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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stees, Nov 11, 2014.


Have you ever been kicked from a game and why?

  1. I was kicked and was provided no reason

  2. I was kicked and I probly deserved it

  3. I was kicked but it was a bunch of BS

  4. I've never been kicked! Yah!

  5. I love fruit

  1. stees

    stees Builder Stabber

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
    PUNK123 and AmestriStephen like this.
  2. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Last Kings CTF is the best KAG server ever. Just read the Yeee old pub thread!
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    @stees --aka this person on Steam, I presume?-- what would you have us do? I mean, I get that you're all upset 'nstuff, but what concrete action are you expecting from KAG devs and/or staff?

    A place to give feedback about the admins on a particular server already exists; just find the thread associated with the server in question and post your concerns there. If you can't find a server listed in the Directory then chances are it was a pretty terrible server to begin with and you're better off playing elsewhere. Alternately, if it's global moderator (aka 'guard', aka the people with green names) you're having problems with then you can voice your concerns here.

    Ultimately, however, THD (the creators of KAG) have no control over what people do on their privately owned servers. They maintain admins on official servers and the, smaller, pool of guards to help give general support to the community; but that's it. Which means if you can't sort things out peaceably (in-game and/or on the forums) then I'm afraid your only recourse is to affiliate yourself with a different server-- same as IRL where if you don't like one shop you go give your business to someone else.

    Also, as a side note, please don't Xpost links to your complaints everywhere. One post on each forum (Steam & official), with a link in each pointing to the other, would have been more than sufficient. As it stands it kinda makes you sound like you're butthurt, mad, and have an axe to grind. :huh?:
  4. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I'm going to mirror what FBB said, most of the things you have address here (and on steam) does not have to do with the KAG staff but rather the individual server owners and admins of those servers. My suggestion is to avoid these servers all together, you should try to get on the more well known servers or even better, just go on Official Servers. Official Servers have admins that have been assigned by the staff members. These people are usually fair when it comes to judgement and order, but if they aren't, then you can discuss the matter directly with the KAG team.

    As for your links on other "Admin abuse", it looks like you didn't read some of them clearly. One of them looks like it was just a ping ban, another one doesn't even give any details about where and why they were banned, and on all of them you posted your discussion thread. If you want people to take this seriously, don't point fingers in random direction and discuss the matter maturely.

    A side note, why is the poll public? Does it really matter who picked what? A better question, is a poll really needed?
  5. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Here's what I wrote on the steam forums:

    I am pretty sure I am the reason for this thread/post/whatnot.

    What I remember of this event is that you asked me to ban XYZ (AE i think his name was) for team killing. I told you I was not witness to the event, and therefore am not allowed to ban him, if he did it again, tell me, and I'll keep a closer eye on him.

    You then proceeded to spam chat with how much of a badmin I am. I'm pretty sure AE did not team kill after this event. I left some time afterwards, and didn't think much of the event. Frankly, I'm quite surprised you would create so many threads for this event, as you weren't even banned, or anything negative happened to you. I didn't even mute you.

    If this event is not the one you are talking about, I sincerely apologize, but I suggest you to be more specific in the future about what admin abuse is happening. Just yelling admin abuse does not help the community/server owners in anyway. It just annoys them, and as a result, they start ignoring these threads.

    Thank you,
    Superblackcat (Oda)
  6. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    Two of the links to steam threads were about players mistaking ping bans for actual bans. Because ping bans = admin abuse.
    NinjaCell, norill, Solaris and 6 others like this.
  7. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Also you should take into account 1 of those is ziremonger and he has made like 5 threads complaining about lk servers, he has been banned on shiprekt plus, and he made 2 threads complaining about other players so eventually you need to come to the conclusion it isnt everyone elses fault
  8. Jedi13

    Jedi13 Shipwright

    No, it is OBVIOUSLY everyone elses fault! HOW DARE YOU imply that when someone makes 5 threads complaining about servers, 2 complaining about other players, and is banned from numerous servers IS THE PROBLEM?! It is OBVIOUSLY everyone else!
    PUNK123 likes this.
  9. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    I've posted my opinion on the steam topic, I think this should be an issue the developers look at honest, Considering this has turned people off KAG and made the need for people to grief there way to revenge It's definitely something worth considering.

    Anyway I think this thread should be locked since it's practically waiting to burn and there is no point discussing what the steam conversation contains.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  10. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    The banning system is shizzle -- it's confusing to everyone. "You are banned on this server."? Could you give me a reason, please? Who banned me? Is it permanent? Ping-ban? A more informative system could fix the confusion. "There's always someone who dislikes our updates" .. @Geti, stop being a config-modifying asshat and start to push some lovable updates.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
    Jedi13, Frogskin, PUNK123 and 3 others like this.
  11. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Fruit clearly wins.
    TheFlare and Jedi13 like this.

