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KAG Server won't show up in the Master List

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Draco1991, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Draco1991

    Draco1991 Haxor

    Hey, so I can't seem to get my server to show up in the master list. I've portforwarded (correctly I hope), and I've tried about everything there is to try. My router is Netgear, if that helps.
    Heres the command promt: http://pastebin.com/QzVgxbYK
    Heres the autoconfig: http://pastebin.com/GsdphFvv
  2. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Hello Draco1991!

    Nothing jumps out as wrong in your autoconfig file or your console logs. You can check that your ports are open using this site: http://www.canyouseeme.org Just plug in your details and the ports you want to check and it should tell you if they are open or not. You might also want to make an exception on your firewall if you haven't already.

    Failing all that, you could also try disabling IPv6, but keep in mind this is NOT recommended. To do this you need to edit the line:

    sv_enableIPv6 = 1  
    to be

    sv_enableIPv6 = 0 
    Here is a copy of my Autoconfig which has the full list of variables, or a more fuller list with explanations of each switch which may also help you

    g_debug = 0                                                              # Sets the level of debug information (0 - none).
    g_externaleditor =                                                      # Sets the external script editor eg. for Sublime Text 'sublime_text.exe %s:%i:%i'
    k_rendersync = 0                                                        # Sync rendering FPS with game ticks ~ 30FPS
    g_sort = 1                                                              # Type of sorting in the server browser
    g_filterplayerlower = 0                                                  # Lower bound of players to filter on in the server browser
    g_filterplayerupper = 100                                                # Upper bound of players to filter on in the server browser
    g_filtergold = 2                                                        # How to filter on modded servers in the server browser
    g_filterpass = 2                                                        # How to filter on passworded servers in the server browser
    g_filtermode =                                                          # Which gamemode to filter on in the server browser
    g_filtercategory = 0                                                    # Filter by Cooperative/Competitive game modes
    g_videorecording = 0                                                    # If set to 1 will hide most of the interface for a clean video recording.
    m_width = 256                                                            # Map generator width
    m_height = 128                                                          # Map generator height
    m_seed = 666                                                            # Map generator seed. Pick a random number. 0 will be random each time
    m_generator = Maps/generator_ctf_mountain.cfg                            # Map generator file config.
    auth_autologin = 0                                                      # Should authentication be automatic on game start with saved password.
    auth_login =                                                            # Portal authentication login
    auth_remember = 0                                                        # Portal authentication remembered
    sv_gamemode = KOD                                                       # The gamemode launched on start of dedicated server. This is the DIRECTORY name under Base/Rules!
    sv_mapcycle =                                                            # The default map cycle loaded on server start. See Base/Maps/mapcycle.cfg.example for an example. Leave blank if you want Rules to load their own cycle.
    sv_mapcycle_shuffle = 1                                                  # Shuffle the map cycle or use maps in order?
    sv_mapautocycle = 1                                                      # Auto-cycle on next map to next map in list
    sv_gravity = 9.81                                                        # Sets the global physics gravity.
    g_registrationtime = 0                                                  # Time of players account registration.
    sv_canpause = 1                                                          # Determines whether the server can pause and sleep while there are no players to save CPU load.
    sv_test = 0                                                              # This determines if the server is in development testing mode. For usage in scripts.
    sv_restart_on_update = 1                                                # The server closes and restarts itself if KAG update is detected - only done on map changes.
    g_measureperformance = 0                                                # Measures script performance. Reset to 0 after game restart. Use performance or performance2 console command to show.
    v_bpp = 32                                                              # Requires v_restart to take effect.
    v_driver = 0                                                            # Rendering driver (0 - null, 1 - software, 2 - software+, 5 - ogl).
    v_vsync = 0                                                              # