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Player Retention

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tern, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i dont think kag will never aquire a giant fanbase because the novelty of ctf and tth kinda dies after 30-40 hours in(the time i was about to quit and the time 2 of my friends did)
  2. xRush101

    xRush101 Shipwright
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    This is where a Map Creator or Forge Mode comes in handy.

    Read my first post
  3. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I assumed getting pewds on board was what we do after we added the other features mentioned in this thread.
  4. Removed a bunch of offtopic stuff. Also, Totalbiscuit reviewed KAG a while back - it was apparently not that great a review. KAG was also reviewed in classic era by an australian gaming show called "good game: spawn point", which was fairly favourable.
  5. I remember that good game spawn point video, that's how I found out about kag and played it ever since. If only they did another review of beta, that would get a lot more people into it
  6. JiffIez

    JiffIez Arsonist

    Horse, you're likely thinking of top 10-20 players as they only play the game and have no time for flaming. I'm referring to the top 100-200 which greatly increases the pool of potential dicks. You should spectate a lot more if you have the chance/time. You'd be surprised at who/what you see doing what. ::P:

    As far as getting a popular Youtuber to review KAG, I don't believe that it'd be too great an idea. A broken game is still broken even with a high profile youtube review. There are still far too many glitches and too little tutorials/gameplay types to hold their attention for very long and most high profile Youtubers play the game multiple times before actually reviewing for obvious reasons. The first step to increasing retention would likely be to fix most of the major glitches and bugs that are in the game as well as introducing a new/more informative tutorial to increase the base skill level of anyone entering the game. I also know some people have joked about KAG etiquette and perhaps there should be at least a page somewhere on the forums dedicated to proper KAG etiquette (if only for giggles).

    Also, I believe we all need to remember that KAG is a 2D game with few flashy effects in a 3D game world. Most people I know or have run into typically play 3D games and only play 2D games as casual players or only if the 2D game has absolutely amazing flashy effects. Even Terraria which sold over a million copies near the beginning has only ever maintained a small fan-base. If you check their forums between updates, it's practically a ghost town. 2D games are incredibly hard to get off the ground unless you have a strong source of publicity (provided the game is able to stand up to intense scrutiny) or if it's been modded for use in the App Store for smartphone users (which I really don't recommend for KAG as the control scheme would be destroyed).

    If you all REALLY want to get into retention methods, perhaps the devs should look into defining their target audience, creating a positioning chart to see exactly where they stand and where the features of their game stand in relation to other 2D games, redefine their overall goals/vision for where KAG is headed, and, if money is a problem (because I heard a dev mention something along these lines in an update thread), look into logistical management to lower costs without reducing the overall quality of the product. It helps to have a background in management/finance. :smug:
    Tern and xRush101 like this.
  7. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    There are pros and cons for bringing a youtuber in

    Pros: more money

    Cons: People quitting, Pros dominating game, and maybe the youtuber might bring a bad rep to the game.

    What I say is

    NO. we should make more updates first.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 7, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 7, 2014 ---
    We should actually have a poll or just ask geti for his opinion.
  8. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    The more updates that Beta get the more it is closer to aliens flying around. The gravity is inhuman!
  9. Malitha

    Malitha Shipwright
    1. SIEGE Clan - SIEGE

    Well I think this would only happen with the approval of Geti, if he doesn't approve [But he most likely will I should think].
    Anyone want to go ask him about it?
  10. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Look everyone that's not willing to understand how the game is played will leave. All you need is an in depth tutorial and you're fine. I've written one up for each class, all I need is a new computer and recording software. I'm getting a job soon (hopefully Wednesday) and then I'll be able to afford all that stuff. I'll be pushing out nothing but kag content and go out of my way to get more players :)
  11. dinotree

    dinotree Shark Slayer

    Someone should make a mega poll and see if Geti could promote it on the forums and steam forum community thing to see like:

    Why do you play kag?
    Do you goof around or play seriously?
    Age? (like a 10-20 section then 30 - 40 and such)
    What are some flaws of kag?
    What are the best things about kag?
    How did you hear about kag?
    When did you start playing kag?

