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[1239] Too many knights

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Klokinator, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Don't you hate it when you're playing a match, and some newb goes knight? Like seriously man, archer is by far the better class. Every knight on your team is one less triple shot bomb arrow fire breathing wall crawling badass you COULD have frontlining the noob enemy knights.

    Fuck's sake, stop going knight. Too many knights on the team, knight is for SUPPORT, people. You just sit back and toss your little bombs and let the archers own the enemy en-masse, kk?
  2. ...Pardon?
  3. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I forgot how ironic sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.
  4. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    Yeah, it really doesn't.
  5. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    windwizard999 and dual_chiecken like this.
  6. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Deleted a few off-topic posts.
    No comment on the OP
    AcidSeth, Klokinator and Apronymous like this.
  7. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    I see that newbie archers are pretty good, comparing to those newbie knights. Command them to buy bomb arrows and use them on buildings, and you will have the best team you can imagine.
    Newbie knights are really bad. They keep running into you and jab alot, never using slashes nor shields...
  8. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Ironic sarcasm is ironic. :rekt:

    But, in all reality, it's way too bad. I mean, I don't get why Geti thought that shotgun was a good idea, but . .
    Yea, it needs reverting, as Archers are now more badass than knights are, and can one-shot 2/3 classes, and in packs, even small ones, can one-shot ALL classes.

    I never thought I'd say this, but . . .
    Archers need a damn nerf. :bow::no:
    Kabouter123 likes this.
  9. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Are you serious? Archers are godly as it is. Having a low amount of ping and good accuracy you can kill almost any knight. Having the power to do 2-3 hearts (shielding/not) while in cqc, and having the grapple to do the 'hit n run' tactic. It works great in my personal experience.

    I love how you called the knight the SUPPORT class in the OP. Well, it isn't in my personal view. They are the main class pushing the other team backwards. They can attack and defend. But, seriously. Tell me the last time you saw a knight camping in a tower throwing bombs? You have to be fairly good at it to be effective anyway.

    Also, get over it. Pub games are pub games. Almost no easy communication, other than the chat, but it takes time. Whereas the voice chat you may be in with friends is quick and easy.
    You can't force someone to go archer fwiw, they bought the game and get to play what they want basically.
    NinjaCell, PinXviiN and RampageX like this.
  10. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    He is being sarcastic, as now Knights are support since Archers are now OP as hell.
    Personally, I believe in Klok's crusade to revert these changes (although he goes before Knight nerf, which I liked).

    Oh, and also, about them being godly, they shouldn't be. Yea, archers are pretty kickass, but only when wielded correctly. Now, Geti dumbed down archers so much as someone who just picked up the game 2 minutes ago could destroy a team single-handedly as an archer.

    I know how archers used to be, and they were great, but only if you were good. Of course, no Knight could anticipate archers being good, so archers had an advantage. Now, having the shotgun, knights have now started to pretty much give up on knight v archer combat, as it's really screwed up.
  11. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Exactly. Revert knights to build 1180 status, minus the broken infinite wall climbing, and I don't really have an issue with the way archers are now. It's so simple it boggles the mind.

    I'm also not a huge fan of stab spam but it DOES give knight combat more options and makes it more than slash=death spam.

    Incidentally, this topic is an ironic joke about how people would always post about the team needing less archers more knights, since now it's the exact opposite.
    Dargona1018 and PUNK123 like this.
  12. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    Knights can one-shot 2.5/3 classes. Just saiyan.

    I think shotgun improves archer vs archer combat, but I'm still not sure about archer vs knight. I did like the extra skill jump.

    Don't know why you hate losing two hearts in one hit, that happens when other knights hit you too. If they do a double when you aren't shielding, you're dead. Archers have a bigger range, sure, but just a bit further back and you're only taking one hearts damage, if that. Archers will also die in one slash.

    I think one of the main reasons people think archers are so OP is that they are used to them sucking. Then when they die once or twice, they retreat and call them OP. Not a bit OP, but really OP, like they are actually worse than knights were in 1180.

    Just a bit of an exaggeration?

    Archers have been a weird class for the last couple of builds. People called them 'glass cannons', but they were more like glass pea-shooters. All they were good for was chip damage. Knights could afford to lower their guard once or twice. Now they have one decent CQC attack and everyone calls them OP. Seriously, you don't even die in one hit.

    Stop saying things like "they one-shot in groups". That makes no sense at all. One hit on an archer(s) by a knight and they are basically dead. An archer most powerful attack, which takes years to charge, takes off 2-3 hearts. Just because it's CQC doesn't mean you are guaranteed to get hit. Knights are just so used to not having to worry about timing when it comes to archers that they just don't bother.

    Just to clarify, archers may be a tad OP (I'll play a bit more), but this is worse than the bias when knights were stomping everything. It's like when the slightest thing is wrong, everyone jumps on it and shoves it in with the rest of the things they believe to be wrong instead of judging it individually.

    I thought this was just a joke thread, but it has turned kinda serious. I've not helped. So in order to help renew this thread please ignore everything I have written prior to this. I should probably add one of those jokes now. Ahem.

    "Sarcasm. Wow, that's original."
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    DatNobby and kittycity like this.
  13. Thread is officially dead

    I disagree with your post Ninja but I'm not about to start a flame war with you haha
  14. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    (...) - He says implying that I don't play Archer

    For a while, Archer was my main class, and I was pretty good. I used how Knights see them to an advantage, and the skills I had as Knight to combat them.

