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This voting thing needs a change

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by revsta, Oct 9, 2014.

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  1. revsta

    revsta Shipwright

    First of all, you need to be able to vote people on the other team in some sort of way. There was an obvious speed hacker the other day and his team was happy to leave him on the team.

    Secondly, I was just in KAG 2 CTF. I built 80% of the base, the two tunnels, blocked off the lower entrance into the base, built the siege, bought about 9 kegs, a catapault, and then when I hacked down part of the top of the tower that was built wrong and glitching, I got vote kicked and BANNED by my team, none of whom saw me do it, and weren't even able to understand that the glitched out trampolines were ruining everything. I mean this is just absurd. The minute you change anything in the base you're auto kicked by your team mates for 'griefing' when I was the #1 builder on the team, and now I'm banned....I mean this is absurd. Hackers get to stay, because their team won't kick them, but you get kick/banned without even getting to explain your actions.

    Add this type of behavior to the list of why this game is dying/dead.
    PinXviiN likes this.
  2. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Well, @Sir_Walter banned you for a day, be a man and wait it out. (p.s. glitched trampolines don't ruin everything, and actually tend to work well depending on the situation)
    Secondly, there are free programs that let you record 30 seconds of video, plenty of time to catch a hacker. Catch him yourself, report him on the forums. It saves us admins quite a bit of work if we're busy at that moment (we have lives too). Or you could go into the kag IRC channel (#kag @ quakenet) and type in "!guard" and someone should respond.
  3. revsta

    revsta Shipwright

    Be a man and wait it out? This isn't about whether I can be a man and wait it out or not, it's about the manner in which this sort of thing occurs. I've been instantly vote kicked for hacking down a wood wall in my base to build another wall with stone in a better position. I built 80% of the base including the tunnels and siege, which required gold hunting, and because I hack something down OBVIOUSLY not griefing as I was builder the entire game building the base, I'm just instantly kicked and banned for a day? For what exactly? Because a glitched out trampoline bugged monstrosity was lagging out the server and another person on the team even complained about it?

    Then there's a thread on this forum wondering why the game is dead. I make a civil post about being unreasonably kick/banned without any ability to defend myself, and I'm told to be a man and take the ban. You think this type of behavior makes me want to tell my friends about this game and recruit people to play? You think this type of behavior doesn't discourage people from playing the game?
    PinXviiN likes this.
  4. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I believe Mr. Revsta is making a good point here.

    Only thing is, you haven't suggested anything to improve the situation. We're already aware the voting system sucks. Other than adding a mandatory "reason" a person has to type in, what fixes would you like to see? (And the "reason for kicking" has been begged of Geti/MM for a looooong time now, I'm baffled as to why it hasn't been added when it worked wonders in Classic. IMO it's the little things like this that make Beta inferior in the long run and less preferable.)
    PUNK123 likes this.
  5. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    That sucks, really man it does, but it happens in all multiplayer games. I can appreciate your vent, we've all had this happen to us at some point and it is absolutely, mind explodingly infuriating when it happens, but sadly it's a double edged sword. Remove the vote kick option and real hackers/griefers can get away with things a lot easier and if we keep it, the system can be abused and mistakes made.

    Next time, try announcing in the chat before you make some changes. "Hey guys, I built this section at the top of this tower, but it's become unstable, trampolines are glitching out and I'm going to knock it down and rebuild it." Obviously it sucks to do so, but announcing you're doing it before hand and with a good reason should hopefully see this thing happen a lot less. Not a perfect solution by any means. ^^

    You also need to understand that admins are trying to do the right thing by you, KAG is chaotic and server admins are only human and that even though you *may* have unfairly been banned, nothing is stopping you from jumping on another of the servers to continue your glorious building and KAG adventures there.

    I might also point out that there is a place you can appeal official server bans, so if you feel you've unjustly been banned you can appeal here: Official Server Ban Appeals

    But I digress, hopefully this hasn't jaded your entire KAG experience, there are some fantastic shiny people in the community but the dirt that covers them can make them seem far and few between. Happy kaggin'!!!

