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[1110] Gurin's Singular Knight Guide

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Gurin, May 10, 2014.


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  1. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Hello there. Gurin here and I'm aiming to help you with solo knight combat. How to be good, progressive and also rekking on the front lines. This is King Arthur's Gold, a place of no forgiveness, a place where you don't know who you are, or why you're here. All you know is that you need to kill as many opponents as you can and win the game for your team.
    IF you're a new player, and are just learning how to play the knight class, I would suggest going to a different guide first, I'm seeking to teach the more "experienced" KAG players first. But if you would like to read you can :P
    To say the least, I will try and aim to teach you about:
    -Movement as a single knight
    -Slashing and jabbing: When to do it?
    -What item to use and why?
    -When to bombjump?
    -What you need to know when going into battle
    -How to lag-knight (233-500 ping)
    -Water fighting ;-;
    -Overall how2
    -Taking your chances

    Also please remember to ask me any questions. Give me ideas and if you need any help ingame, send me a PM.
    Movement as a solo knight
    - You are a man or woman who is running through the grass fields. You need to know how2knight. Everyone does. One of the main key notes is always try and catch your opponent off-guard.
    You have many options. For example, running away then quickly backslashing them, running up walls and stomp-slashing them, and also the oldest trick in the book, letting them slash first. It will almost always let you win the battle.
    You slashing first means gg for the opponent, RIP, get rekt. (Unless you're bad and the opponent shield stuns you and slash stomp)
    Try and always trick your opponent, or go the easy way and slash spam. But it won't always work.
    Moving as a knight is normally one of the fastest classes to get into battle. One thing is always use your shield to surf the ground, water and anything else. You need to get in battle quickly! Don't walk around like a drunk migrant, you need to help your team fast. Every second goes by, every second could be an enemy destroying your tower. You can shield surf by holding W to jump with your shield pointed downwards (RMB) while moving in either direction - on each landing, you get a small burst of speed forwards. The best thing about this is that if you have sufficient speed while shield surfing, you can stun an opponent. It's probably not safe to try this against knights, who can simply slash or jab you, but against ground-bound archers or builders, it's great. Don't forget to aim your shield UPWARDS while jumping/climbing hills, as you will climb quicker up them if you are not shield surfing.
    Shield surfing in water also works - providing you enter at the right angle, you can skip 2-3 times over the surface of the water before falling in, just like a stone.
    You must learn how to wallrun effectively in combat. Wallrunning adds velocity, which is useful for two reasons - your slash has greater priority the faster you are moving, and it also allows you to evade an attack by simply running above it.

    Wallrunning is as simple as holding W along with the movement key towards the wall - your knight (archers and builders can also do this) will run a few tiles upwards before losing traction - if you jump in the opposite direction at the peak of your run, you can bound over most people.
    Knights can also wallrun significantly higher up a sheer peak due to their shield gliding - perfectly timing your wallrun by jumping off, shield gliding back to the wall and climbing a tiny bit more is a useful technique. It's easily stopped by enemy archers or builders, who will drop an arrow or their feet on you.
    Backstepping is a cool way to wreck your opponents, charging up your doubleslash, backstepping and killing them. It just depends what your opponent is doing.
    You can do this by facing your opponent, moving backwards while you charge your slash, hopefully putting yourself slightly outside of their range, then lunging forward with your slash or double slash. If they've fallen for it, they will have moved forward to try and close the gap, making them vulnerable to your slash. This doesn't always work against smart players, as they will recognise you moving backwards and bait your attack.
    Whenever you're facing an enemy knight try and always get an advantage however you can, using walls, hills and just height advantages.

    backslash example.gif
    Example of using a wall to propel to the enemy.

    backslash examplaa1e.gif as you can see here, I used the tower to jump back and slash the opponent.

