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BUILD 1215 - Rebalance and Fix Central

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Are you guys still 'adding' things to the game, like new objects?
  2. ShinySkies

    ShinySkies Arsonist Staff Alumni
    1. Zen Laboratories

    The good knights quit KAG where can I find some to test it on??? And thank you for copying a single point of my post just so you won't have to show the rest to people, it just proves I apparently am right in what I was saying :). Farewell KAG :)!!!
    Lumeos likes this.
  3. Sinleet

    Sinleet Shipwright

    You have to admit that you have taken away quite a bit of movement options from knights, and while you may not think infinite wall jumping make sense,
    start 4:15 in
    some of the 'retard jump' should still be in.
    Fuzzle likes this.
  4. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    ive played 4 games in the new build and i honestly dont like it at all

    at first glance at the devlog i thought it was a good balancing update but after playing it i honestly found most of the mechanics in kag i came to love missing and they had no reason to me removed.i dont see the point of removing removing infiwalljump just because it was a mistake originally because it has honestly become a valued part of the game,and it didnt ruin gameplay because builders could easily defend against it and every player learned both talents.the changes made to knights regarding mobility and the archer stun distance certainly balanced tdm but the over all changes in this new build has brought games to a much slower pace and has ruined creative builder structures and if you honestly believe these changes are best for the game then you should just have ported all classic to beta.....
    Fuzzle likes this.
  5. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    LOL are you serious? how can you even say that? a lot of forum members have been playing this game for 2-3 years now and are very passionate about the game. you're wrong about this, and it's hilarious that you'd try to invalidate all the opinions of the forum like this.

    then build flag defenses with better mobility around them for your team?? i dont really care if the 3 block wall climb would be readded personally, since slashing no longer gives huge momentum bursts. but it's so easy to include a trap block at the bottom of the flag box to help your team get over.
    so you like having archers spam bomb arrows with triple shot? it requires little to no skill to do this, with the new mechanics you have to either spend more effort to get off that triple bomb arrow shot, or aim better. which encourages higher level play from archers if you ask me, but you'll probably ignore this because i'm a "forum fagz"
    i think maybe you should stop asking if we know kag and actually get to know the update, because i've seen knight work together a bit more with builders in the short time the build's been live, just wait for everyone to catch on and you'll see it more often.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, Gurin and Noburu like this.
  6. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    We still got double bomb jumping as our last hope.. :(
  7. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    WHAT? by giving the builders more room to breathe and by optimising the block placement somehow they've ruined creative structures??
  8. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    10/10 update, mostly because of the amusing 6 pages of snake raging and saying bs and rayne rekking him hard

    srsly tho, i didn't really feel a big difference between normal kag and the test kag (which is released now). pls stop whining because you lost your rmb spam 'skill'

    most noticeable and best feature is obviously the new tile art
    GG geti
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Noburu like this.
  9. SirCharizard

    SirCharizard Builder Stabber

    Just a general comment, I think these new changes are an interesting Change of pace, so plesse don't leave KAG because some of the fixes might be a minor inconvenience to you. Just think of it as a new challenge to overcome.
  10. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    so you can tell what i'm thinking about? man i wish i could read minds.

    OF COURSE i'd stick around, but i'll say when the game is shit, as i have in the recent past. i've gone through periods where i've only moderated the forums because i didnt agree with a patch, but i'll defend good game mechanics no matter what. the new changes are good for the game as a whole.
  11. You had me at gravity being a thing.

    Best build is best.
  12. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Please, before you all flap your arms and scream that the world is over, give it a week.

    The game now has a heavy emphasis on teamwork, and smarter building. People just need to catch on.

    For the first time in (non classic) KAG, I've actually seen knights start to shield ladder, and I see builders working to help push much more often. The biggest issue with this update, is that bad building is an even bigger problem.
  13. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    "giving the builders more room to breathe"

    that is hilarious you are somehow helping builders by lower the build limit lmao

    also how has this build helped builders considering they cant be offensive anymore since knights can jab them onc and you are stunned
  14. Shadowor

    Shadowor Shark Slayer

    Yeah the game didn't change THAT much as said above, and there will be more fixes anyway. They are trying to find the perfect gameplay, give updates time. I'm sure you weren't like this after playing 5 minutes of the game: OMFG this is unplayable shit wtf is going on I cant even?!?!
    After reading some post, I have to say this... no offense, sorry
    Lawrence_Shagsworth and DatNobby like this.
  15. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    what?? are you referring to the top of the map? because you could never build that high anyways, it just allowed bombjumping knights to soar over every building on the map, because they could go above the map, but blocks could not be built there. it's literally helping the builders by adding the border.

    the stun is literally 2 ticks, there are 30 ticks in a second. it's only long enough to interupt actions such as slash charging and bow charging. can you try the build before you badmouth it???
  16. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i have tried this build as a builder and while charging i got right infront of their flag case and started to surround myself with stone,but then was jabbed by an knight and unbale to continue playcing blocks to defend myself leaving me open for him to finish me off so why not you learn about the build you are supporting so valiantly
  17. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    i've tested this build extensively and have found no problem with that, maybe you should just learn to build faster? IMO in that situation you shouldve been killed if you didnt have a knight defending you.
  18. SirCharizard

    SirCharizard Builder Stabber

    Ima get my popcorn cuz this thread is King Arthur's :gold: GOLD.:gold:





    I made a funny.
    Klokinator, Vidar, NinjaCell and 5 others like this.
  19. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    that is what i liked about the last build any class could win the game for their team not like my experience in alpha where you spend 3 hours attacking as a group and finally winning
  20. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    but dude its a multiplayer game... You and fuzzle just joined few months ago, i can assure you there is more teamwork than ever and its funnier than a knight soloing capping doing cookies. Get used to that build, help your mates and stop your whine.
    About players who are "leaving", this is bullshit. Some old players are even coming back.