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[1239] Spiking, Crashing and Disconnecting from server

Discussion in 'Archive' started by LazikLion, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. LazikLion

    LazikLion Arsonist

    Category: KAG Server
    Operating System: Mac
    Build number: Has been happening since the start of the 1230 build
    Desc: When i join any server on KAG i immediately am faced with lag spikes that go for about 3 seconds and happen every 15 seconds. After about 3-10 mins i am disconnected from the server.
    Steps to reproduce: Join any server and wait for lag spikes or crash/disconnect.
    Video: Ill post in the chat once i have the time
    Background info: Im fairly confident its not a bad internet connection because whenever i go to play on my PC there are no lag spikes or crashes
  2. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    I sometimes get this on my mac. Are you using a desktop mac or a laptop? If its a laptop, trying pluggig it into power.
  3. LazikLion

    LazikLion Arsonist

    Yeah im using a Macbook Air (laptop) and i basically always have it in power, but either way i still get a pretty shitty connection.
  4. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Try setting graphics to fast (works for me).
  5. If it's your ping that's the problem, it could be your wireless. Try plugging your laptop directly to the router with an Ethernet cable, see if that helps.
  6. LazikLion

    LazikLion Arsonist

    Could it have to do with something like storage or ram on my computer (i will not always be able to use ethernet cable).
  7. If the ping is the issue, then it will be one of these things:

    - Your wireless adapter on your laptop
    - Your home modem (especially if you're like me and have every family member with at least one, often two connected devices sharing a 1.5mbps connection)
    - Your ISP (maybe, unlikely)
    - Interference from radio waves in the area - try moving the router elsewhere if it's near a microwave or radio.
    - The fact you're using Wi-Fi, which is a laggy system compared to cable-based internet, doubly so if you're using Wi-Fi to connect to your modem, and your modem using Wi-Fi to connect to the local exchange (as happens in my case).

    Most of this is solvable. Respectively:

    - Connect an ethernet cable between your laptop and your router. See if that improves ping - if it does, then the issue lies with either your adapter or the fact that you're using Wi-Fi.
    - If you've got multiple people sharing a small connection, there's not really much you can do besides hope that there's time where you can use it without lag. That's largely what happens for me.
    - If it's your ISP, then other people in the same area would be seeing the same issue.
    - Easy to move your router, I guess. This will only improve things if it is because of radio wave interference - if it does not improve then it is one of the other possible problems.
    - If you're using Wi-Fi to connect, see no. 1. If your router connects via Wi-Fi, then there's nothing you can do.
    LazikLion likes this.
  8. LazikLion

    LazikLion Arsonist

    Thanks for your time and help