    Slashing and Jabbing
    - Slashing is the knight's main offensive move. You can stun the opponent, damage them for two hearts, or even instantly kill them with fancy combination stomp - slashes. When you're slashing I would suggest using high ground, since you can break the opponents shield just by falling ontop of him, which is great. But you have to be careful because the opponent could simply dodge out of the way, which could be the end of your life. Try and time things perfectly, fall infront of the opponent and seek where they are going, so you know where to fall.
    One thing I have to tell you, if they have more than two hearts, almost always slash. Only jab if the knight has one heart, as a finishing move.
    Jabbing is fairly useless now in Beta, you can pretty much only kill the knight if they have 1-2 hearts, jab spamming you could do, but I wouldn't suggest it, because it is just plain bad. Jabs stun the user if they are blocked by the foe's shield, but slashes are not.
    You can jab builders and archer, but you could also one hit archers with a slash. Which would you prefer?
    Jabs are best used as a follow-up to a slash - if you manage to land a slash, there is a very short window where they are still vulnerable to a jab from you, landing 2+1 hearts of damage. A knight that's already wounded will be killed by this.
    Double slashing is another tool to use, too. It will instantly kill any foe, except a shielding knight.
    Double slashes can deal two hearts of damage, or four.
    Double slashes are useful as shieldbreakers, too. The initial slash will stun the foe, making them drop their shield, and the second slash will deal two hearts of damage, leaving the enemy knight severely weakened.

    If timed right, the double slash can go almost over 10 blocks in length, which can surprise other players.
    One of my favorite moves is double slashing in such a way that I move the ten blocks, which can catch an unaware opponent, hitting him.
    The other thing I want you to learn is to sync the slash timer, exactly when to slash. Myself and some others have done this, it will almost always save your life, since pubs take twice as long as you do, quickslashing them and gg.

    Which Item to use, when and why?
    - This is a common question asked by a few. IMO, it is really what you want to use, but I'll tell you what I like.
    Bombs are my favorite by far, allowing you to bombjump and get over a tall tower, blow up stuff and give the wreck to your enemies. They deal respectable damage to all classes, usually about 3 hearts if not blocked by a shield. Damage decreases the further away the foe is from the bomb when it goes off.
    You can carry 5 types of items at a time (not kegs or other large items like boulders), which can allow you to double bombjump, and have three spare.

    bombjump1.gif Singular bombjump

    bombjump2.gif Example of a double bombjump

    water jump.gif

    water jumpbombjump.gif

    Waterbombs are plain bad, they waste 30 coins and give you free kills, like seriously, learn2 kag. They don't explode after a timer like standard bombs do, but explode on hit with solid ground or a player. They stun players for a second or so, leaving them open to a slash or other offense. It is rather easy to accidentally stun yourself with them, too, though.
    Fair enough you use them to stun 5 enemies at once, but don't spam them on one person for a free kill, unless it's Arcrave. (Or using them to help a teammate)

    Using a waterbomb for a finishing move can be cool too, by 'finising move' I mean by bombjumping in the air, throwing your water bomb at an enemy then air slashing them to gibs. Depending on where your enemy is, try and get above them. This will make it so mucheasier to pull off.

    Mines are great, too, but can be fairly hard to plant. Nearly everyone knows that attacking a mine without your player actually touching the mine will destroy it without injuring you in an explosion. The safest way to 'defuse' mines is as a knight or a builder - approaching the mine carefully, and using your jab / pickaxe to destroy the mine before you yourself are touching it. Archers should never try defusing a mine, as their arrows will detonate a mine on hit.
    Planting mines can be either good, or bad. Since you waste 60 coins, and you want it to do something useful, it is useful to hide it in an area where it is obscured, like by corpses, bushes or tree's leaves. This isn't always foolproof either. And please, don't catapult them! They just get destroyed from fall damage without exploding.
    Using whatever item that's on the floor will probably make it explode. I've tested this, mostly everything will if thrown correctly. Anything from corpses, to boulders to bombs will set a mine off.
    Putting mines in your backpack and bombjumping over a tower is a great combo, iilling all the enemys, putting the mine down and then exploding it with the enemys corpes or whatever else you got. (Holding F and outting it your backpack. But remember you have to be holding it.)
    Hiding a mine in a bush, or putting them in an enemy tele is great, too. SO when they travel they go instant boom! Most likely destroying the tele with it.
    mine2.gif ow.

    Burgers: Burgers were added to CTF now, and please. If you're a knight don't stack up on these. Fair enough it will keep you alive but if you want to get good at this game, you wont need burgers. You pub.
    That said, they heal you to full health. Useful if you're in a long fight, but it annoys other players. You can carry up to five burgers at once, though you can only use them with spacebar by throwing the fifth one on the ground, potentially giving your opponent the burger.
    Remember that archers can shoot burgers at you, by charging a shot and then dropping the burger while shooting. Making the burger into the ultimate grief machine! (By that I mean shooting the burger at enemys.

