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Important Ban Appeals

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    you need to accept a term from the race you lost a war against. And never leave while frozen by an admin. I don't know who the admin was that banned you. But I will unban you for now. Don't try to brake any more rules, please read the server rules, so you know what you can't/must do.
  2. InnicintChickin

    InnicintChickin Builder Stabber

    I was* banned on roleplaying server yesterday and I was wondering, if you could tell me why and for how long? I double checked the rules and I am not aware of breaking any of those

    #edit: Still banned, still no response, still dont know why...
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
  3. WinterCarroll

    WinterCarroll Catapult Fodder

    Will do. Still says I'm banned as of a few minutes ago.

    Question: Is a there a limit to demands? I remember the person I was playing with wouldn't unfreeze me until I agreed to give them my base, when I finally said yes, they built doors everywhere and made a tunnel I had to use to go out to another area, so I couldn't build on my own base, which is why I ended up leaving since anytime we bumped into each other I would get frozen and he'd just kill me, making me lose all my materials.
  4. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    I'm sorry. There was a problem with the unban, I will try it again.

    A: Well, You always need to accept the enemys demands, but I personally don't really like demands like: We can destroy your whole base, or your base is now ours. I just think that that takes away the fun for the race that lost. I didn't see what happend between you and him, so I cannot judge. But I think you should get an unban. Try to join again later this evening.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 21, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 21, 2014 ---
    Isn't it a connection problem ? If you didn't brake any rules. If not, you will have to wait untill the admin that banned you responds.
  5. WinterCarroll

    WinterCarroll Catapult Fodder

    Still not working, but I'll check in the morning just in case there is a delay and let you know.

    Yeah, that was what I thought was unfair so I got annoyed. Thanks for clarifying, if I ever win a war I'll try and keep it to stuff like materials and items. Thanks again Stabborazz!
  6. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay


    A. Stab didn't get around to unbanning you
    B. You did not provide the correct username
    C. You have an ALT/someone else played on your connection and your IP is banned as well
  7. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    I was having problems with /rcon bans before, when I typed in the right command it didn't display the Message that the player was banned or unbanned. So I think its the same problem here. I Will try To find a fix for It.
  8. InnicintChickin

    InnicintChickin Builder Stabber

    Thanks for reply, I am pretty sure it was not connection problem, it clearly stated: "You are banned" and it lasted more than 1 day, but it is okay now so np.
  9. WinterCarroll

    WinterCarroll Catapult Fodder

    I don't have an alt and no one else uses my laptop, but it might be B. Not sure which name you need, I have KAG through Steam, and according to the in-game display, my username is aBrokenMuse, display name of WinterCarroll.I have changed my steam name in the past few months, not sure if it was before or after, and also not sure if it would change my KAG name, I know it changes the display name, but my username could have been WinterCarroll at the time, so safe bet is try both? Those are the only 2 names I've ever used on KAG.
  10. KAGFlaming

    KAGFlaming Catapult Fodder

    I was banned on the role play server several months ago, and i'd like to be unbanned, if that's possible.
  11. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    You were actually banned a month or two ago permanently for: Greifing, Disrespect, Not roleplaying, and Trashtalking Admins (I suppose that falls under disrespect as well)

    As i know you were banned (Multiple) times before your permanent ban as well, i would let you back on but the issue that would most likely occur is a ban for the same reasons you were previously banned for, if it's a case that the same rules will be broken then i do not see a good reason for an unban to begin with, If you were to be let back on you would be on thin ice and get fewer warning in the event on any type of rulebreak, etc..

    I will think over something about an unban, but i would like to see you make an actual appeal to be unbanned, something that would be more convincing there won't be any repeats in rule break, That you have changed since past playing on the server etc.
  12. KAGFlaming

    KAGFlaming Catapult Fodder

    The times I was banned beforehand were completely random, if you ask me. I was in a bomber, lagged out, broke 1 block, banned for a week/some guy building a house inside of my base, break it, reported, etc
    About the not roleplaying, there's only about 10 people who roleplay on the server now. If it were a bannable offense, the server would be practically empty.
  13. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I don't know how you would know that if you were banned (?) and actually a majority of the people on the server roleplay if not, they are given warning (enough of those can lead to a temporary ban or a mute) and Lately the admins have been cracking down and cleaning up those who don't roleplay or break rules and greif, the server still has many people who come on and roleplay and make it enjoyable.
  14. kr207

    kr207 Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I was coming to the human base to get my iron back from a man that killed me doors are locked so i break them when im there i ask jacob.exe to come out he does so i ask for my iron and he says no and an admin says its fair game:>:(: so i climb a small wall they built and take a drill out i didnt break anything as well Jacob.exe broke our foundry and library and went home
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2014
  15. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    You were banned for a day for greifing in order to get items back which was someone elses that they would not like to give back, if you died from any natural cause (falling, zombies, etc) then i would say those items are fair to be taken, A person Could give them back but i will not force them to. However if the case was that he Team killed you (with spikes most likely) then say that other than greifing and demanding for items to be returned, i also fairly gave you a warning and to tell you to leave and calm down which you denied.
  16. awesomedudesam

    awesomedudesam Builder Stabber

    This is what Duke_Jordan wrote for my ban.