    He's right, your post only helps him in regards to the length of the ban, everything else you said completely missed the mark. He made reference to hackers, but only with regards to the vote system being shit, innocents getting vote kicked and the real culprits left alone. "Be a man and take the ban" is almost like you're trying to pick a fight with him, you might want to choose your words wiser. =) You may be an official server administrator but it does not put you above the rest.
    Dargona1018, Beef and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  6. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    The reason I banned you is that you destroyed our trampoline cannon and then blatantly admitted it by saying it "lags us out and we can't play." I explained that this was no excuse to grief and then banned him for one day, which is the normal amount of time for griefing a major structure. Evidence is below.

    Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 8.27.10 PM.png
    Klokinator and norill like this.
  7. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I apologize for being rude in my previous post. I should have given you the link to the ban appeal page, and I apologize for being an asshole.

    The part where I went on about calling an admin and getting a hacker banned were in response to this:
    As I said before, I realized I was an asshole in my previous post, and I apologize.
  8. you call other people idiots, swear every time you open your mouth and are surprised when they kick you. it's YOUR behaviour that is the reason why the game is dying. i hope you either change your attitude or quit. i used to be like you, but i changed, and i enjoy the game much more now
  9. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    Lags out the server !?
    My fucking face when!
    I have never seen lag come from this and I've built a ton of tramp cannons/cannon networks in game.

    I'm also pretty sure I've caught revsta griefing on LK a few times, makes me hesitant to feel any sympathy.
    I don't think innocent people have a reoccurring issue with the vote system. It's probably why you don't see many people consistently complaining about it.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  10. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I kinda agree that some people are just douches to everyone, but that's kiiiinda harsh. If it was one of the other multitude of people that spam caps when someone on their team does something that isn't to their liking, then I would encourage that behavior, but still.

    As with what you said, @rymcd , he said it was glitching out. For all that we know, it coulda been doing that shitty thing where it is teleporting out of the block, then into it, then out, then in, then out again, so on and so forth. Maybe it was only screwed up slightly, easily fixed, but not in his eye.

    Aaaaaand for the OP, there is something that I could say about "manning up", but seeing as I am not an inconsiderate person who has probably never been kicked ever (I still love you, Aubrun) , I shall not. I understand that getting kicked for something like that is idiotic. Same as all votekicks. Same as some admin-kicks (like taking down something that was helping the other team and hurting us, but destroying it = greifing our team apparently) , but at the same time, mistakes are made. Doesn't mean that you can't be really fucking pissed at it, but taking it out on others only diminishes how the community sees you, and thus how you will be treated. I mean, hell, look at Blue_Tiger! His past has now led people to think that he is shady, a troll, etc etc, even though he has changed.

    But, I digress...
  11. revsta

    revsta Shipwright

    See? This is a problem. An admin who doesn't even understand what 'evidence' is. I OPENLY ADMITTED in THIS THREAD to chopping that monstrosity down and my reason why. That isn't GRIEFING. Griefing is intentionally destroying your teams stuff to benefit the other team or piss of your team. I was OBVIOUSLY doing something I believed to be right to fix the unbearable lag. I notice you don't have the screenshot from the other team mate going "Oh, God that tramp lag really kicking in" or something to that effect. This isn't griefing, especially when I had spent the entire game building the two tunnels, the siege cannon, multiple shops, buying kegs for the knights, blocking off the tunnel into our base, and building an enormous chunk of the tower that that trampoline shit was built on. By this definition, if you destroy anything in the base for any reason what so ever, even if some idiot builds shit all in the way of people, it's grounds for a vote kick/ban without even applying your brain to the situation.

    It isn't just me this happens to. I've seen it happen plenty of other times to other people, and I was just in a server the other day where the SERVER OWNER was spawning a bajillion drills and fire arrows, had a score of 44k and kept teleporting all over the map and was claiming to "just having fun, spicing up the game" while ruining other peoples experience. I was getting rid of that thing, because the map was glitching out and people were complaining about the lag. I have made another post about this issue and how it ruins servers. We get 45 minutes in and some one does something stupid that glitches out the map and we have to vote next or 80% of the server just quits.

