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Read this first! Official Section Rules

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Wyeth, Nov 11, 2011.

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  1. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Please read this post before posting on the Classes & Mechanics Forum (and subforums) as it will set some basic guidelines to make discussion on this forum more possible and accessible.

    When opening a new thread, always state the current build number
    This way outdated threads can easily be identified and handled accordingly. You can find the build number by opening KAG and looking at the bottom right corner of the screen. You'll also find the build number at the the top of the window.
    Bolded is the number you should be using.

    While posting in a thread, everything posted will count as referring to the [Build Number] of the thread.
    If you are posting about something from another build make sure to specify which build number you are referring to:
    Also realize that you can actually use the plain Classes & Mechanics Forum as well, if your thread doesn't fit into a category (aka: knight/archer/builder). For example the thread "[203] Archer vs Knight" could simply be posted in the Plain forum, instead of either in the Knight or Archer subforums. Also things centered around certain game mechanics rather than around specific classes go here as well.

    Generally every structure should get its own thread in the Builder Subforum and be discussed individually. The thread name needs to contain the build number as well. This is especially important since structures often get compromised by new or changed mechanics (jump changes).
    06/09/12: Structures have their own sub-forum now, it's called Building Critiques and is meant only to contain specific designs and discussions on them. And you still need to remember about the build number in every thread.

    While posting a structure, cut out the interesting parts and only post them. You can use several screens of the same structure. But DO NOT put whole screengrabs up. Also a description is desired.

    In case of questions or problems with this forum (Classes & Mechanics) please contact Ej, Guro, or killatron46 directly through PM.
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