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What was the most pro thing you did in kag today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mcrifel, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    Tital explains everything.

    what did i do today? bomb jumped over a gigantic wall and when I landed I stomped 3 archers to death, then stole a knights keg and destroyed the tower :rekt:
  2. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    This was yesterday, but I feel like saying it.

    So, as we all know, TTH hasn't been very popular recently. And since the shotgun update, I just haven't been able to play knight as well as I could before.

    With the Humblers coming in, all of the CTF servers were full, and there were people in TTH.
    I went in, was sucking at archer, and went to Knight. Now, I haven't used it successfully for at least 2 months.
    I was reking shit up.

    I usually have a KD Ratio of 1 or right below 1 (equal kills and deaths), and yet I believe myself to be pretty good (probably right below weman level (archer) and used to be a bit below Lk level (knight) ). This match, had 100 kills and 39 deaths. Sure, I was attacking much newbier guys, but I still felt good. I was doing bomb-jumps that turned into shield-smashes (killed 2 archers at once with this). I was catching kegs and tossing them back. I was throwing mines at them and killing multiple people each time (though it didn't count in my kills because bugs).

    Aaaaaand I won 2 matches in a row because of changing to builder and replacing doors at their main hall, having those stuck outside unable to get back in. :rekt:
    DatNobby likes this.
  3. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I built a tower for the Gods of Asgard and helped my team win. It was decked out with a Chicken Launcher, various shops, and shooting spots for archers. The blue scum stood no chance! All hail Odin!
    dayleaf likes this.
  4. Juaro

    Juaro Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Stopped playing.
  5. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i wanna know what a chicken launcher is and how it is built
  6. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I call it a chicken launcher but it's basically just a quarters with a Chicken holding area and then you launch people from a cata
  7. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild


    well i didnt this today, but it was yesterday, i almost broke my hand so i cant play :X

    i joined a match, i rekt some guys, bought bomb arrows, capped a flag while other guy capped the first one, supported my team escaping with water bombs that i also bought, they both teams were fighting in the middle like a long stalemate, then i joined and the match ended 2 mins after... obviously couldnt do it without the team support but yeah, no one helped me at capping the flag :>, only pushing foward
  8. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    or or or you could be pro by rekting with 1 hand :3
  9. neil58

    neil58 Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    I had a rare opportunity to spam the @kedram and most of the Zen clan with a shitton of water arrows until they all rage quit. Leaving me alone with a pile of water arrows
    Sir_Walter, Kububv, Ricket and 2 others like this.
  10. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

  11. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    "Humblers" is now added to my personal Oxford English Dictionary
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  12. Ferret_Ferret

    Ferret_Ferret Shark Slayer

    This happened to me AWHILE ago, but I still recall it well.

    I was an archer on red. At the time I was just a casual dude playing KAG, not necesarilly GOOD at archer. I decided to pick up some water arrows for whatever reason (at the time I never saw anyone really use water arrows, but might have just been me). Anyways, the red team had just picked up blue's final flag, and the transporting knight was being pursued by.. well.. the entirety of blue. The valiant red knight made it all the way to the foot of our holdings, in which he would have to go a ways upward (there was this sort of hill that lead up to our base). Sadly, the knight was killed before he could ascend this hill thing, and the flag was surrounded by a sea of blue players.

    Staring down upon a sea of blue from the top of a tower, flag smack dab in the center, I:

    - say "fuck it"
    - jump off
    - shoot a water arrow mid air
    - stun the entirety of blue's flag defenders
    - land on a builders head which promptly collapses
    - take the flag and grapple away like a boss

    It was pretty swell.
    Sir_Walter and norill like this.
  13. Held the line against 6 knights killed them all, bomb jump slammed 3 archers used 2 bombs and stole the flag whilst being pelted with arrows, chased back by a group of knights, killed them, used the tunnel and capped

  14. MrJet

    MrJet Drill Rusher

    If anyone,need knight trainer.Ask me i will help you.Just write when and on whats server.(Classic)
  15. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    but but... isn't that bad for your health?!?
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  16. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    I was on top of a tower, top of the map tall tower. I jumped of as archer, stomped a knight swung onto a tree then slammed into another knight, firing an arrow at him. I then took out two archer then jumped into a knight with a lit keg. He dropped it and I picked it up. I then grappled into the enemies front line base, dropped the keg and blew up the tower. I then held off the enemy while my knights came through the wreckage. I took out 2 builders, 1 knight before an archer hit me.
  17. MrJet

    MrJet Drill Rusher

    Next time,pliz show your screens or video.
  18. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Sometimes it is unexpected your going to do something. Anyway, the tower (enemy) wasnt very big and no backwalls.
  19. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Saucy-Gibbon likes this.
  20. Actually played 1 round of tth. That was it.
    Dargona1018 and dual_chiecken like this.