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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

  2. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

  3. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

  4. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    1. slater126
    2. Griefing. Collapsed a tower.
    3. Noburu's Action CTF
    4. Late last night (so around 1400 GMT?).
    5. There were special circumstances such that I had mod powers (more on that here), I froze him to question him and he fled. Also, I have a screenshot from just before I gained mod powers:[​IMG]

    1. Harygon2
    2. Griefing. Attempted to collapse the replacement tower to the one slater126 griefed.
    3. Noburu's Action CTF
    4. About half an hour later? (so around 1430 GMT?)
    5. Yes I'm sure, though I have no screenshots (forgot to :(). He started to grief, I froze him, asked him what he was doing, and he promptly disconnected. Chat log from the time (coloured names by team, comments in green):
    [306873] <AUSS FuzzyBlueBaron> the hell man??!? <-- first spotted him griefing
    [306960] <bman123457> how do i call for a vote? <-- teammate asks about kicking him
    [307182] <Corpse> bensmith: break spikes
    [307186] <bman123457> It's hammer time! <-- teammate tries to stop him
    [307238] New player joined the game
    [307264] Unnamed player is now known as TheKn HappyHippie <-- froze him around here
    [307447] <AUSS FuzzyBlueBaron> Harygon2: what are you doing? <-- asked him what he was doing
    [307569] Harygon2 left the game <--- and he fled
  5. Kassc

    Kassc Shipwright


    1. What was the players name? KingEric100
    2. What did the player do? Was Trying to destroy Bridge
    3. In what server? Forgot....
    4. In what time? Mid-Game
    5. Are you sure?
  6. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Thanks Fuzzy they will both be permabanned, at least from my server :D
  7. Mornaval

    Mornaval Shopkeep Stealer

  8. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    1. Dub Kingorgon12
    2. Griefing. attempted to collapse a tower before we spotted him.
    3. Sky's The Limit (I think, sorry, logged out before I remember to check :oops:)
    4. around 20 minutes ago (so, ~0701 GMT)
    5. Completely sure. Only stopped when shouts of "griefer" started - he then ran away and then swapped to the other team.

    Also, fyi, a clanmate of his, one Dub Itzsniper21, was caught acting suspiciously and when questioned ranted about a griefer's revenge. When we threatened to kick him, he claimed he was only joking. WATCH HIM CLOSELY!
  9. LLC

    LLC Shipwright

    1. ltzsniper21, G.U.lickmymayanas, and other G.U guys
    2. Griefing.
    3. VirtualTi.com.br
    4. 11:00-11:40 PM Tuesday, November 14
    5. Completely sure. Lots of griefers on that server, and there's a team of griefers.

    [88254] <JustShift> GU itzsniper21 is griefing
    [89093] Itzsniper21 left the game
    [90732] Unnamed player is now known as Itzsniper21
    [102321] <Rocky225> Itzsniper21: WE'VE GOT 2 GRIEFERS HERE
    [103805] Itzsniper21 joined blue team
    [103027] <G.U.lickmymayanas> we are grifers UNITED WE WILL FUCK YOUR SERVERS UP




  10. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I have a premium player who swapped sides and griefed an entire (and I mean entire) team's base and managed to spoil what had been an epic match for a lot of people. He was caught early on, but because he was premium and we were on Sky's The Limit (i.e. no guards), there was nothing we could do about it. I have over 35 screenshots from a 10 minute period as he breaks everything in sight while those who haven't ragequite yet ask him repeatedly to stop. I really, really, really would like this guy's account permabanned - he abused his position as a premium player (i.e. unkickable) griefing multiple structures and ruining the game for no discernible reason - unless throwing a tanty because your team's not wining counts? What incentive do people have to buy the game and become more involved unless we can show them that we will ban jerks who grief and think their money will protect them??!?

    1. LeChameau
    2. Multiple accounts of griefing. Abusing his position as a premium player.
    3. Sky's The Limit
    4. 12:45am to 12:54am - 16/11/2011
    5.Yes, I'm sure. Fulfen, orionx, Lem0nhead, and a whole bunch of other people can corroborate this.

    Chat logs: http://pastebin.com/nB4QbmJt

    Annotated screenshot below (originals available):
    LeChameau screen-11-11-16-00-45-53.png LeChameau screen-11-11-16-00-49-52.png LeChameau screen-11-11-16-00-50-02.png LeChameau screen-11-11-16-00-52-30.png LeChameau screen-11-11-16-00-53-46.png LeChameau screen-11-11-16-00-54-10.png
    And there's more evidence if it's needed. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease can this guy be banned?? We don't want his kind thinking they can get away with stuff just because they're paid money! D:<
    Hrafnar, Wonkyth and Noburu like this.
  11. Grendell100

    Grendell100 Haxor

    1. His name is lacrepedu62.
    2. Cheating. He has got speedhack and fastes destroying.
    3. Server Czech gamelot
    4. 5 minutes ago
    5. Yes. I am sure. But I havent good screens. :( :(

    Screen is here http://2i.cz/5ced85af7c
  12. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    another premium unkickable player here:

    1. Siberium
    2. Griefing
    3. kag2d.fr hephaistos
    4. 20 minutes ago, he's still there, locking in outposts etc..
    5. he tried to get the tower down. (but couldnt cause I was in the doorway)
    So he started taking down a bridge. Just look at the chat, multiple people complaining about him.
  13. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    noob hacker can be confirmed by Neat

    Attached Files:

