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Build 200 released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Well jabbing doesn't prevent you from moving, but that doesn't really matter as you often don't have time or space to move, and in any case most jab spammer hold forward while spamming.

    Archer can even stunlock you to death.

    I literally NEVER had a problem with stunlocking last build.
    Foxodi likes this.
  2. Chiguireitor

    Chiguireitor Shopkeep Stealer

    I don't know where to ask this, but i'm having a particularly annoying bug.

    My system is an Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit and there's no sound, is there a way to configure the sound under Linux?

    Edit: Just to clarify, everything else on my system has sound (youtube, web pages, programs, etc.), but KAG doesn't. Which sound system does use it?
  3. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Well lots of people did, including me, what if you were able to shield after being jabbed? You could shield and move back.
  4. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester


    Going to express my opinions on the new build(s):

    I don't like that knights can glide. As of now, the knight gliding makes them faster than an archer. I don't like the maneuverability of the knight vs. the archer right now, because the knight can win! If any gliding takes place, please make it the archer.

    I don't like that outposts can be moved. An asshole could move your op, or even throw it towards the enemy, yet again creating more griefer fun. In an ideal situation, the outpost moving would be fine, but in large public games, it's not fine.

    I don't like that knight combat is now based on numbers. I used to be a pretty good knight (I thought?). But with the current build, I can't even take on more than one player at a time because of the sword clashes, and because of the new sword slash mechanic. Two people can easily take me out now. There are no good knights anymore, there are only good bomb throwers.

    Sorry if some of this is a reheated, I'm way too lazy to read all six pages.
  5. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    Two very good points that, as a veteran, I wholly agree with. It is hard to give constructive criticism about the clashing and parrying addition with out blatantly saying it is stupid. You might ask, "How would you fix it?" and as you can see many of us will say just remove it. The most welcome changes to this new build are the tweaks to bomb throwing and the arrow pointing to where it will be thrown is much more intuitive.
    Wonkyth and Bandwagonman like this.
  6. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    @dwatring Agreed, although gliding is soo much fun, and most people don't know how to build to prevent it, which makes it even more fun. If at all possible, I'd like to keep the gliding, and find some other way to balance things...
  7. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    What's up with people and balancing all the time? There's nothing more to balance, it's good as it is! :>:(:

    Also, bumping the suggestions so they don't go unnoticed:
  8. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    With gliding you reach terminal speed much quicker and that balances it a bit... Out posts should be put on a server setting
    Agree with you on the last one.
  9. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Aww, butbutbut...
    Removing the ability to go downwards through bridges means no dark towers. D:
    Surely you've seen them? When doe right, they provide the perfect archer position, and are nearly impossible to take out without a catapult.
  10. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I agree with you. Maybe it is because i suffer from the increase of RAM usage-bug, or maybe we need to get used to the new combat systems but i think it IS actually more based of numbers.

    And about the RAM bug, it makes kag unplayable for me. I hope it gets noted soon. (and fixed)
  11. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    Going to comment on how to fix these problems in the best way.

    • I don't like that knights can glide. As of now, the knight gliding makes them faster than an archer. I don't like the maneuverability of the knight vs. the archer right now, because the knight can win! If any gliding takes place, please make it the archer.
    Fix: Move gliding to archer. Done.

    • I don't like that outposts can be moved. An asshole could move your op, or even throw it towards the enemy, yet again creating more griefer fun. In an ideal situation, the outpost moving would be fine, but in large public games, it's not fine.
    Fix: Takes two people at one time to move.

    • I don't like that knight combat is now based on numbers. I used to be a pretty good knight (I thought?). But with the current build, I can't even take on more than one player at a time because of the sword clashes, and because of the new sword slash mechanic. Two people can easily take me out now. There are no good knights anymore, there are only good bomb throwers.
    The point of these fixes are to make knight combat more skill based.

    - Re-add the double sword slash. The difference between two knights can be their timing on this ability.

    - Add a quick stun feature. Maybe a quarter second stun after hitting an enemy shield with a jab. It would allow for quick counter attacks, if you're expecting it. Also could determine difference between knights.

    - More intuitive blocking. This one is a little harder to explain in words, stay with me. A knights slash is in vertical fashion, straight top to bottom. Holding your shield upwards could block the slash, stun the enemy for that quarter second again, and prevent him from slashing again. It could also allow for another counter of a quick jab. This would also mean that blocking a slash straight on would get you hit.

    -Prevent players from using small 'hops' while charging. It allows for weird placements and knights are all over the place. This also means that they can be dodged, if done correctly. Allowing for even more skill.

  12. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Half a second is a bit much. I've killed five guys in half a second.
    Don't mind the idea of shielding upwards for slash defence, although it might be tricky to pull of with accuracy. Of course, that makes my like it more, as it's a new aspect I'd have to master. That said, slashes will have to be more powerful than they are at the moment. I have not made a kill with a slash since the change, I swear.
  13. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    How does a quarter second sound?

    And I think that adding the second sword slash all the time will let you get more kills with the slash. There's also the blocking feature that will make slashes better as well.
    Neat likes this.
  14. Eric

    Eric Shark Slayer

    All the hate for the glide suddenly...
    Why not just slow it down instead of getting rid of it, also the thief climbing trees and then gliding would be bad for balance, it makes thieves able to stay in trees while under attack.
  15. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Not if being in a tree when it's struck gave you a stun...
  16. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    Or made you fall.
  17. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    It does already, but if you could just glide, you could hop from tree to tree every time they hit it until they lost interest. Well, the archer would probably still die, but it would interrupt the flow of the game. Not good.
  18. Eric

    Eric Shark Slayer

    the glide would interrupt the fall, so you could stay up in trees better
  19. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    I think an interruption in the glide would be fine.
  20. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I dont see any problem with the glide. It doesnt work very long and its overly easy to die from only 5-10 blocks up if you misuse it. I also dont see many knights use it currently.

    Knight combat on the other hand does need something done to make it more reliable/predictable. As it stands now I literally slaughter 5-10 people in a row or die instantly. It seems to almost never be I kill one or two and then die.
    Foxodi likes this.