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KAG Missing server files

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by azaraqui99, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. azaraqui99

    azaraqui99 Catapult Fodder

    I want to make a ctf normal server to play w/ my friends but i can't find some files in script folder because i need dedicated_autoconfig.gm for server name , rcon password ... And i need dedicated_autostart.gm and i have already fowarded the ports for the serve can someone help me ?


    Edit : I also open the dedicated server and used forceupdate

    Sry 4 bad english :bison:
  2. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You've got a super old dedicatedserver script in that case. There are no ".gm" scripts used in the current version, thats the classic scripting engine.

    Download a new copy from http://kag2d.com/en/download
  3. azaraqui99

    azaraqui99 Catapult Fodder


    I downloaded the new version of KAG but the script folder is the same and I did ForceUpdate
  4. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    sure, but your dedicatedserver.bat will no longer be looking for .gm script files, it'll be looking for .as script files (which you have).
    azaraqui99 likes this.
  5. azaraqui99

    azaraqui99 Catapult Fodder

    Okay but , how to i config my server ??
  6. Frederikam

    Frederikam Drill Rusher

    The scripts folder contains files that you don't need to worry about.

    There's no such thing as dedicated_autoconfig.gm in modern kag.
    Run the server with e:\Programas\dedicated_server.bat.
    Configure your server by editing e:\Programas\autoconfig.cfg.