    Kegs, KABOOM. The biggest explosive in the game. With the recent nerfs, it's still a deadly weapon, but it is much harder to use. These cost the most of the items the Knight can use, and he can only carry a single keg at a time (slung on his back, like a backpack). You can light it with spacebar, and throw it with C or spacebar. Bear in mind, if you are hit by any attack while carrying it, it will fall off your back, possibly causing an opponent to pick it up and run away with it! You also have significantly reduced movement speed while using the keg.
    These are best used by equipping a keg on your back, hopping yourself into a catapult and being fired out of them. The reasons for this are multiple - catapults cancel out the movement penalty you get for holding a keg, and it keeps you (moderately) safe in mid air while carrying the keg. You can also light and throw it while still being thrown, but you need to be out of the 'stun' animation to do this. If the keg is lit and hits the ground at speed, it instantly detonates.
    IMO, I don't really like to be the guy who always risks his life for another, I tend to use it as an advantage, bombjump and throw it, exploding on contact with the ground. If you throw the lit keg somewhat 10+ blocks high it will explode on contact, which is great for finishing moves and making some people get angry. But be cautious, people can catch the keg before it hits the ground!

    What you need to know when going into battle
    - You will need to know everything. This is King Arthur's Gold. a place where you will die over and over. Knowing when to backslash, backstep, bombjump, slashing and jabbing. It is all crucial untill you finally die. You will need to know not to always trust your ally, spamming the ladder emotion wont always get you a ladder, the friendly archer that always has your back wont always will, only trust yourself, always have a laugh.

    Try and maybe get a friendly person as the archer class to follow you around, this has happened to me once where a friendly archer kept with me, and used water arrows and such to help me out.

    Using Teamspeak, Mumble, Skype or whatever will make it so much more fun while ingame, the laughs and jokes you guys make. +1 people when they get a kill and the teamwork is just so much better.
    If you're an Archer, learn something a person named Trumbles invented (lol). Personally I call it bungee jumping, it's when you swing up and down a tower while shooting towers, it's great. Makes it harder for enemy archers and looks cool when you swing around. +1
    Wallrun 'glitching' helps you alot too.
    Remember to use your shield, any sort of shield stun can harm your opponents move. Allowing you to slash them.

    How to lag-knight
    - When you start, the game can be fairly hard to play with somewhat 233+ ping. You get slashed earlier, your bombs will explode differently, etc etc. Everything is such a bigger problem now, and you must know it. Instead of slashing an enemy with 33 ping normally, you will need to slash them 1-2 seconds earlier (depends what ping you have/connection) It's the same with bombs, but sometimes bombs can be a bit dodgy and aren't always the same.
    Just the one thing you must know, if your opponent has a bomb and you try to shield = RIP you. It's barely impossible to block it unless the opponent is terrible at throwing bombs. But always try and block it, never give up man.
    If you get slash stomped or have fall damage it will most likely do double that damage. Which is terrible and you must know these things.
    After a while you will get the grip of it. But be careful, it's hard to master :P.

    Just try and jump while slashing, which I almost always do either normal 33 ping, or 500 annoying lags. I seem to find it better and more helpful. I don't know, but I tend to hit more often while jumping & slashing.

    Water fighting
    - Water is terrible. Stalemates, 3 hour games. Everything. While fighting someone in water I want you to always be moving. Unless they're charging a double slash I want you to quick slash them. But really, it all depends on your opponent and what he's doing, you won't know if he will backstep or just fool with you.
    Bombs float far, very far in this case. If you see a builder or an archer escaping in water try and time to bomb perfectly to kill the enemy.

    If an archer is charging a triple shot at you, you can quickly duck underwater. This trick will make the arrows slower in the water, making them do less damage. Just always be cautious of your breath.
    Another trick is when you're on high ground, and you see your enemy's below you in water. Quickly draw a slash or a double slash and try and fall ontop of them. Depending on the height you should do 4 hearts of damage. (Fall damage + double slash). Also falling in the water makes it an easier trip, too. Not killing yourself by the fall damage. (Water mostly takes all that damage, and deals none.

