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Discussion in 'Archive' started by HaQ, Apr 2, 2014.

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  1. Application

    *I play every day from 5 p.m. - 12 pm
    * I'm Admin on CnM (Cat and Mice)
    1.1 Owner isn't my friend
    1.2 I'm Admin for 2 months
    1.3 Never removed admin status .
    * "I will bring order and discipline to the community" Vampire ;)

    Ingame pseudo: HaQ , HakuPl
    Real Name: Arthur
    Languages you can speak: Polish english, and a tiny bit of german
    Your country: Poland
    Days and hours can you be present: well i play every day after school eccept if im on a trip
    * Mail or other way to communicate: email :arturhaak1@wp.pl skype : arturhaak1
    A little speech about you: well im a creative person who likes to be an archer or builder in kag but im working on knight im somethimes a little annoying i try not to swear ever. and i dislike hackers
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
    rzaleu, Porti, miniu and 1 other person like this.
  2. @HaQ use this format to apply yo , otherwise you wouldn't even be looked at twice.
    • How often do you play?
    • Which well known servers have you had admin on before? (if yes, answer the following sub-questions below as well)
      • Did you simply get admin because you are a friend of the owner?
      • How long were you admin?
      • Was your admin status ever removed and if so why?
    • Do you have any recommendations from guards or server owners or other notable people?
      • If so, ask them to post here
    • Why should you get admin and what makes you a good admin?
    • Any other information you think might be relevant?

    Good luck :)
    HaQ likes this.
  3. Thx Vampire ;)
  4. PussyDestroyer

    PussyDestroyer Bison Rider

    +1 He good player and he have rules ;p (that make him special in this world) ;3
    HaQ likes this.
  5. +1
    HaQ likes this.
  6. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    +1 . This Guy is responsible. I know him and he is one of best C&M admins.
    HaQ likes this.
  7. Porti

    Porti Haxor

    +1. He is excellent admin, and he has experience.
    HaQ likes this.
  8. rzaleu

    rzaleu Shark Slayer

    Helpful guy, would be an great admin.
    HaQ likes this.
  9. Konfitur

    Konfitur Haxor

    HaQ likes this.
  10. cepiarz

    cepiarz Haxor
    1. Grey Wardens - GREY

    HaQ likes this.
  11. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    RadioActive likes this.
  12. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    I think you should not be admin.
  13. Give me one reason ,@Mazey you dont know me .
  14. Porti

    Porti Haxor

    Mazey don`t know you and its his reason to give you -1 i think. wtf:huh?:.
  15. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    Calm down Guys, that's just Mazey.
    Mazey likes this.
  16. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    I was looking at your English and at your application.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
    101i likes this.
  17. to your english..
    Porti, Mazey and Sir_Walter like this.
  18. maybe i don't speak English very well but i am good player with rules , and this is the most important .
    secondly you don't know me .
    I play only classic kag
    I speak good English and is enough for me to maintain order
    Porti and Vampire like this.
  19. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    Official servers and players don't need people playing the classic version. You should stay where you're - in Classic. Also by the people like you Polish section of the forum is messed up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2014
    Mazey likes this.
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