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Challenge the Zens now

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rymcd, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. AcidSeth

    AcidSeth Arsonist

    So I was thinking, what if Pubs made a call on TeamSpeak or similar as Zens do?

    Communication could be the key. ::P:
    ShinySkies likes this.
  2. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    Oodle made a small post on this already!
    I'll copy and paste it.:wink:

    "We should all use teamspeak, the kag official port address is furai.pl:9987

    read this for more info https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/official-teamspeak-3-channel-for-kag.70/
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 23, 2014, Original Post Date: Mar 23, 2014 ---"

    I do think this is awesome idea and I hope we can get it going.::):
    AcidSeth and ShinySkies like this.
  3. jarrydthysse

    jarrydthysse Bison Rider
    1. Trueblue [TB]

    I dont know how to use teamspeek ::(:
  4. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Shiny, I applied on the 10th, but did not receive the PM. ???
    ShinySkies likes this.
  5. AcidSeth

    AcidSeth Arsonist


    Same happened to me, they had some troubles arranging the list of players.
    But you should message them privately about that.
    ShinySkies likes this.
  6. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    Hey everyone I'm sorry things didn't run as smooth this time. There is a few issues that came up and I'll mention them here.

    1. The sign up system is going to be reworked so we can be more accurate with the line up before it starts. We will start including a substitute list and some other changes for public and Zen.

    2. The person for recording and how it's done has been alternating. We have been trying different ideas and I think it's time to have one official style for this. I would like to find at least two people that will be able to officially record from spectator. This way they can substitute for each other and possibly be from different time zones to better support the swapping between US and EU servers. I would also like to make sure they aren't in a call with people playing the match to prevent temptations of advising a team. We could try a commentator style in the videos down the road.

    3. Zen always use's Skype and receives a boost in coordination while playing. The public currently has nothing set up and as tried rushing them into our Skype call this event, it turned into a disconnection nightmare. I would love to get us all on team speak for the next event to fix this. I think it would help get the public working together more while improve the experience overall for everyone.::):

    Tell me what you think, feedback is always insisted.

    P.S. Sadly the video's of this match got messed up when I was recording. I will not be releasing any videos from this event, however two people did capture the event from there point of view(@weakfiend, @DragonShark). This will be fixed when I replace myself for recording with someone more experienced with it.:wink:
  7. voper45

    voper45 Arsonist
    1. Zen Laboratories

    considering this is the first time with alot of issues, i say things have been successful, and we can only continue to improve things....right?
    rymcd likes this.
  8. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    Life is a continuous downward spiral.
  9. weakfiend

    weakfiend Builder Stabber
    1. STORM - STORM (Invite Only)

    zerd and ShinySkies like this.
  10. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Look at this masterpiece! <33

    That was a Zen battle.
    zerd likes this.
  11. jpbkiller

    jpbkiller Shark Slayer

    Passing my good move again and again :D Thx for the record , that was a gooood time playing vs the Zen's ! Good game to them :)
    ShinySkies likes this.
  12. Sorry I couldn't make it, something showed up unexpectedly. Apologies!
    ShinySkies likes this.
  13. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    Update #5

    For all those who are interested in fighting the Zen's, we will be hosting a new team war vs the Zen's Saturday the 19th of April at 8pm CET / 7pm GMT / 2pm EST / 11 am PST. Everyone who is interested can sign up for this, no matter if you are on a team or not.

    The time said above is the time we want to start the event, meaning we want you to be there at least 5 minutes in advance so we know if we will need substitutes, and can start getting the teams ready. If you cannot make it to be the 5 minutes early notify us by PM, or directly in your post.

    The requirements to sign up are simple, you need at least a decent skill level and be able to co-operate in a team without flaming or other unwanted behaviour.

    The teams for the matches will depend on the amount of applicants, but we do require at least a team of 5 to be able to hold the event.
    We are planning to host these events more frequently so if you are interested, please follow our thread.

    The password to the server where the event will be held usually gets send out the day prior to the event. If you did not get the password by saturday contact one of the hosts.

    Do not fear, for those not able to join in Saturday the 19th of April we will try to hold another event the week after! There is no limit on the amounts of times you can join in these events, so everyone who has already played this week can sign up for upcoming Saturday again!


    Send ShinySkies or rymcd a message.

    PS: The time for the New Zealand players will be Sunday 8 am due to the time differences.
    jpbkiller and ShinySkies like this.
  14. jpbkiller

    jpbkiller Shark Slayer

    I'll be there for sure ! :D
    ShinySkies likes this.
  15. what server?
  16. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    I am so sorry about how random and irreverent the Skype call is for most of the video. The Skype call was done last minute and got rushed. From that point that match started going and there wasn't really time to get people ready for a call they'd be recorded in. I also had a lot of internet problems and wasn't happy about it.

    However it was still awesome and I ended up having a blast. Also @voper45 I completely agree, I believe these events will continue to improve with experience. We just hit some just hit some rough patches, but anyone would eventually. I do think it could happen to anyone and it's going to be lessons, not setbacks. We're learning better ways to host and working on expanding this into something much bigger!!!!:heart:
    voper45 and Apronymous like this.
  17. weakfiend

    weakfiend Builder Stabber
    1. STORM - STORM (Invite Only)

    zerd, jpbkiller and ShinySkies like this.
  18. Mongnar27

    Mongnar27 Catapult Fodder

    Sign me up pls. for Sat 18th, and Iwill Probably be there :D
    ShinySkies likes this.
  19. jarrydthysse

    jarrydthysse Bison Rider
    1. Trueblue [TB]

    i am available for the next match ::D:
    ShinySkies likes this.
  20. AcidSeth

    AcidSeth Arsonist

    Uhm, should be good for next time.
    ShinySkies likes this.
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