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Important Ban Appeals

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Actually your ban was for multiple random wars, from my knowledge and that your constant trashtalking to players (and staff) when you were War'd and lost. I then had to mute you and you (Tried) to make a nice big backwall sign "Fuck you Duke" Which i adored by the way, That was the last ban i gave you which was permanent (Lost my ban list cleaning desktop as for no report written on you yet) Recently we had issues with the VPS all banned players were unbanned, we then used a backup ensuring all banned players we re-banned.

    Everything seems to be in order regarding your ban, About an unban: Maybe I will think about it but it does not look promising given your..erm.."Impulsive" actions.

    Side Note: I never banned some random person during the server kicking everyone? :huh?:
  2. Comhraic

    Comhraic Builder Stabber

    you claim that every war I do is a random war,even when I have a RP reason,and all I put down was duke with back walls,the other player put down abuse after your race had planned a war, that I believe is random under the restrictions you put on me,you told me that I could not start a war using little things,and then your race appeared to take a lot of time to plan a war,with the "reason" being that one of our race shot at your race,and your race did not inform us of the race member shooting at your team,and one of your race even said if everyone was ready on your race before starting the war, after your race won,you used your admin powers to destroy our base,claiming it was your term, and regarding the message I started with back wall,I stopped at duke,realizing I should not continue with the intended message of "duke has shut out my voice because he refuses to listen to my argument"and before the war you trapped one of our race,and when I tried to free him, and then you accused me of griefing,and we had had a war with the humans before because they one of their traps had trapped me,and either me or the spikes were glitched,because I did not take damage,so I had to RP I was in pain,and I told the race to get me out,and they did not,so I called for war,and you said that war was random to,and coon unbanned me,it was not the VPS issues,I love this server,and I do RP,and I have not done multiple random wars, and I see no reports on me on the report page.
  3. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Saying i did something such as shut out your voice is an exaggeration that your most likely saying out of spite, either way what you did was be a jackass by writing anything out of backwall when the mute was only 10 minutes to one hour. And I do not claim All your wars are random but rather, Most of them as i was even called into the server at points to deal with situations (most times i was unavaible but i was sure to remember the reports that were sent via steam) where you were random warring, On top of that you broke multiple rules out of spite- However The war my race had against yours was Justifiable and completely Roleplay based, as we asked for more land from some of your team-mates they said no etc, In the end we even had warned war in a Roleplay atmosphere, But it seems most times you Choose to war (Random or not) You show up having no interaction with a race demanding things from them and if they fail to deliever you kill them, This is mainly either when A) You have good Gear to kill them with. or B) There race has little to no players. However those were only times you used as little Roleplay as you could to get by and War them.

    Noting: I also never "Trapped" one of your race? :huh?: and I used my "Admin Powers" To Destroy your base After the fact our builders kept trying but failed to succeed because your whole race didn't listen to term and were, Trapping our Builders and Re-Placing backwalls, if you're to say that i abused that in anyway i don't see how as i was just enforcing the fact that a winning team gets a Term.
    Coon never informed me of an unban thus my basing it off the Issues had with the VPS eariler, though he should not be unbanning my bans Anyhow.
  4. Comhraic

    Comhraic Builder Stabber

    I have already said in my last message that I had decided to stop after putting down duke,realizing that it would earn me a ban if I continued,and I rp for all wars,steam reports most likely do not have evidence,making them less valid,the only rule I had broken was the back wall writing,there was never a land dispute between our races,I do not start wars when there are no players,I have started wars when I was the only player in my race,and there is only a rule against random war.You did trap one of our race,and you came over and used admin powers to destroy our base before we could reason or do anything else,I did not state anywhere that you had abused your power,I just told the event from my point of view.
  5. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Steam reports do have evidence actually, most players take screencaps upload it to imgur etc, However what i said about land disputes was indeed true, At least i was telling it from my Point of view such as you had aswell. Regardless i will consider your unban and get back to you about it.
  6. kr207

    kr207 Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    why did i get banned the admin says i random war`ed even though the humans and dwarves have the worst relations and bad history yet he still bans me
  7. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    You've had constant issues with admins (Multiple) and were warned many times, While i was not the one to ban you This time, I do know what happened in the whole situation and you have recived a permanent ban, I will let the admins more involved deal with giving you a proper response

