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Bobotype's effectiveness rework of the Archer

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by bobotype, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    @bobotype your definition of balance is flawed for kag. Your definition as it seems is knight=archer. Well, that just can't be. As soon 1 or more archers can take down a knight from a safe spot on a tower, KAG would go back to alpha. Alpha fights consisted of 2 big-ass towers with knights constantly dying in the middle and archers raining hell upon everything.

    As it stands in KAG, balance is based more on a team basis.
    1 knight + 1 archer > 3-5 knights. add in another knight, and another archer, and you have a steam-rolling tank that can't be stopped unless the two knights get hit by a bomb ballista, falling keg, or people with better teamwork. When you play solo with no regards to your teammates, KAG is unbalanced. But when you take into account that there are other people on your team (and see the big picture), KAG is balanced. Don't try to 1v1 knights as an archer. YOU AREN'T TRUMBLES OR NIGHTHAWK. They've both put countless hours into mastering the archer class. You have maybe 30 hours of gameplay? Trumbles has over 500, and Nighthawk has over 200. Come back after many more hours, and actually be a part of your team rather than a solo player, and then you can maybe bitch about balance if you still see KAG as unbalanced.
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  2. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad


    Don't actually do that please.

    Archers = Support
    Knight = Offense
    Builder = Defense

    Simple as that. If you want Archers = Offense, which is seems that you do, then it won't happen.

    The reason why I don't need to read the Great Wall of Text is because many more have tried suggesting new concepts for archer, none have worked. There is literally 17 pages of archer suggestions, nothing will change if nothing of that went through.

    Here in the KAG community we are basically the pickiest mother fucking eaters around. Once we find something good, we really like it. Problem is, once we eat it, we have to find something new that we like that we haven't eaten before. 6,248 types of dishes later, 12 or so we liked.

    Get it?

    Trust me when I say this, I have more experience with suggestions than anyone else.
  3. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    "1 Archer and Knight>3-5 Knights"
    AHAHAHAHHAHA YOU ARE OFFICIALLY DISCONNECTED FROM REALITY- Those 3-5 Knights will all have killed the lone Knight with their individual doubleslashes and no matter what the Archer and other Knight does those are all going to connect; the Archer will barely make a difference in that scenario because his Legolas Shot, his highest damage output, will likely take longer to charge than the duration of the fight.

    I already told you about the big picture [and now you're starting to sound like the "crunch" guy from The Mighty Boosh, on an unrelated note] and you have no idea of the big picture judging by your posts. I don't want to be beating the Knight 1v1. I just want to be able to hurt him when he's prancing his indestructible ass around my walls, OK? You aren't addressing that at all. [Technically, that's a 1.5v1 situation because the Archer needs a Builder to have set up the walls first].

    You aren't a psychic. I've been playing the game on an IRL friend's computer since mid 2013 and I have a competent level of experience under my belt, even if I'm not a pro. And it's not about my personal skill, which I will say for the last time cause you don't get it. Any day, looking for a win, I'd pick a pro Knight or Builder over a pro Archer. You would too if you weren't arguing this.

    I don't want to be a "solo player", that's what Knights are btw

    KAG is clearly not balanced.
    I don't care if you're a "suggestions thread expert", mate. Read the thread if you're putting your opinion out there, otherwise don't post. Your post is redundant. And it also helps spread bullshit, because I'm not talking an Offense Archer, I'm talking an Archer that can actually attack and harm enemies at range, which is what he is classed as on the wiki: Ranged. Builder is the Support class, lrn2meta [if it was the Defense class, then what are siege ladders/undermining enemy base/breaking stone doors for knights/ballistas and catas which are clearly a support weapon against static targets such as enemy walls? Builders wouldn't have offensive capabilities at all if they were the Defense class].
  4. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad


    You need to calm down man. Seriously.
  5. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    You were being told to read this thread, not attempt to hijack it as an additional outlet for your refuted "ideas" (if that's what passes for thought with you). And even if you *had* been told to necro that thread it wouldn't have excused doing so. Incidently, the hell are you trying to do by spreading these ramblings across two threads?

