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{Ace} vs TB [Approved]

Discussion in 'Competitive KAG Archive' started by Tynite, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Server: Australian Clan War Server
    Date: Saturday, 25th October 2014
    Rules: Best of 3

    • Lief
    • HobGoblin
    • Bird
    • Villy
    • Gwynevere
    • Charginglocket
    • J.T
    • TrueBlue
    • SirUllrich
    • Static
    • Crea7ionfrost
    • Rocketlock
    • Round 1: 1 - 0
    • Round 2: 1 - 0
    • Round 3: TIE
    • Outcome: ACE WIN!

    Referee: @cameron1010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  2. First game;
    [18:18:40] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by -HobGoblin-!
    [18:18:44] <{Ace}Gwynevere> tWOOOOOO
    [18:18:46] <{Ace}Gwynevere> GO TEAM
    [18:18:49] <{Ace}Bird> tweet
    [18:18:49] Blue Team's flag has been captured by -HobGoblin-!
    [18:18:50] <MaJoR Jokeman> gg
    [18:18:51] <{Ace}HobGoblin> * NICE *
    [18:18:51] <{Ace}Lief> gg

    Second game;
    [18:18:40] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by -HobGoblin-!
    [18:18:49] Blue Team's flag has been captured by -HobGoblin-!
    [18:18:50] <MaJoR Jokeman> gg
    [18:18:51] <{Ace}HobGoblin> * NICE *
    [18:18:51] <{Ace}Lief> gg
    [18:18:53] <[TB] Lord Trueblue> gg wp
  3. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Its a bo3. If you win 2 rounds, the third round is useless! you can use an external program to take screenshots!

    Thanks for reporting! i will need a tb player to approve that match!
  4. jarrydthysse

    jarrydthysse Bison Rider
    1. Trueblue [TB]

    So um... Do i just say 'J.T approves this !!!' or do i actually need to do something more ?
  5. I think you're all good

  6. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Ace receive 2 points gg! Dont hesitate to add some comments for the match for your fans haha