    People think I am whining because I was kicked. I'm not. I'm not even whining. I'm pointing out an issue with this KAG community that needs to be addressed.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 9, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 9, 2014 ---
    Your fucking face when? Just a day or two ago a map got so glitched out that nobody could play and we had to vote map, and it was because some kid had built this ridiculous trampoline contraption that when a person hit it it would bounce you about 90 times before you reached the top of the tower, and people everywhere were complaining about non internet lag and the map was ruined. I was trying to build and I couldn't even place a block. And I have heard people complain IN GAME about the voting system several times. I can understand, sort of, why you shouldn't be able to vote kick another team's player (even though you can do it in plenty of other games), but I've seen people constantly say "Please don't just vote yes on vote kicks for accused griefers" because people run them and just say "griefer" and the rest of everyone just instantly hits yes rather than bothering to look at what's going on.
  12. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    I disagree, I haven't had this issue once and I build a variety of tramp cannons in game.
    I'd be willing to look further into it if you have chat logs and maybe an image of the tramp cannon causing lag.
    To be honest tramp cannons require tree farms normally, there is currently a mill saw bug that crashes servers.
    It seems more likely this happened instead, it's really hard to pin point where its coming from as well.

    Although I do have one more theory, a new style of tramp cannons have recently became popular. It requires you to stack them in the exact same spot, many people are unsure about how they start to interact as well. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe only four are required to get the full effect, I don't think its common knowledge in game though. So basically other people see you stacking them and try to help out because it's actually pretty simple for them to do so. The issue is many people start over stacking like crazy, which normally leads to blocks being broken or being unable to pass through.

    I've always explained how it works to the person trying to help, reminding them that any more then four is to much. Try that out If over stacked tramp cannons end up being the reason the server is lagging for you. It's really obnoxious to just start breaking things you don't agree with, people will not judge lightly for that.
  13. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Whining? Nope.
    Raging out so much that people would call you a stupid 2 year-old ingame? Yes.

    So, here we go..
    First off:
    The openly admitting thing is a total shit excuse. You are grasping at air, and it is very evident.
    So, it took about 12 hours for Walter to get here, and tell you about this "mistake". He thought you were griefing, as you were destroying the tramp-cannon, the one thing that probably helped the most. So yea, that is considered griefing.

    Secondly, building everything does not excuse you from being kicked. I could hack right now, give everyone on my team 20,000 stone, and increase all of their damage, speed, etc.
    Does that mean that I shouldn't be kicked, seeing as I practically made everything, destroyed their base, and brought the team to victory? No.
    And before you say something which you think is witty, I am just applying your logic. You shouldn't be kicked for something that you (un)did since you created/did most of it before.
    You are just getting stuck up on the most idiotic part of the whole thing.

    If it's Last Kings, that is just makmoud having fun. He isn't intentionally ruining people's times, and he always give prompt notices, and even usually asks, when and if they are going modded. If you hate that, take it up with the server owner, or leave that server. Not their fault for your discomfort if you decide to stay.

    Going back to the "Seen it happen to other people" thing. People are wrongfully kicked all the fucking time. Hell, I recently kicked someone for being AFK, and it passed RIGHT AFTER the person started moving.
    Fair? No.
    Avoidable? Yes.
    Were the people there smart enough to Abstain as I spammed in caps in the chat to do so? No.

    There aren't people just out for your head, or for others. People are very idiotic with the vote system because the vote system itself is horrendous. Half of the votes are from the other team, of which nobody would see Teamkills, Greifing, AFK, etc.

    Your example of glitching out: A dumb contraption that everyone could probably avoid. Or, oh I don't know, turned off the trampoline?

    What was talked about with the voting system in Jig's post? I think there is a universal agreement that the voting system is shit, such as an ungodly amount of other things with a universal "It's shit!" being echoed around, and yet no update comes. The only thing we can do about the Voting system is just yell it out louder, and have ONE SINGLE THREAD not be a butthurt "just got ping-kicked, voting can suck my cock", but instead a sophisticated one with a tangible point being shown, so discussion can grow to be more than just "You got ping-banned, ya jackass".
  14. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    Yeah my post might seem off topic but to be honest it looks like he has a problem with other peoples building ideas. I don't think its the voting system that's at fault, I think he's just pissed because he's getting kicked by it. Which I can understand if you're not doing something wrong. However revsta is just destroying things and making wild claims like you're lagging the server without proof. At this point I believe his posts are irrelevant and he should be discussing his issues in a thread related to tramp cannons.
  15. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Too bad neither of you guys are good with regular arrows. :rekt:

    EDIT: As to not go totally off-topic:
    I think that the vote system is still faulty, just not in this situation, thus why I made that exclamation that it needs to be in a not-butthurt thread to be taken seriously.

