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[1215] KAG often crashes with the new update

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Asu, Aug 17, 2014.

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  1. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Category: KAG Client
    Operating system: Windows
    Build number: 1215
    Description: KAG seems to crash way more than it did in the past, for some reason. I already crashed twice on non-modded servers.
    Steps to reproduce: N/A, random bug
    Screenshots/Videos: N/A, not really related, and logs are not relevant. There's no error.

    Kazaco: No longer relevant.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2015
    kittycity, Anonymuse and RadioActive like this.
  2. when is it? when joining servers? during match? or random?
  3. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Both. I sometimes crash when joining, and, more rarely, during matches.
  4. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    For me, it's when joining servers, primarily BD for some reason but it could be any server.
  5. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    I crash often as well, it seems to happen right when joining any server.

    Some observations:
    • It only happens when you've been on another server in the same game session (exit and join another server, this will often trigger the crash)
    • If the server is one you've been on recently, and it's the server you crash on, once you restart the game and join, your scores will be erased (usually the server remembers your kills and deaths for a while regardless of whether you quit the game in between rejoining). This suggests that there is something going on in the server that causes the crash.
    norill likes this.
  6. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    could someone supply logs?
  7. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    I watched the log, there's no error before the crash. I guess it's some C++ code sided bug.
  8. NastyCamper

    NastyCamper Builder Stabber

    I'm having the same issue. It's almost always when switching from one server to another. It's also happening whenever I try to paste something into the chat. As soon as I hit ctrl+v the error report screen comes up and the game shuts down.
  9. yellowwhy1

    yellowwhy1 Catapult Fodder

    Exact same thing here
  10. Sytoplasma

    Sytoplasma Haxor

    I can confirm that this is a problem for the Mac client as well. I'm not sure what causes it however, it either happens when joining servers or completely randomly during a game. I don't spend a lot of time on the main menu, but I have never crashed from there.
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