  8. Rspwn

    Rspwn Base Burner

    Player Name: @kr207
    Account Name: N/A
    Reason for Ban: Had multiple warnings from myself and other Admins such as Zhuum/Andrew, Griefing Stealing Random Warring,
    Time of Ban: Permanent not my decision if appeal-able, as he has had a permanent ban before.
    What happend: He was stealing chests from the Human base, he was frozen by an Admin and i believed warned, He then came to a Human tower and started Griefing Human doors leading to the mine Which also got him Frozen and a warning from myself/Andrew, After a while he decided to randomly declare war on Humans, I kicked him as another completely random Grief happend, after i dealt with the other Grief i proceeded to Permanently ban him for the reasons stated.
    Admins Present: Rspwn Duke_Jordan Zhuum, at the time of the Ban.

    Also i would like to note he has a history with being Banned.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  9. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Kr I told that I hoped you would learn from your past mistakes and actually act nice, yet you've failed to come around and better yourself as a player. You've said yourself you play a lot on the server, so I wonder what's the problem of you always geting on someone's nerves. You should know the way around the server and how things are done much better.

    Since Kr has failed my trust for second time, I think he needs at least few months to think about what he is doing in the server and how he could be a better player in the community.
  10. Rspwn

    Rspwn Base Burner

  11. kr207

    kr207 Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    in Months im going to find away to get my revenge like breaking kag for good (sarcasm
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 20, 2014 ---
    you`ve roleplayed as a thief so i did on the first account with the humans
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 22, 2014, Original Post Date: Nov 20, 2014 ---
    also andrew was there culturing me towards the war with humans i had a keg and many bomb arrows
  12. Comhraic

    Comhraic Builder Stabber

    what are you thinking on the subject of me getting unbanned/staying banned duke?
  13. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Sorry for late reply, This post slipped by me.

    I'll unban you, expect to be back on within the next 24 hours.
  14. TheUnsuspectingTrout

    TheUnsuspectingTrout Catapult Fodder

    Please Un Ban me I have talked crap to a moderator and I deserved to get banned for awhile but now I have learned my lesson and wish to play on this server. Time of ban about 7:00 last week or so.
  15. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I do hope you have learned your lesson for that incident. I also hope you are man of your word and now know how to act better.

    You are being unbanned for now, so act nice and try to roleplay your best.
  16. Comhraic

    Comhraic Builder Stabber

    I am just going to say that I was banned by ramis if I remember correctly for "multiple reports on fourms"I checked the fourms and saw no reports,I know I am not supposed to make a second appeal,so I will leave it at this{the ban by zuhhm is the re ban after I somehow got back on the server}
  17. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    You're not being unbanned. People reported you via PM and you blew it since you may only appeal once, @Ramsis nor staff will be unbanning you. (he may add more to this if he so wishes too)
  18. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    Yeah I'm not unbanning you and you're lucky I'm not generally a ban-linker or I would have banned you from all the other servers I sweep.
  19. UnlikelyAce

    UnlikelyAce Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Admin: zhuum
    I am a steam user with the in game name of UnlikelyAce (old name TheUnlikelyAce), and I am looking to get unbanned from the roleplay server. I love this server and I play on it a lot, and I love the role play dynamic. I misunderstood a war term during the game, and tried to argue for my team. I had the intention to keep it in the role-play style, but I apparently came across as trying to be annoying. I felt that it was against the rules of engagement to take on multiple war terms( They took our right wall and kicked a player on our team, I thought it was 2 terms), I didn't understand that there was only one term in the first place(votekick didn't count). I tried to listen, but the admin didn't make much sense, so I eventually gave up. I was in the middle of building back the base when I was frozen by the admin, and he said he was banning me for being annoying and misunderstanding the rules. He told me to come here for an appealing, so that is what I have done.
    I hope this helps me get unbanned, KAG is boring without your roleplay!
    -UnlikelyAce :smug:
  20. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Well, I do hope you have learned about this situation more than needed. You are geting unbanned for now, but please try not to break my trust in you. And I did make the case quite clear i tought, if not so you can ask about it ingame nextime over.

    For now, play nice.