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Drills Builder Only [Official Thread] Vote Now!

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Geti, Aug 5, 2014.



Poll closed Aug 9, 2014.
  1. Yeah

  2. Nah

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Mods: Rainbows
  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @Arcrave say you never ask me for anything, so this is for him.

    Four days only vote on this hot issue!!!

    I'm reasonably tired of arguing about this so decided to just put it to a poll and let you guys decide.

    Vote "Yeah" if you want drills to only function for builders (others will still be able to pick up/carry).
    Vote "Nah" if you want drills to keep working for all classes.

    If there's less than 30 votes on the poll at closing I wont be confident in the sample size, so tell people ingame to get in here and vote!
  2. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I believe it should be only for a builder. Knights and archers don't really have reasons to use it other than breaking the enemy's defenses. It would be it harder for the knights to get through the enemy's defense. To sum it up, the builders are the ones building and need the resources and the knights and archers are there for offense purposes and don't need the drill.
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You don't need reasons, just vote.
    Lion_Eating_Poet likes this.
  4. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    Please make the drill only for builder.
    I'm so happy about this chance to remove them, thank you for calling a vote.
  5. omg yelling at geti in the irc actually helped
  6. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    this needs to happen, i mean currently making 10 or more drills and having multiple people fill their inventories is just op...
  7. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

  8. Malitha

    Malitha Shipwright
    1. SIEGE Clan - SIEGE

    We definitely should have more polls like this. It would make decision making seem more joint with the community :wink:.
  9. Jepton

    Jepton Shipwright

    Although I do think having drills early on can be a good game-breaker, this is for the best.
  10. Horse_That_Goes_Ni

    Horse_That_Goes_Ni Your favorite Persian Staff Alumni Donator

    Geti pls this is an easy one :smug::thumbs_up:
  11. i dont fucking undertsand people playing this game

    Elf, Dargona1018, Contrary and 7 others like this.
  12. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    Well, I'm glad I'm not the only person that voted no.
    Dargona1018 and PinXviiN like this.
  13. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    As sad as this makes me for ruining my ability to spam drills and win the game easymode, it is necessary to fix stupid early game rushes that turn building for a good three minutes into a shit show.

    Also, how can anyone be so blind as to see how this isn't one of the most OP things in-game as of now?
    Probably because they can't win without using drills themselves kek.
  14. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    Drills can be broken with slashing pretty easily. Maybe it depends on the map? What map allows so much drill spam to have a never ending supply?

    Consider this: Look at your map. If you see that you have a fortress and your enemy has few fortifications, they probably skimped for something. If that happens to be drill spam, you can just focus your efforts into killing them all outside your own base and using the coins earned to drench their entire base in mines. Chances are, if they overspammed drills they wont have enough stone for any solid defense... If you can't stop them outside your base, well then you spent 3 minutes making a pretty piss poor defense.

    The same thing could be said about boulders and doors though (early game rush).
    Edit: Okay, maybe not nearly the same thing, but a similar thing.

    Perhaps damage against stone wall could be decreased or something? But straight up not allowing knight or archer to carry it seems kind of drastic, especially when they're gambling whether or not they can even make it to the base with the thing intact.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  15. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    Drills can only be broken if you have them out. The method is generally to clear out the front of their base of knights, then just start drilling as archers won't be able to do much and builders have to react fast.

    LK Flatmaps has a massive supply of stone that can be used to make dozens of drills if need be, and really, 100 stone from starting with 30 isn't a massive amount.

    Point being, drills are honestly very easy to buy and don't require that much more resources than what you spawn with, and given a good opportunity, a knight can drill in with 2 or 3 and just win the game unbeknownst to everyone.
  16. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    Hm, I still think that comes down to a terrible defense by the team that gets overrun with drills. The entire reason for building for 3 minutes is to make it so that people can't be sapping your base.
  17. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    corpsey, 3 matches in a row i made around 16-17 drills for everyone, builders helped me by giving me stone to supply such an amount. every match we had 4-5 knights stocked with drills and bombs and we all rushed and each time we won with the massive amount of drills alone. i think its time for a nerf, whether thats making drills builder only, or making drills cost 15o stone and 5o wood. whatever happens needs to happen because right now drills are just insane.
  18. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    It may be, since towers with insufficient backwall and lack of wooden platforms are easily drilled and ruined. But even taking that into account, towers with sufficient backwall can be drilled and quickly blown up or just having the opening into their base makes it very easy for your team to run amok and win much easier than without the help of drills. I guess we'll see how it goes when drills are disabled, because looking at the poll it seems very likely they will be for archer and knight.
  19. bombs being the key word

    people seem to dislike drills because they combo somehow not horribly with the actual overpowered shit
  20. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    I'd take a drill over 3 or 4 bombs to rekk a teams base anyday. Honestly, drills are the OP item, not bombs.
    Bombs aren't OP, learn to grab, dodge, build, or block.
Mods: Rainbows
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