    Taking your chances
    Sometimes, while using a bomb you. You might need to take any chances you can to kill the other opponent(s). First off, you will most likely need 4 hearts. Lighting your bomb and quickly quick slashing them, throwing the bomb and killing them. Since 2 hearts damage from the slash, and 3 from the bomb.

    This can be great against multiple amount of enemies in one spot, or slashing one guy and throwing the bomb to someone far away. Don't be scared about anything, just give it a go.

    Seeing lots of enemies below you? (You're on a high tower and preparing your slash). I would suppose lighting your bomb, doubleslashing while falling on-top of them, then throwing the bomb whilst shielding. Allowing you to hopefully stay alive while killing multiple enemies.

    Even though there are multiple archers camping in a tower, try and bombjump over and kill them. Fair enough you will most likely die because archers can stun you on close range, but always give it a go. And remember to pack 5 bombs with you. (4 in backpack, one holding)
    Overall How to and conclusion
    - This game will tear you down over and over. But you will need just to get back up, learning and mastering, this game is beauty. Learn everything i've said, teach yourself. Slashing, jabbing, items. Throwing bombs wallrunning, bombjumping. Everything.
    You will need to always don't go the easy way out, try out new things and ideas. Try and learn to trick your opponent, backstep, backslash. Everything i've said above.
    Thankyou for reading my fairly average guide. I will take feedback and will be adding more things overtime.
    Special thanks to Reudh <3

    (Sorry for the small GIF's, they bugged and whatnot ::(: )

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  2. Malitha

    Malitha Shipwright
    1. SIEGE Clan - SIEGE

    Helped me in some areas ::):
    Good job on this one Gurin! :smug:
  3. Lee_Shioon

    Lee_Shioon NinjaBrian in disguise Donator
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    Gurin likes this.
  4. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

  5. Kotobukiya

    Kotobukiya Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice tips there. Trying to use them but I've always been playing on 233-300 or more ping so I find it very frustrating to go knight.
  6. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    Very well made gurin, i find it very hard to fight in lag..... i think its because ive focused so much on the proficiency and timing of low ping fights thats its almost impossible for me to succeed in the higher ping ones :QQ:.
  7. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Watch out Aussies, HERE I COME!!!
  8. Ricket

    Ricket Shipwright Staff Alumni
    1. Ethereal Legion- ETHER

    Good stuff Gurin, though there were a few lapses of English: sentence structure etc. But that's OK, haha. I'm sure everyone will now rek far more efficiently; watch your back Gurin
  9. -Crimson-

    -Crimson- Haxor

    Nice tutorial man! good job
  10. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Wow, nice guide! Swear the snippet you showed me was a quarter of that!!! This should be stickier.... It's that good
  11. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Thanks for all you support, but remember to give @LordReudh (Reudh) some credit too. He helped me with the guide.

    I'll try and get some more done tommorow.
    Last edited: May 10, 2014
  12. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Very nice guide. I've been getting rekt as knight recently, and this has helped me top the scoreboards. Backstepping is especially effective.
  13. Too much reading :( I could use this if I ever come back to this game
  14. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Trumbles always get the cred! :thumbs_down:::(:

    Nice guide... ::(:
  15. -Crimson-

    -Crimson- Haxor

    What do you mean?
    Gurin gave no credit to Trumbles in this thread.
  16. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    What you need to know when going into battle

  17. Lee_Shioon

    Lee_Shioon NinjaBrian in disguise Donator
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    This is the only reference to Trumbles that Gurin mentioned in his guide -.- It's either I'm tripping or you are the one that didn't read it properly in the first place. There is no "What you need to know when going into battle" by Trumbles in this thread, as far as I know from 'reading' the actual guide.
    -Crimson- likes this.
  18. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Pretty sure he was referring to the title, saying read that section....
  19. Lee_Shioon

    Lee_Shioon NinjaBrian in disguise Donator
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    It would have been nice if he provided a link -.- or told us it's an actual thread which would have been a more rational approach... anyways, thanks, toffie :)!

    P.S. I do am tripping xd
  20. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Sorry if you guys wanted your beloved trumbles to get a 'special thanks' but I still said he 'invented' the technique, that should be enough? Anyway please, if you want to argue can you not here?

    Anyway, on the good note. I added quite allot to most of the sub-sections.
    CrystalClear and emasame like this.