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Daily Giveaway (finished)

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by Guro, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Waky

    Waky Haxor

    gib code pl0x I know a hispannic that can use it.
  2. startselect3

    startselect3 Arsonist

    yay free codes, ive been planning to give one to my friend but i dont have any money atm :(
  3. FreeFallHero

    FreeFallHero Bison Rider

    Trying my luck. ^^
  4. Waky

    Waky Haxor

    wanna get one for my friend, no money tho.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 19, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 19, 2014 ---
    So do you get more in the raffle if you put more then one post or is it the same?
    >le happy murchant face
    Guro likes this.
  5. I think if you post an interesting thing, or are active here you'll have a better chance.
  6. Waky

    Waky Haxor

    Ok, I suppose I'm pretty active(most of the time) Thanks ice.

    I'll write a poem about my profile pic.
    Oh how I love money,
    I'm a goyim who loves the booty,
    Never forget the six million goys.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 19, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 19, 2014 ---
    Watermelon lips,
    fried chicken finger tips,
    bitch ass nigger.
    icemusher likes this.
  7. Jomskylark

    Jomskylark Drill Rusher

    Hey, I would love a code if you're still doing giveaways! I just started playing this game after a big hiatus and am currently experiencing all kinds of emotions. To put it into pictures:

    Right now I'm all like

    Which makes me feel very

    But I'm determined to improve

    So I can feel like

    A code would probably help my chances of following that progression. Thanks mate! :)
    icemusher likes this.
  8. Waky

    Waky Haxor

  9. I know 3 :rektlord:
    EDIT: moar cod pls
  10. FreeFallHero

    FreeFallHero Bison Rider

    Someone give me a couple easy ideas what to draw ;-;
  11. T3Quilla

    T3Quilla Catapult Fodder

    No one like me :QQ:
  12. Waky

    Waky Haxor

    draw my pic, bls.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 19, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 19, 2014 ---
    I'm gonna force the hispannic guy to use a username /b/ picks if I win. kek
  13. Ninjatchii7

    Ninjatchii7 Catapult Fodder

    I aunt my luck ::):
    This is CreepyPasta, which has to do with Pikachu (Pokemon) :
    The nickname of this Pikachu is the lone Pikachu (Pikachu Lonely). It is an electric type Pokémon, it was yellow with long black-tipped ears, he had brown lines on the back, had black eyes and red cheeks that are small pockets that contain electricity and has a tail in the shape of lightning. Now it is black with white ears and tail is white and her cheeks are blue and form spirals, her eyes are big and all white and his lips form a zigzag ...
    We can see her cry because of loneliness but her tears are blood, but it seems that'm schizophrenic, it may be fearful and whiny human face but sadistic psychopath, he does not hesitate to kill his victim. ..

    A young boy, a fan of Pokemon, has the Red version, it plays day and night with his friend Terry. He finished the game very quickly

    A new version comes out shortly after, the Yellow Version. In this version, it is possible to have a Pikachu from the beginning of the game. Happy boy decided to buy it with Terry. They play them both. These two children have heard a rumor about Pikachu and both argue, there would be a hidden Pokémon if they played a certain way, you must have only Pikachu in his team, bring them up at 100 and beat the council 4 with this Pikachu. He starts his part by calling his character Ash and it starts with his Pikachu, who does not like it at all. As in, this Pikachu starting to like Sasha, Pikachu IRL appreciate the player even if it is in a game and he would not see his face. When he puts out his Game Boy, Pikachu awaits his save point.
    When he lights his Game Boy and continues his part, his Pikachu sings and has a heart above her head, a first in this game. Boy ignores and continues the game. The more he earns XP, plus Pikachu likes Sasha and becomes attached to him. This is the first Pokémon that loves his players at this point. But on the other Pokemon Pikachu warn that we should not be attached it to a trainer.

    The two friends decided to exchange their Pikachu to increase their levels faster. So he chooses his Pikachu for exchange, a strange dialog box appears:

    Are you sure to share your Pokémon?
    Yes No

    The boy is speechless and thinking of doing something stupid, he chose "Yes" and the exchange begins. 2 Pikachus cross and that of Terry starts talking to him behind his Pokéball:

    "- You saw Your trainer does more than you want ... we warned you not to attach yourself to yours?"

    The Pikachu Sacha starts crying and has not had time to respond. The boy was on the side of Pikachu Terry who stayed away from him and toward Such Terry. The boy regretted that exchange and wants to take it back but when Terry chooses Pikachu for exchange, it has this dialog box:

    "The Pikachu Sacha refuse!"

    Terry tries again:

    "The Pikachu Sacha Sacha refuses to return!"