    "Player In-game Name: Awesomedudesam
    Player Account Name: Awesomedudesam
    Length of Ban/Ban Status: Permanent
    Admin Issuing Ban: Duke_Jordan
    Reason for Ban: Greif, Vandalism, Disrespect, Random Wars and Trashtalk all after warnings.
    Short Description of Scenario Context: Awesomedudesam was first temp banned for a day for Declaring constant random wars against other races, anytime he was on the server after his temp ban he was disrespectful to other Players and I, in most cases he was not roleplaying and just trying to harass me out of spite from his Previous 1 Day Temp Ban, Furthermore He was also Greifing and making Innapropriate things out of backwall, he was warned about Each of these issues. (Greif, Random Wars Etc) But Continued Resolving in a Permanent ban.

    If any of these players care more about the server than ruining others experience they will appeal to be let back on."


    I did not grief or vandalize anything. What happened was you gave me a one day ban because I was with the dwarves and this one guy on my team had dragon armor and told me to start a war with the orcs so we could take their dragon sword then you banned me. I was asking you why but you didn't give me a reason so I was doing the middle finger emoji thing or whatever its called then I made a building that slightly resembled a penis out of backwall then you froze me and raged then I said your tunnel looked like a vagina as a joke then you banned me after that.

    I have also already been banned for like a few months and I think that should have been a one week ban at the most even though I didn't really do anything wrong except say his building looked like a vagina and@Duke_Jordan if you think I griefed or vandalized show me screenshots.
  17. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I gave you a day ban for a random wars, since that point whenever you got on the server you spammed middle finger emojis at me, didn't roleplay or just tried messing with me in any way possible. You broke the Rules of not Roleplaying, and continued to make things resembling anything phallic or sexual which i would count as some form of greif. And i never "Raged" during any part of your rulebreaking and it wasn't out of spite. Things unrelated to the roleplay server you had done was constant spamming, harassment, and other things that i don't find acceptable at all. I'm going to have to say that your appeal is Denied but as i said for some past people appealing i see no point in letting you back on if these types of issues will arise again, even to this day you still try to continue to spam and "call me out" in any kag match i see you in, your behavior is a huge issue and will lead to even more rulebreak if you were let on. As a side note your appeal was even trying to make me look bad saying i raged and that i need screenshots to justify your ban, this is one of the behavior issues you have that i'm talking about.

    Perhaps some type of Re-appeal would be acceptable once i see an overall change in the way you act etc. (This does not mean a week or two from this point)
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 3, 2014, Original Post Date: Nov 1, 2014 ---
  18. kr207

    kr207 Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I would like to be unbanned for i did an offense (killing elves on purpose while riding bull) after killing them on accident after which they began to kill the bull, so i decided they cant kill the bull its mine i came tried to kill the elves and broke 1 wall of wood and was frozen the admin told me they were going to kill the bull and then i would get unfrozen i declared war (Stupidly) and lost due to me spawning on the top left corner of the map and having to walk back they said to stay off they`er land i didnt obey and went to where they imprisoned my bull so i asked them to set the bull free (Sacred to me) so i tried to kill the elf admin and was frozen and told i was to be banned and here i am now:smug:,But in all seriousness i would like to be unbanned:QQ: :builder:

    Also sorry Zhuum :noburu::noburu::noburu:
    Love, Forge Master Kr207
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
  19. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I have only unbanned you, because you frequent the server quite often. I do hope you will not cause any more troubles during peacetime. I like to keep players in the server, yet I also like if they know that they have made mistake. I do hope you've learned something from this.

    Act nice ::): and don't break my trust for second time
  20. Comhraic

    Comhraic Builder Stabber

    I would like to be unbanned,I have not seen a ban report for me,so I have no idea what I have been accused of for the ban,I was roleplaying and on the dwarves,and the dwarves believed in democracy,and I believed that anyone that did not do a democracy was a fool,I saw in the chat that the elves had a king,so I role played and went to the elven base,and asked if they had a king,they said yes,so I claimed that they were fools,then the elven king called ALL dwarves greedy,and I told him to take it back,and he said that it was the truth,so I rallied the dwarves and called for war after this extreme insult,after the dwarves won the war,{and the term was that the elves could not have a king or figure of absolute power},duke came and claimed the war was random,and I said it was not,so he asked the elven king if he thought it was random and he said yes,and then duke that all terms were not to be applied,then the server kicked everyone,and when we logged on,some guy said that duke had banned him for something{I forgot what}and I said that duke had banned me when I was spectating once,then proceeded to get a ban,it has been a few days now:QQ:,so I am here now appealing,I apologise if there was any misunderstanding
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2014