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Other Blowjob 3.33

Easy to update and configure, unique player head mod

  1. startselect3

    startselect3 Arsonist

    personally i think in the second frame you should get rid of those yellow lines, they will probably look bad
  2. Pierre59

    Pierre59 Shipwright

    Do someone can make heads ? because i want a new one AND if not i want to be removed for the moment because i don’t like my head anymore
  3. jazariz

    jazariz Horde Gibber

    Can you use this on other severs or just yours
  4. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    Any server that is using the Mod.
  5. TheAverageMan

    TheAverageMan Shark Slayer
    1. DUCKS - We Love DUCKS

    Hey man, sweet pixels and idea! I made an edit of the first frame in a few minutes with different variations for you just for kicks (the colours still need tweaking).
    I can finish the other frames for you too if you want. Great job on the original, it looks sweeet!
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
    Potatobird likes this.
  6. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    There an option for invisihead?
  7. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    An empty sprite sheet would work for an "invisible" head, but I would rather players actually had a head.
  8. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    So in other words it's not gonna happen? lol
    I was just wondering since it looked like the head was like an overlay.
    I long to be the headless knight, thanks much anyways
  9. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    That looks a lot cleaner than mine lol. I guess I was trying to make it too small.

    As for the colors, I like your palette better but I was using the one from the mod in the hopes of it changing colors depending on team. But then, I don't even know if that's how it works.

    I tried making the other frames, they're not great, but they're good enough for me.
    Thanks for the head!

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  10. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    This is the best I got Harmony.png
    Malitha likes this.
  11. Malitha likes this.
  12. Xotano

    Xotano Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    i made some heads too, 2 of them, one for me and one that was going to be for me but i changed my mind cus it wasnt me enough :O here goes! also coon has them too cus i sent them to him

    also Harmony, just make a head that is a neck with no head on it, there is already one where its just blood squirting out of the lack of a head.

    also the one i want to use is already set to my in-game name so no file name changes needed unless you already have a demonninja.png, that is the head i don't want to use xD

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    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  13. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    The mod fails at verification. Please fix.
  14. charzer

    charzer Shark Slayer

    Uploading the right one this time i would like to use
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 23, 2014, Original Post Date: Aug 23, 2014 ---
    I would love to use this head instead of the other one i have taken down Either one of these are fine

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  15. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    You need to name them with your in game name instead of "Blowjob Custom Head"
  16. charzer

    charzer Shark Slayer

    Ah ok thanks

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  17. My head :smug::smug::smug::smug::smug::smug::smug::smug::teabag::teabag::teabag::teabag::teabag::teabag::teabag::teabag::teabag::teabag:

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  18. weman713

    weman713 Haxor

    Best Head

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  19. Xotano

    Xotano Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    willin to try to make any requests, just made some heads for pierre59 that he has to choose one of xD

    also for any budding spriters, the sprites always look bad when you first start working on them, don't let it discourage you from doing your best :P

    next day edit: Pierre59's head choice here :P

    even later edits: still working on the helm nvm xD

    k final version of pierre59's head choice xD

    page 41 post #813 is where he/she asked and i've been speaking with him/her through the convo thingy :P

    i edit my posts a lot, i'll never have a massive post number xD

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    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  20. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I might take you up on the offer since I can't shade worth hell.
    Send a PM if you so wish to try.