  12. At first I liked this, but then you started on personal attacks.
  13. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    No, personal attacks are never needed. I wouldn't listen to a jackass if they go talking to me like I'm their servant. Geti and the rest of the KAG team took their own time to make this, so have a little respect. If you want something, then make a thread about it in the suggestions section of the forum.
  14. Shadowor

    Shadowor Shark Slayer

    Unfortunately this is how it goes in kag for a long time. Some guard and admin are douchebags and will abuse if they don't like you (one of the reason why I became an admin everywhere I could).
    About guards you can't do much (Geti said he will remove guards a long long time ago). If an admin picks on you for no reason, you either contact the admin or server owner on forum and hope for a nice discussion, or just don't play there. Try the popular servers instead.
    Or maybe you are the bad guy, and you will write books about how unjustified the admins are and cry all over. Don't do that, it will get worse and of course they will pick on you next time.
    All you can do is stay safe and always fight for your rights in every way you can, be someone who gets things done.
    Jedi13 likes this.
  15. Infiniterising

    Infiniterising Amorous Duelist Donator

    Woah woah woah, calm! Some many heavily insulting opinions.
    Anyhow, it would be a good idea to have a seperate message from "you are banned on this server" for different reason. Of course, it'd be fun if you could customise the message for your own server, so some people can fuck around with their patrons. Be so funny if some 12yr old kid got ping kicked and it said "Thou art banned for being a little bandwith stealing shit".

    As for guards, I'm pretty sure that most of them are actually quite nice if you actually stop and get to know them, or just don't draw uneeded attention to yourself, it'll be great practise for real life, you social outcast, because you'd only be complaining because you suck and everyone hates you and loves to pick on you especially admins.

    But yeah, that's all I can say about this matter.
    UnnamedPlayer and Ricket like this.
  16. revsta

    revsta Shipwright

    Too bad the LK server thread is gone or you could read about my experience w/horrendous admin abuse.
    Fuzzle and makmoud98 like this.
  17. moshermadnes

    moshermadnes Shark Slayer

    I just got banned from last kings flat map because of Jiggybb.

    [13:37:38] <moshermadness> lol u mad bro
    [13:37:47] <sztajfo> new
    ***At this point Jiggybb freezes me in the middle of the game***
    [13:37:57] <[’] Jiggybb> umadbro?
    [13:38:02] <moshermadness> lol u so gelly u had to cheat
    [13:38:11] <moshermadness> i am reporting u
    [13:38:17] <[’] Jiggybb> lolol
    [13:38:27] krw703 left the game
    ***Bans me from the server***
    PanduhsFTW and Jedi13 like this.
  18. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Logs aren't going to be enough as you could easily just edit them. If you have concerns, you should post in the server thread and not here. And if there is no server thread, send a private message to those involve in the incident.

    A side note, you've been a shady player in the past, so don't expect people to just take your word. Example: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/black-death-servers.17348/page-7#post-284901
    PanduhsFTW likes this.
  19. BillyWeedman

    BillyWeedman Haxor

    As anyone that is used to play MP games, you should understand the difference between public and private servers. Kag is not an exception to this. Private servers admins can ban you because whatever reason and you could do nothing about it really. You may disagree with their actions but thats the way it is, so at the end of the day you just have to deal with it (or not, and avoid such servers) It is fairly simple.
    link6155 likes this.
  20. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    "Better ban messages" is a todo-list item. When I'm out of exams I'll give it a look, build server should be fully operational again by then.
    Being offensive about it is a good way to get dropped onto my ignore list though, just a heads-up.

    Re: guards - we really need to drop them from the default seclevs some time.

    Re: public vs private servers - our position on it is the same as it's always been - private servers that don't try to interfere with user's computers or other servers are more or less fair game, and can choose whatever policies they want, including "admins can ban anyone they dont like". We're not interested in fighting these kind of political battles when there's no real shortage of servers to play on, and they own (or are friends with the owner of) the box; particularly as some of the cleanest servers we've had in the history of KAG ([!] Action Unlimited rip) have been moderated in this "shotgun" style. There are of course, casualties who'll be kicked out without real cause, but with a mostly-sensible set of moderators the play for everyone else is kept clean and fun.
    However: on public servers (ie official ones) we hold the official admins accountable to a higher standard. If you have cases of abuse and video evidence of it feel free to report.