    Every time we shoot you down we do so using quite a bit of thought. You should try it sometime, it works wonders.

    One final note, I've decided to consider you a troll instead of an ignorant twat. Totally head canon now.
    Duplolas likes this.
  6. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    THIS. I thought you would have figured it out by now, but you don't realize that this is a cancerous idea. I thought I made it pretty clear in my first post that this was bad. One bad apple spoils the bunch. This idea (no matter what it's with) encourages archers to sit in a tower all day shooting down knights before they can even get to the tower. It would basically be like classic kag all over again. There's a reason we moved on from classic, and this was it. 2 archers could hold off people for hours, and matches got stale-matey as fuck.

    and you still want to nerf the best and arguably the most fun thing about archer?

    ignored seeing as how you have never seen an archer knight duo wreck entire teams before.

    I'm a knight, does that mean I'm a selfish, arrogant jerk who cares only for himself, and doesn't try to win, and only betters his k/d? No, most of us agree that W/L is more important than K/D. That means working as a team is more important than however many knights you can take out.

    Actually, I'm just a bastard with a keyboard, who knows how to search. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072392025 I'm assuming this is your profile? 31 hours, plus playing on a computer that isn't your own? maybe 40-50 at best. (I have to admit, 30 was actually a really close guess)
  7. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator



    I actually planned on saying how fucking effective knight(s) + an archer that can actually aim is before auburn mentioned it.

    I have a much easier time beating 4 knights than 1 with archer support.
    It's ths whole mind thing, man. You shoot arrows at him. They stun, deal damage, and completely mess up his rythm. When I face that combo, I generally have to backpedal and hide behind my shield.
    Either that or run up like a slashing maniac and hope to kill the archer if he's close enough.
    Ofc i can't really do that with the slashing arrow removal. You don't unserstand how much that help archers in close range.

    And if you are saying one Knight can't solo 5 knights, have you even played with someone with more than 100 hours?

    Im on a phone btw so I just wanted to say that quickly , but it might sound shit weird since I'm not gonna bother fixing it since i hate typing on phones.
  8. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Hes got 57 for Call of Duty.

    IMO that is enough experience to suggest game changing ideas.

    I think this thread should be moved to the pit of bad suggestions in the "Balance" category.
  9. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    I'm calm. Auburn's the one who literally "lost his patience" over this. IMO you're just telling me to "calm down" because you have nothing to contribute, but don't like my ideas.

    You literally are using no arguments whatsoever to discuss the ideas in this thread, and only using ad hominem. If you're going to call me a troll and say I'm not using thought when I'm going to quite some trouble to present coherent arguments on the ideas at hand, then you're being a liar and you can just leave. Also, "You were told to read that thread, not hijack it" is complete and utter bullcrap. None of you make up some "ruling class" who decides what posts are made, that is the moderators' job.

    No anon, you are the cancer. WHAT ARCHERS SHOULD BE DOING IS SHOOTING AT KNIGHTS. What the hell do you think Arrows are even for? 8 shots having to hit in a row doesn't mean you will see Knights suddenly dying left, right and centre underneath a hail of arrows. 16 seconds of charging time, not including flight time, and a single arrow at a time per charge. Even if you're an absolute idiot who doesn't dodge 16 seconds of tanking is a decent time to do whatever it is you want to do. If more Archers than 1 are present then we're implying more Knights than 1 are present, fair enough.

    Like I said, a 1 second per shots delay on the Archer would only be a very minor delay, I can't see what's getting you so worked up over that one. The only thing it would change would be making grappling your way over Builders' tower overhangs [you know, the ones specifically built to keep Archers out] harder. Escaping from other classes and swinging around would barely be affected because at the moment it takes you almost a second to let the grapple pull you around anyway.

    No, I haven't, and I seriously disbelieve that a Knight and Archer of equal skill to 5 Knights would ever beat those 5 knights in a fight. Maybe if they were scrublord Knights it would be possible, but that takes out equal skill and so renders the example invalid [UHHHH WHATS A DUBBLE SLASH]

    And how does having K/D rewards as an Archer and showing off your skill make you a selfish jerk who instantly doesn't want to work together with their team because you can get kills? You're doublethinking pretty hard there.

