch to builder and make it knight-resistant yourself.
    Malitha, zerd, BlueLuigi and 2 others like this.
  20. tons0phun

    tons0phun Shipwright

    I appreciate y'all pointing out the nature of the exploit, and I have moved the discussion of my opinion on to the appropriate thread.

    Thanks for the quick feedback though!
    FuzzyBlueBaron and BlueLuigi like this.