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Shiprekt begginer tips

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by metalcallous, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    When you head out on a raiding ship, carry a block with a bomb or gun on it (if plausible). If your attack *almost* gets the enemy you can do some serious damage placing either of those near their core.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  2. ccnc

    ccnc Catapult Fodder

    I don't think this will stay forever because I think the black map edges might get removed and properly mirrored.
    Ackchyually I'm already working on a mod doing this, I'm just rly slowly progressing cause missing time, motivation and I'm not rly familiar with the KAG scripts.

    I mentioned this tactic and it looks like some people misinterpreted this and attach bombs to own team-core
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Love the updates to the OP, @metalcallous. I'll have to get my act together and post up a good example of my preferred design (which I term "The Mantis" in light of its passing similarity to the FTL mantis ships). ::):
  4. infinitito

    infinitito Catapult Fodder

    That might be better in the end for a space station style design, branching out and putting traps alongside the edges or on the weak side. As far as I can tell the only thing keeping my tactic viable is nobody thinking of coming in from the dark side, as that's the side usually structurally weakest.

    I've also had the idea today of making a regular gunboat, squareish, and surrounding it with smaller assault boats as a sort of main hub or dock, constantly making new boats as both a shield and a method of attack. Would make things much more interesting while still having the same idea of a stationary fortress. As long as the boats are far enough away from the main hub, but still surrounding it, any attackers might just damage only the shield of boats. But any well made broadside ship could easily circle this and ensnare it in the wrath of cannons.

    Yesterday I saw someone experimenting with a "spear" ship which was basically a long string of solid blocks he was attempting to use to penetrate directly into another ships core, so there are a lot of good ideas floating around just in this mod. Pretty amazing how something like this mod can be almost a total conversion of the way people think.
  5. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    I have a question: Whenever I play Shiprekt, there is a noticeable amount of lag (and its worse on bigger servers). I never get lag when playing normal KAG. Is this just my computer or is it Shiprekt itself?
  6. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I actually only build mini ram ships. They are effected and can most of the time take out the core. I also recommend putting bombs in the back because if they are on the front they will blow you back and you will lose all of you speed. Putting them in the back is a nice way to add a little 'final blow' when your ship is decimated and the bomb blows up there core.

    Also players who can't understand simple things do seem like griefers. They always attach your shit to the main base or run off with it.
  7. Are you running a computer with an AMD CPU/APU? It happens for me, and I'm running on an AMD Vision A8-4500M.
  8. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    ...um... I'm not much of a tech savvy guy, but... All I know is that my computer has... 4 gig of ram...
    101i likes this.
  9. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    I'm running an AMD CPU and my FPS drops if someone makes HUGE ships.
  10. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I think lag is just something that is a necessary part of SR, given the number of blobs that the server has to keep track of (although if people spam shit everywhere in the sea it definitely doesn't help things).
  11. @FuzzyBlueBaron - Nah, I get it too in KAG itself, outside of Shiprekt. Often makes it totally unplayable. Probably should fork this discussion into its own thread, I guess.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  12. metalcallous

    metalcallous Shipwright

    Updated original post
    Added to:
    -3. Detachable Chains, 4. Chairs, 6. Wall Blocks, 7. Raft Flooring
    -A new ship idea
    -As well as a new section about launching torpedoes
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  13. Jepton

    Jepton Shipwright

    TIL: Spacebar function.
  14. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I can't stand some servers, wait I mean players. They ruin this gamemode. Whether it be driving your ship, randomly placing blocks, activating engines, or just being incompetent.

    I have been kick for yelling at a guy that for some reason ran off with my little ship and jumped off wasting it. I can't tell if they are just stupid or fucking griefing. There needs to be more admins on servers.

    I have an idea, the original captain(or oldest player on the ship incase the captain leaves) has a pie menu when he presses e on a teammate. In the menu he or she can prevent players from doing certain stuff. Like if new people join and you can make set them so they can only use turrents. Or only building. I hope you get what I mean
    crackwise and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  15. metalcallous

    metalcallous Shipwright

    Yep, nothing more annoying than building an awesome ship. Then new comers just sit on the chair and take over it. What's worse is you try to ask politely and they decline using your torpedoes as a ram, and not even aiming the broadsides at the enemy. :(

    On some servers we have them cooperative players; and on others (not even noobs) we'd have those that are plain griefing :|
  16. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    If you know about topology, it turns out a square map that wraps around has the orientation of a torus embedded in 3-space. That means you're sailing around on a really big donut.
    Apronymous likes this.
  17. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    A donut that's top view circle has the same radius as its section view circle.
    Because when I eat donughts their holes come to a point.

    So all these complaints about partners have got me thinking, how long do you guys think it will be before Shiprekt exclusive clans hold clan wars with each other?
  18. metalcallous

    metalcallous Shipwright

    Not even have to be clans, just a group of acquaintances agreeing to be on the same TS or agreeing to have a battle plan. They could organize it via forum and just duke it out :3
  19. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    It sure would get rid of that risk of fools taking over your ship and "reking" it.
  20. Jepton

    Jepton Shipwright

    We could always have that seats placed by you (That aren't attached to core) are only usable by you.