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Pokemon General

Discussion in 'Other games' started by MechaTrickster, Jan 16, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. ImperialCereal

    ImperialCereal Catapult Fodder
    1. Ethereal Legion- ETHER

    But we've already got a gen 2 remake :QQ:
  2. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    But it's not a 3D remake with starters' mega evos. ::(:
  3. ImperialCereal

    ImperialCereal Catapult Fodder
    1. Ethereal Legion- ETHER

    I wonder if they will ever do second remakes
  4. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    [​IMG] ???

    get it? WHY NOT? :left:::D:
  5. ImperialCereal

    ImperialCereal Catapult Fodder
    1. Ethereal Legion- ETHER

    I ABSOLutely get it ::D:
  6. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

  7. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

  8. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    >Playing pokemon emerald on android emulator
    >Emulator doesnt highlight controls when tapping them
    >Derping around sea exploring caves with dive
    >Wild latias appears
    >I dont look at controls and want to choose another pokemon to weaken it
    >Scumbag controls press "down-right" instead of "down" arrow
    >still dont look at controls and confirm
    >Got away safely
  9. >Latias would've run away first turn anyway
  10. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    Okay then. :^(
  11. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Just bought a 2DS with pokemon X for 130€, pretty nice discount. Once I'm done with it I'll probably manage to sell it for 150€
    DatNobby likes this.
  12. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    Nintendo 2DoorStop lel. I have a 3DS and I'm earning money to buy AS.
  13. [​IMG]
  14. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    I have a love/hate relationship with Pokemon. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. Oftentimes I find myself going back and playing it, but getting bored about halfway through. That's when I hate it, because I feel like it wasted my time.

    I wish they would mix it up and actually make a game with a real-time battle system or something. Then maybe I could stay interested.
  15. If turn-based battles is what pisses you off about Pokemon then I don't even.
  16. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    It's not just the fact that the battles are turn-based; there have been plenty of turn-based games that I've liked - Fire Emblem series, Radiant Historia, Final Fantasy, etc. It's just that compared to other turn-based games, Pokemon's system is really dull. Early game is you and your opponent using the same move until one of you falls over, late game is OHKO'ing everything with type-advantages, switching when necessary. It's just not interesting.

    Now DOUBLE BATTLES have the potential to be more interesting, but there just aren't enough of those in most Pokemon games. That's where Colosseum was really cool - every battle was a double battle.

    I seriously doubt that the battle system is why people play Pokemon, because to be perfectly frank, it's about as complex as hitting rocks together compared to some other games. I think most people play the game to collect a bunch of cool creatures, which is fine - it just isn't enough by itself to keep me interested.

    Don't get me wrong - I love the idea of Pokemon. I have favorites that I'll openly gush over, like Blaziken, Umbreon, Luxray... give me time and I'll come up with a whole list. I'm still kind of a fanboy, but I just think that after like 15 years of games they could have made a lot more improvements.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  17. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    ... the beginning of the game is almost all switching, and the late game is sweeping with a well set-up 'mon (not a 'mon that has stab on type advantages (but it probably *does* have good type coverage)) after you (deliberately) killed everything that can handle it. Unless one (or both) players is bad, most of the game is trying to get a feel for what your opponent is going to do by paying attention to how they've been responding so far. And then out-predicting them. I'm not sure what you've been doing in single-battles but I don't feel like you've been doing it correctly.

    Double battles are also interesting, but only for the reasons that 2 v. 2 Starcraft matches are.
    i.e. Weird bullshit spam. (skill swap and roleplay to pass around normalize and trick room, when the rest of your team (beyond the Delcatty) is ghost type; have a Pyroar entertaiment moxie on to a quick scarfed earthquaker, that then sets-up by team-killing ; and so on)
  18. no, singleplayer (the main part for 99% of players) is grinding and then spamming 1 move every battle

    unless you're a fucktard like me and try to beat E4 with mons 20-30 levels higher than yours.
  19. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    I doubt there are many players who will say the singleplayer is good.
    I don't know why anyone would play if not for the multiplayer, but maybe my perspective on this is a bit skewed?
  20. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    Yeah, this.

    It also makes me sad that there's no upside to keeping weak moves other than using them for capturing, and you're gonna get false swipe for that purpose anyway. Strong moves are... stronger. And the downside of them having 5 pp doesn't really matter when 5 pp is enough to OHKO 5 enemies.

    I never played Pokemon multiplayer, but I know how absurdly competitive it can get, and that's why. I don't really play games for competition. I play them to have fun, and getting rek'd by people who EV train and all that complicated crap doesn't sound fun, nor does playing the game in that way in order to stand a chance against them.
Mods: BlueLuigi