    Thank you, le master hakker exx dee, I do have 30 hours on my own profile, where I was gifted the game because I decided I quite liked it. I've played about 65 hours total, most of it this year. Now that we're done on my life story, tell me, what does that have to do with my Arguments? Your post here so far has only addressed 2 issues and said nothing conclusive about the others. Even if I'm the shittiest player in the world with one hour ingame, you still have to address my IDEAS. This is a suggestions and ideas forum.

    But since the most damage the Archer can hope to do is 3 Hearts, you can advance Shielded and jab him to death, or you can charge Slash, tank the three hearts and close the gap to him while Slashing to kill him. Either way, dead Archer. And saying "You don't understand how much Archers help in close range": Why is the Archer forced into close range, the place they should be and are weakest? As it is, assuming all arrows from a Trishot land the stun is only brief, it can be evaded by many means, and the Archer simply makes themselves a priority target by being at close range.
    It's entirely possible for a Knight alone to solo 5 Knights if the skill level is not equal.

    Yeah I have 57 hours in Call of Duty Black Ops, because I play games not based on the general consensus of how bad they are, but on how much entertainment I get out of them. Trying to make me look "Casual"? I also play Dwarf Fortress pretty damn frequently, as well as the original Quakes and a wide variety of other games, RTS, RPG, simulator, beat-em-ups, you name it. And once again, it's fucking irrelevant what games I play apart from KAG. I could play #swagdeathrapesimulator2014 and it wouldn't make any difference to these fucking IDEAS RIGHT HERE THAT YOU AREN'T READING.

    I think honestly your account should be deleted because you spend more time reading my Steam profile than you do the thread, then ask for the thread to be deleted. A person like that shouldn't have an account.
    icemusher likes this.
  10. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Time and time again, you take the team factor out of the equation. The only thing that keeps knights from being literally useless against archer, is that they have the ability to shield shots effectively at range. If a team had 4 or more archers (don't even call bullshit on this, I've seen it way too often lately), enemy knights would be dropping in two quick volleys.

    The real time you should be shooting at a knight from long range, is when they're preoccupied fighting YOUR knights. You know, those teammates you seem to keep forgetting you have. It's not as easy to constantly hold your shield up when you have to fight someone right in front of you, and even if you do, the archer can time his shots between his ally's slash stuns, to sneak in free damage.

    Archer is a supportive class, and thus they shine their brightest when supporting.

    I'm done making arguments, because you seem to be more interested in retaliating at all of these fuckwads, instead of having an actual discussion.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
    Sir_Walter and Auburn like this.
  11. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    I am frequently including the team factor. I think the bigger issue is that small scale ingame conflicts, which arise even in big teams, are being ignored, like when the rest of the team is fighting one point and you and a few enemies have strayed from the main battle.

    I'm retaliating while asking them to refute my points. If they won't do it, that's not my fault. Thank you for your earlier contribution.
  12. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    I think the general consensus in the this thread is that the archer is wobbly enough as is. Please, stop and think for a second.

    "Maybe I am actually wrong, and that is why everybody on this thread disagrees with me."
    Auburn likes this.
  13. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Nope. Clearly we all just hate Kermit The Frog.
    Sir_Walter, Jlordo and Auburn like this.
  14. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Thats what I did after not doing that for a long time. Look at me now, I am Supreme Commander of Team Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren.

    Anything is possible if you listen.
  15. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    >"I'm including team factor guys"
    >keeps saying how arrows piercing is balanced because keeps assuming there's only ever one archer shooting at you for 16 seconds
    >assumes that knight + archer team cant reck a squad of knights VIA triple-shotting, holding other knights back if even a second, or just using special arrows (ie SUPPORTING)

    Apronymous and Auburn like this.
  16. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Read the rules before posting:
    Also, balance discussion goes here, where there are already several threads discussing these same points. You seem to have posted in some of them, if would like to continue discussion about these topics, please make it so there.

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
    Sir_Walter, Duplolas, Jlordo and 2 others like this.
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