    EDIT2: Don't know which likes are for my snarky comment, and which one for the actual content . . .
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  16. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Regardless of how you justify it, you destroyed a large structure without even taking steps like asking the team first (which may not have completely exempted you, but you could at least claim that most of the team supported your decision). Instead of this, you just unceremoniously hacked down a (vitally important) part of our base because it was hurting your playing experience. You may have learned (or I suppose possibly not, seeing your conduct) as a child that the world doesn't revolve around you- other people have interests, passions and ideas too, which are just as valid as yours. And don't tell me "oh, a couple people complained about lag" because seeing one random quote saying the game is running slow does not justify mercilessly destroying the perceived cause of lag (which may not have been the cause of the lag anyway, I remember that there were a couple catas which are know to cause memory leaks). In conclusion, you cannot simply destroy something because you don't like it.

    E: I was looking at revsta's posts and such, and I saw that he had previously been caught griefing on the BD servers previously. He said that it was a friend playing on his account, but who knows...
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
    101i, Klokinator and norill like this.
  17. revsta

    revsta Shipwright

    I love people trying to just start attacking me for me talking about this as a broader issue and make it look like I'm crying about being kicked this one time. You can't call a person a griefer for ONE thing. People ACCIDENTALLY cause things to fall and are kicked before they have time to explain. I've had large structures I've built torn down by a builder who claims he knows better than I do on how to build things. It wasn't just me complaining about the lag on the server, and this is the second time in two days it had happened, as I've stated before in this thread. Anyone who has played w/me and has a brain knows I'm not a griefer, but this game is filled with people who obviously don't understand what griefing is and see any mistake from a builder or any disagreement about how things should be built as griefing.

    Anyone who plays this game knows that a lot of the time team mates don't even read chat. I've said in team chat that the other team was building right below our flag and just watched the entire team just out of the base and keep heading over to the other team's base while our flag got pilfered. Those are the same people who just instaclick "kick" on anyone accused of "griefing." Dragona1080's example is also not even close. Me cheating to benefit someone isn't the same thing as trying to fix something fucking everyone. I also had brought a catapault that I bought from the siege shop that I built up to the same area that the glitched out trampoline monstrosity was, in order to replace the thing that was causing all the lag with something that would do the same thing.

    Literally as soon as the thing came down, ONE team mate saw me near it and vote kicked me, and everyone clicked yes. I'd wager no one saw what happened, and I was in the middle of explaining it, and some others on the server were already complaining about the catapault. I guess from now on if I'm in a server and there's something horrifically wrong and built by an asshole, like say dirt spikes throughout the base, I just won't chop them down because I'll be accused of griefing and kicked and banned for a day. I guess next time some idiot builds a platform pit with spikes that traps his own team mates coming out of the base I won't plug it up because I will be kicked and banned for griefing. I guess next time someone walls up the flag with wood I won't hack it down and replace it with stone because the whole thing could be destroyed with one fire arrow because I will be kicked and banned for griefing -- because nobody seems to understand what the fuck griefing actually is.
  18. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    well even if you greifed before(not saying you did) people change daily and mature which is why most admins dont permaban even though the culprit is guilty anyway since this is about the whole voting kicking thing is there anyway we can get some spectator protection ive been vote kicked countless times because i just want to watch a ctf game play out(yes i get it if your not there to play what are you there for but there is spectator for a reason>:( )
  19. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    @revsta Is your ban over?

    @Sir_Walter was revsta kicked from the server, or did you ban him?

    Also, the kicking thing has been tried to be fixed multiple times. Admins can now stop votes, which I'm not very used to yet, but yes it works. There is not an abstain button where there was none before. I'm not quite sure how you COULD possible make it better. It's going to be abused by a bunch of dumb people, but if you record them. We as the admins will deal with it. Usually with bans.
  20. fyi revsta, for future reference, you don't have to remove wood to replace it with stone, you can place stone blocks directly over wood blocks, removing them instantly. Much faster, so it's more efficient.
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