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Admins canceling vote kicks or overriding them

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by makmoud98, May 4, 2014.



  1. Pretty useful

  2. Not that useful

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I liked the Classic system of kicking players more than the current one honestly.

    It may have not been used as much as the current one, but isn't that a good thing? The current system is used too much.

    For those who haven't played Classic, the old system was you pressed tab and a box appeared next to the player's name. You clicked the box and it added a vote for the person being kicked. It then notified in the game chat that you had done so.

    Sure, it doesn't have the "ease-of-access" that the current system does, but it worked. It was a rare case that someone actually got kicked without a legitimate reason.

    This really isn't on topic of what you all are discussing in this thread, but I still wanted to put my two cents in.
  2. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    On shiprekt its hard to see the greifer so most of the time the person who makes the vote is kicked.
  3. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Yeah, but in that case the vote was actually just inconclusive - nobody was kicked on the first vote. Then the guy who I accused just straight up called me a griefer and started another one. And for some reason the rest of the server found that one much more convincing.

    How are we expected to vote if we have no evidence of either party doing something wrong?

    Also the alpha system actually sounds pretty good.
  4. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    On Shiprekt I always vote no except under two conditions:

    1. The person being kicked is one that I already don't trust.

    2. The chat box had a lot of yelling which would be smoking gun evidence of a grief.
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Re: alpha system that was changed because of threads complaining it didn't get used and wasn't clear how to use it. The current system is similar to how it happens in most other games, the other major system being "!votekick name" "!y" "!n" in chat, but that system also tends to get ignored a lot of the time.

    Lucas is working on a "cancel" buttons for admins (and anyone with a specific seclev); I might see if I can get him to do an "abstain" button as well which would minimise the vote box without casting a vote. If not I'll consider doing that last part myself, but we think it's important that he learns to work with the code a little.
    epenow, Noburu, Sir_Walter and 3 others like this.
  6. Seeing this being worked on brought a manly tear to my eye. :')

    It's been something I've wanted but not had any capabilities to enact for ages now.
    101i likes this.
  7. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    Very cool! Can't wait to see it in action!
  8. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    It would be nice too if you made the vote percentage needed to kick out of the people who actually voted instead of the entire server.
  9. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    Definitely. I hate when one or two votes turn the whole entire vote around and ruin it.
  10. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    In some cases it will say something like 8-0 vote failed (requires 9), or some bull like that.

    Really annoys me.
  11. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    I know. It's ridiculous...
  12. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    So what are general issues with the voting?
    Also, is it me or the left voting button is longer than the right one?
    What did you mean with that vote failed "8-0 vote failed (requires 9)"?
  13. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    The voting system works by requiring a certain percentage of the current number of players on the team to vote yes for a player to be kicked.

    Only problem with that is that some people don't vote.

    I think the percentage needed is 75% to kick.

    So imagine this.

    24 players are on a server. Half are on the team you are on so the vote is now out of 12. You are vote kicking a player, that leaves 11 players on the team voting.

    If 3 players choose not to select Yes or No, then the vote will not pass no matter what. Even if everyone votes yes to kick, 9 are still needed to make it the required percentage, and only 8 voted.

    It should be 75% of the players who voted, rather than the players on the team. As well as a limit on how many players must be on a team / server before votes can be started to prevent 3 people from hoping on an empty server and kicking anyone they want that joins.
  14. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Also, the fact that the box is really intrusive when playing, and I've seen quite a lot of people vote yes just to get it out of their way.
    epenow likes this.
  15. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    A.K.A. almost everyone.
  16. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    What if instead of voting being able to kick people, what if said person who is voted, is frozen rather than kicked, and it stays that way until they decide to log off? Then they get banned. This way they can have someone explain why they were vote frozen, and have a function to vote unfreeze them if they stick around. No one but admin should be able to kick them.

    Hell even a vote mute/unmute function would work as well.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 16, 2014, Original Post Date: May 16, 2014 ---
    Plus the voting box should appear as a side bar, like how health is seen, and possibly it blinks to get people to see it. This would get rid of it being intrusive.
  17. zerd

    zerd Arsonist
    1. SIEGE Clan - SIEGE

    Another system that could be worth considering:
    -Votes appear only as text on either the gui or the side of the screen. (no buttons or background)
    -Votes are done by pressing f1/f2/f3 etc. on your keyboard.
    -Play a discrete beep sound to let the player know that there is a vote going.

    A similar system seems to work fine in Quake Live.

    Reasons for replacing buttons with plain text, activated with a key press:
    -Uses way less screen space.
    -Can more easily vote while in combat/building/etc.
    -No accidental vote clicks while focusing on combat (I do this quite frequently. Often I don't even see what the vote is for before I have already clicked. Pretty sure I voted yes to kick myself at some point due to this)

    That being said, I really like the idea from classic. If only people would use it, then I don't see why mapvotes etc. could not also be toggleable from the scoreboard.

    Edit: Oh, and to stay on topic, +1 for admins overriding votes.
  18. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    This suggestion looks nice. If there is one thing that annoys me most in KAG (besides jabspam) it is when I am on a server I'm admin on and people start a votekick. We're here for a reason guys! Also the reason I vote yes to most votes, besides getting it out of the way, is that if they really are a griefer, than you get a griefer kicked out, but if the person was innocent, they just have to play on another server or wait for a few minutes. So for me the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
  19. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Does quake live have 32p servers with occasional griefing and a population of >30% minecrafters? If not it might be a quite different userbase, requiring a different solution.
    Fwiw you don't get given a choice if you're the subject of the kick.

    Dude do you not remember that we had this and people complained about it? "OGM NOONE VOTE SO THEN WHEN 2 PEOPLE SAY KICK THIS GUY THEN I GET KICK BECAUSE NO VOTE IS COUNT!!!!"

    This back and forward of "I think x would be good. Actually y. Actually x again" with a few months in between is why I have started completely filtering out repeated suggestions on any given area.

    Re: vote box being intrusive - I think it scrolling onto the screen rather than just appearing, and having an abstain button for when you're busy solve that.
  20. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I still suggest the ability to vote freeze rather than vote kick. That is a function that gives every Tom, Dick, and Harry with an authority complex and an enlarged asshole way too much power. Anyone who gets even the slightest bit butthurt over stupid situations will constantly try vote kicking people out, whether or not what they truly did warranted it.

    With the freezing function, it gives them the ability to stay and talk it out, and then with the ability to vote to unfreeze them, I seriously think a lot of the mishaps will begin to diminish. If they log out, then they get banned, and it works out for everyone. It's a lot less drama inducing.
Mods: Rainbows