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Enhanced Clan Wars ( Game Mode, Clan Insignia's / Colors)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Ferret_Ferret, Jun 3, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Ferret_Ferret

    Ferret_Ferret Shark Slayer

    I fished around looking for a topic like this, but couldn't find one, so..

    I know clan matches have been a think already, but they have simply been hosted on private servers. So, if this were to become a regular thing (as far as I know I've only seen it done a few times) why not simply make a more organized game mode so that clans can wage war at their whim?

    With this in mind, if this WERE to pick up as a game mode of sorts, I'm sure some clans would want to express themselves a bit more than red and blue uniforms, so to go along with clan wars, clans leaders should get the option to customize a clan uniform (only in clan wars, of course). This is already a thing in games like Dota 2, where you can customize your teams logo, which in turn effects their base's flags etc.
  2. Frederikam

    Frederikam Drill Rusher

    I think this may be easy to do with rules- and map editing. You can maybe change something like this file to green?:
    # rules for game team
    # This file's name is "team2.cfg"
        name = Red Team
        teamcolor = 192; 36; 36
    You can even edit these lines in a gamemode:
        teams                              = team1.cfg; team2.cfg;
        gamemode_name                      = CTF
        gamemode_info                      = Capture the Flag
    Team specific entities can probably be associated with more map colors.
    Gurin likes this.
  3. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Talking about customization, it'd be great to have an option to chose different skin colours.
    Horse_That_Goes_Ni likes this.
  4. racist
    emasame likes this.
  5. Ricket

    Ricket Shipwright Staff Alumni
    1. Ethereal Legion- ETHER

    The problem with ideas like this is that KAG simply doesn't have an active enough community of clans, at least in Australia. There are only 3 active clans in AUs, and I can only think of Zen, DUCKS and SIEGE in the U.S. thus rendering this idea basically useless unless there is more activity.
    What personally frustrates me is people making their own clans rather than joining a preexisting one. This just means there's a whole heap of small clans and the bigger clans are left crippled.
    Frederikam likes this.
  6. ccnc

    ccnc Catapult Fodder

    most clan's are just a name next to a name. Even on the bigger clan's, what's the difference if a random person like me join's a big clan. Clan features are just made up as they are (e.g clan wars). If I play with people with the same clan tag or not makes no difference.
  7. emasame

    emasame Bison Rider

    video game racism is the best kind of racism
Mods: Rainbows