    These are words that Pikachu said of himself because he avit a feeling of hatred towards Sasha. The boy decides to trade in his red version. Terry notices her sprite (appearance in the game), the Pikachu was not the same face, a sad face and a cry of Pikachu slowed, as if in pain. The Pikachu crying in her Pokéball. The boy and Terry exchange the Pikachu and Pinsir. Once traded Pokémon, the boy continues to play in the red version, but walked in the game, he hears cries resembling the crying of a child. The boy looks at his watch and Pokémon the sprite his Pikachu that has a more depressed face and tears flowing in his eyes.

    The years passed, the boy is now 12 years old and he enters the school in the sixth. He is still friends with Terry and they are always a fan of Pokémon. The boy bought the new version of Pokémon: The Silver Version. Both play to Pokémon but the boy thought about his Pikachu. He decides to take his red version. Once exchanged, the Pikachu had black stains on it! The boy was happy thinking that he had become a shiney (rare pokémon). But his Pikachu was more depressed than ever. He wants to develop it by giving it a lightning Pikachu but refused, and a dialog box opens stone:

    "Pikachu refuse!"

    The boy re-tries. The boy then decides to have a shiney Pichu in Pokémon Pension, he puts Jigglypuff with a female, but it does not work, he refuses and ignores Jigglypuff. He tries again but to no avail. He gives up and then facing a trainer with his Pikachu, oddly, his Pikachu refuses combattree and returns to his Pokéball when the boy chooses to fight. He looks at his sprite, it is even more depressed than usual! It is even darker than before. His eyes are nonexistent and seem to be hidden by a dark spot and red tears flowing from his eyes. The boy looks more carefully and noticed a message:

    "Why did you abandon me?"

    The boy is stunned and his hands are shaking. He tries to ignore it and advance in the game accompanied crying Pikachu becoming stronger. It still looks and his Pokémon Pikachu's sprite, it changed again: his eyes are visible but are red with tears of the same color, the coat becomes even more black and a message appears:

    "I does beg back ..."

    The boy has had enough and decides to release it. In the game, the Pikachu short in the grass crying. He suddenly heard a voice:

    "-. Poor little Pikachu Abandoned by her trainer you want to review is not if you want, I'll send in another version which will be released in a long time, one that calls you Sacha take this version and you shall find? ! "

    5 years went by, the boy is 17, he is in high school. He still plays Pokemon, but he has no news of Terry's in another school. He now has the Ruby Version and Pearl. He was happy when he heard about the Silver and Gold Version released on DS, it's his favorite generation! He bought and started playing it parcourre tall grass when he suddenly came across a wild Pokémon, the music of Lavender Town plays and he falls to the Pikachu he had abandoned ...

    "The Pikachu appears Sacha"

    He has the same face before his retirement! Without hesitation, he launched a Pokéball and catches at once. He noted that the Pikachu walks behind him as he is in the PC game, it looks and press A, a dialog box opens:

    "Pikachu looks at you with tears of blood"

    He began:

    "Pikachu wants to go to Lavender Town ..."

    The boy flies to Lavender Town. He enters the tower but Pikachu is no longer behind him, he talks to NPCs who tell him:

    "- I'm sorry about your Pokemon."

    The boy does not understand, he goes out and finds a tomb where 4 lines are engraved:

    "Here lies Pikachu
    Abandoned by Sacha
    12 years ago
    Death of Solitude ... "

    While Pikachu is at his grave in the game, a shadow in front of his grave before taking his corpse and take her with him. The Pikachu wakes up and finds himself in a dark place where a creature with red eyes stands before him. It was a demon, he proposed a pact to Pikachu, his soul in exchange for a life demon. The Pikachu accepts then becomes a demonic Pikachu and now lives in Pokémon in order to kill that Sacha which led to death.

    Well, I hope I have my code ::):

    PS : Sorry for my english ,I'm french
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014
    icemusher likes this.
  14. Waky

    Waky Haxor

    ITT: we write a story using only a word at a time.

    PUNK123 likes this.
  15. ate
    PUNK123 likes this.
  16. radioactive
    PUNK123 likes this.
  17. Jomskylark

    Jomskylark Drill Rusher

    Guro gifted me a code! Thanks a bunch :dance::dance:

    icemusher and TheAverageMan like this.
  18. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    How about I send this part to the spam can? Some rules still apply in this thread, dudes.
    PUNK123 and Guro like this.
  19. golemn

    golemn Shark Slayer

    Draw Guro riding his mighty steed into the sunset, tossing codes to the populace as his overflowing wallet spills gold coins into the gutters.
    Draw Geti weeping like only a lover can, as Guro saves KAG like the mighty hero he is.
    Draw us, the KAGgers, once poor and pathetic, desperate for hope; now standing strong, shields, swords, bows and hammers raised to our Saviour Guro.
    Draw golemn praising the heavens, for the curse is lifted. Beta is here for all who believe.
    Draw me as I whisper:
    "Guro is love"
    "Guro is life"
    Guro and Aurora- like this.
  20. Kill_uminati

    Kill_uminati Shipwright