  14. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    2.Speed hacking
    4.20 mins ago.
    5.[64615] <Wonka> LLU ILoveElectro: who?
    [64620] Unnamed player is now known as [KFC] Noburu
    [64697] <LLU ILoveElectro> Lacre
    [64712] <damiensalses> lacrepedu62:
    [64886] OYSTERMAN left the game
    [64946] <lulu946> WTF
    [64964] <YouTb NiiTrOoX> CHEAT ABISE INTERDI !!!!!!!!!!!!
    [65140] <lacrepedu62> ok
    [65194] <Benji> yep, cheat
    [65434] <YouTb NiiTrOoX> CHEAT INTERDI !
    [65574] New player joined the game
    [65577] New player joined the game
    [65597] Unnamed player is now known as robzim
    [65598] <SweaQ> stzop
    [65613] Unnamed player is now known as kucndo
    [65656] <LLU ILoveElectro> lacrepedu62: Spawn
    [65975] lacrepedu62 left the game
    [65975] <Valibuk15> shit
    [66051] <kubus5000> polak?
    [66061] <|2Wai SpideY> la crepe cheat or lame ?
    [66082] <[KFC] Noburu> fix him
    [66140] <[KFC] Noburu> i got him
    [66157] <LLU ILoveElectro> Benji: Lacre
    [66374] <LLU ILoveElectro> You saw him?
    [66519] <Wonka> SweaQ: y
    [66565] <LLU ILoveElectro> Like 2 sec ago
    [66580] <[KFC] Noburu> i saw him in two other servers already
    [66604] <Wonka> SweaQ: on tape
    [66947] <frenchcheese99> O.o
    [66955] <[KFC] Noburu> he keeps leavign the second you freeze him
    [67078] <SweaQ> Benji: go omg
    [67088] <[KFC] Noburu> so i jsut fuckign kicked him this time

    Also Like I said Noburu and Wonka saw him.

    Ps: can somebody tell me how to put my logs in link because for now take too much space!!!
  15. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    1.Me Sw4hiliH4cKe
    2.Speed Hacking
    3.Heart Attack
    4.Maybe 30 mins now
    5.[12306] <Irenvelle> o, i enter and i see speedhacker in my team
    [12444] <Irenvelle> sooo, i leave cya
    [12451] <Jason86> buldiers make archer post :)
    [12451] <Elite Clemo7> HACKER
    [12514] <Jason86> buldiers make archer post :)
    [12517] <Irenvelle> good luck!
    [12544] <Jason86> buldiers make archer post :)
    [12586] <Elite Clemo7> ban
    [12659] <Jason86> buldiers make archer post :)
    [12774] Irenvelle left the game
    [13184] <Elite Clemo7> LambLover:
    [13371] <Elite Clemo7> SpidiH4cKe: pourquoi tu hack
    [13622] <SpidiH4cKe> car
    [13762] <[DN] DNokillo> 555
    [13791] New player joined the game
    [13797] <SpidiH4cKe> hacker ds l autre equipe
    [13827] Unnamed player is now known as [YB] Contrary
    [13926] <SpidiH4cKe> mais j arret la
    [13967] <LambLover> sry, trying to ban that guy swahilikach or what ever he is
    [13985] <Elite Clemo7> mais comment tu hack
    [14065] New player joined the game
    [14088] Unnamed player is now known as lacrepedu62
    [14512] <SpidiH4cKe> secret peux pas dire
    [14610] <Elite Clemo7> :(
    [14706] <Elite Clemo7> PLIZ
    [14723] me Sw4hiliH4cKe left the game
    [14756] <[YB] Contrary> me Sw4hiliH4cKe:
    [14860] <[YB] Contrary> he left
    [15278] <[YB] Contrary> ]you can write the report ILE
    [15362] <vladce5255> im war builder XD
    [15511] <[YB] Contrary> mention that ifroze him and he left
    [15715] <LLU ILoveElectro> Ok.
    [15925] SpidiH4cKe left the game

    Also he said in french..I can't tell you how I hack.
  16. Ziven

    Ziven Shipwright

    1. sunjeydu07
    2. Griefing
    3. [PL] www.kag2d.eu Glogowski Serwer (
    4. 2011-11-16 ~19:37 (CET)

    1. lacrepedu62
    2. Speedhacking
    3. [PL] www.kag2d.eu Glogowski Serwer (
    4. 2011-11-16 ~20:27 (CET)
  17. Fulfen

    Fulfen Horde Gibber

    I can confirme it and I'm all inn too permaban his account. You can even see that I was there at the chat logs and pictures (I was the one with bands infront of eyes). I had some pictures too but I don't know where they went after captureing them :( + I mean to remember seeing this guy grifing before on another server I'm not sure so do not judge me for taking wrong.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  18. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    http://pastebin.com/ is your friend. ;)
    IloveElectro likes this.
  19. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Good to see you, Fulfen! Welcome to the forums! Don't worry about taking some time to become acquainted with the different ways/quirks of KAG and it's varied playerbase - it's all a learning process. :)

    The screenshots you took by pressing 'F4' should be in a subfolder labeled 'Screenshots' within your 'KAG' folder - you'll find your KAG folder wherever you installed it to, but if you can't remember then do a search on your computer for "KAG" and it should find it for you.

    If you saw him griefing on another server but didn't think to grab evidence, don't beat yourself up about it. As I said, it's all a learning process and it takes knowledge of correct procedure (as well as the presence of mind to collect/document evidence in the heat of the moment) to successfully combat griefers. Keep at it! The next time you encounter a griefer, you'll be better at it! ;)
    Fulfen and Noburu like this.
  20. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    1. Raelian
    2. Griefing. Attempted to take out a tower before fleeing when guards join the server.
    3. Action CTF
    4. 11:55pm - 16/11/2011
    5.Yes, I'm sure.
    Raelian screen-11-11-16-23-55-18.png Raelian screen-11-11-16-23-55-19.png Raelian screen-11-11-16-23-55-20.png Raelian screen-11-11-16-23-55-21.png
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