    So, first quote:
    I don't hate it, I hate how the pleb archers that just picked it up could do that.
    Before, you actually needed to be good to hit them like that, where now, you just need to charge up and walk near them. With knights, yet again, it is completely avoidable, whereas archers can release 3 arrows in your face, with no time in between. Before, you would have time in between each shot, and so you could use strategy, instead of using something like this.

    Since you don't need any skill to get in their face, all archers are spamming those, and this game is now called "King Arthur's Archer Spam", as that is all that I have seen recently. I don't think that the Testers are enough, as the only way to test is in matches, not by people who have something to lose in the community.

    Now, Second quote:
    Only the not-so-good archers made them glass pea-shooters, as if you were good, you could 1v2 knights sometimes, without them touching you. Once. Now, everyone can pick up a bow'n'arrow and destroy face while needing no skill. All I want back is the skill aspect to the game. Builders have it, Knights have it, and archer had them. That was when the game was good, and now it is beginning to look like crap, and soon we are gonna be losing players so quickly that the game will die within a month.
  15. I remember that 1 time I asked someone who's the best archer and that guy gave me 4 or 5 nicks.

    Soon after I played vs mass archer with 3 of those guys on the opposite team and walked over them with bombs lol
  16. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    Sorry, I wasn't aiming the comment exclusively to you, but I probably could have worded that better.
    Having played a bit more, I am actually finding that, while shotgun is much easier to use in mid air, I am better at Legolas in general. That's mostly down to lack of experience and a bit of personal preference. I'm not sure which I like better right now.

    However, I'm not seeing these archers crushing the opposition. It's still much easier for knights to get (loads of) kills. With shotgun, if you miss, you're more often dead. You say all the noobs are spamming shotgun, but I'm finding that aspect no different to Legolas. Except in the case of Legolas, they just hung back.

    I'm pondering the idea of having legolas, with a faster maximum fire rate, but the 'extra arrow fade' mechanic being used as well. It would make dealing sudden damage easier, but not unavoidable. It would also hinder scrubs from just legolasing over the whole map from way back.
  17. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    The difference between an average rekking knight and an average rekking archer is range. A knight has to get in your face and connect with his slash to hit you, and you see him coming. You can plan ahead, you can anticipate him. If he lights a bomb, you see it coming, and you can take evasive action (Which will possibly be futile if he's a good knight).

    Now, if you are a builder and you see an archer coming, you have two options.

    1. Hide inside/behind something.
    2. Pray to cthulu that the archer is aiming straight at the ground or behind him or anywhere but in the general direction you're facing, because when he gets to full charge and fires, a spread shot going three directions is coming at you, and you can easily die if all three hit you. Even if only two hit you, a quick single shot and you're dead. If by the grace of the lord you somehow turn into neo and see the game in its binary form and dodge the first triple shot, all the archer needs to do is stay back a bit, charge again, and attack again, just aiming in your general direction.

    Knight takes "no skill" because it's a durable class with an rmb invincibility button, but that got nerfed 20 times to hell and shields are made of paper mache now. To top it off, the archer has range, mobility, and excellent CQC, utility, potential to spam in hordes and be untouchable, and ways to get out of every situation. A knight needs a bomb to take out a group of archers, and I do mean needs. A solo archer VS a group of knights grapples away. A single knight VS a group of archers slowly moves away while shielding at them, and then one of the archers breaks off and goes behind the knight to attack from the blindside. If the knight tries to attack the archer, he's murdered instantly by the other archers waiting for him to lower his guard.

    I at no point in the history of KAG have complained that archers were OP until this build. In fact, I play archer about 10x more than knight now because of how goddamn powerful they are. I played archer infrequently in the 1180 build because they had effective utility, and if played well they were as deadly as they are now, but they just didn't have the ridiculous spam utility they have now.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    dual_chiecken and Dargona1018 like this.
  18. Normally I would imagine the knight without a doubt being able to win up close Archer V Knight but without bombs archers are much stronger

    As of now, any archer who just got the game and understands the concept is more in favor of winning than the best knight in the game

    Archers just have to run back and charge up a triple shot then run right back and shoot, Boom knight just lost 2-3 hearts, do it again dead.
    Fuzzle and Dargona1018 like this.
  19. load up bombs, set up a knight steamroller

    whoopp whoopp, trade hearts for walls
    NinjaCell and 101i like this.
  20. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    Its strange how this build effected archer vs knight combat, in a way it feels more op but in another way it doesn't, very up close archers are unstoppable, as long as they have a means of escape,if they don't then they MIGHT die, at mid range archers are far less powerful then they used to be because they no longer have that stream of arrows to just suppress knights so easily at that range. Knights basically need bombs to kill archers, this in my opinion is a fact, but it makes sense because the archer can just run away hence it being an agile mobility class that being a knight and trying to kill archers will be hard, all the archer has to do is hit and run and they don't die. right now tho archers are just far superior at super close up combat, because of the nature of the triple being a shotgun its almost impossible for a knight to slash or even jab a fighting archer. Now i don't know exactly what needs to be done to fix this issue, maybe remove triple shot altogether? I think if the archers full charge did 2 hearts that would be fine, no extra stun should be needed, right now the stuns are fine for archer, accept for the ridiculous knock back that they sometimes are able to deal out. Im also not saying to remove double slash, that currently is fine the way it is, one change for knight however should be something to do with the shield, right now bombs tend to go through them even though you definitely blocked them, same goes for some slashes, sometimes slashes end up going through shields if they are at the right angle, im sure you all know what im talking about....
    Dargona1018 and TheDirtySwine like this.