    Of course there would be more questions but im too lazy to type em ::P:

    But then after a couple weeks of the poll Geti or whoever would run it would try and find a trusted member of the forums or their team to make like an infographic.

    What do ya think :rollseyes:
  12. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Info graphics help you retain information a lot easier. Not a bad idea
  13. If you really want to have those players staying you need to add something addictive to KAG

    Few people enjoy the repetitive concept of KAG especially when people are just yelling at them and beating them up repeatedly

    I doubt a concept like this will be added but something addictive like leveling or money to buy equipment or ability to create something faster

    You just need something to work towards, as soon as you start KAG you already have everything you can get

    A lot of people will hate but I'm just trying to throw out ideas of how to make KAG more appealing
    xRush101 likes this.
  14. dinotree

    dinotree Shark Slayer

    More gamemodes! Could do a infected mode kinda like the call of duty one. A "all one type of class". Or play one match then the system makes the people with the top scores into one team then the rest of the collective people like 10 v 5 the 5 being the good people.
  15. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Infected sounds badass or last man standing! I think that achievements are cool too, but the Devs should put more time into it only if they get an increase of players because it would be a waste of their time if they did it while the amount of players was in decline
  16. Bunnyfection is a mod by Strathos that is already like that infected game mode, though it plays a little differently to what you guys are suggesting.
    Gurin likes this.
  17. dinotree

    dinotree Shark Slayer

    Thats what I got the idea from but instead of being small bunnies nippin at each other it would be the non infected team building an awesome castle for a while then one randomly gets assigned the infected ~ basicly the same concept except not with bunnies.
    Tern likes this.
  18. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    Lol... have some CS style maps; protect the bomb site, rescue the princesses.

    For the bomb site one, if some % of a specific building is razed - the team loses. Have a time limit. Make it so that you can't build within 20ft of the building, and the building spawns closer (obviously) to the defending team. Or make it like a statue that can take a LOT of punishment. Has a time limit, one match settles the win - where you're either attacking or defending... and you have time at the start to choose your team.

    Rescuing princesses would be kind of like a one-way ctf though, but with limited respawns, a time limit, and without the "flag return" mechanic (so princesses must stay where they're dropped). Have it so you can't build within 10ft of the princesses (so you can't entomb them too easily). Have the defending team start with a catapult and ballista just for the hell of it?

    I thought mods were already possible though, and there are already map editors available... hmm I wish I knew more about programming some days.
  19. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I love how much theorycrafting is going on here :^) very cute.

    Fwiw, consider that KAG has actually grossed in the top 2% of indie games worldwide last financial year, according to Gamasutra's industry numbers. It's not doing as bad as some seem to think, though yes the retention numbers aren't as good as we'd like.

    Re: youtubers - we've already contacted most of the people you've talked about. We often do whenever there's press worth talking about. A lot of them didn't want to cover it, and we're not ones to spam.

    Re: retention in general - there are a few issues, some game-side (lack of deep tutorials/single player to test the waters, some rough game modes, GUI being unclear to some, game being inbetween casual and competitive design space etc) and some community side (roflstomping, trolling/bad manners, no competitive scene or gather, small modding scene, etc). Some things need to change, some things we won't change - we've got plans for things other than KAG.

    Re: WE NEED MORE <X> - honestly, I feel like the game needs a lot _less_ stuff to be more cohesive and focussed. Adding 10 new modes, more content, more crap isn't going to make people stick around longer, it's just going to pollute the game space even further. Mods providing those things would be the exception, as then it's not forced on everyone and is developed out of community desire, not us just crapping out content all day.
  20. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    So, top 2%, does that mean only beat out by Terraria/Starbound and maybe a couple other odd games? Not bad.

    P.S. Where can I find these stats? Their website is unclear.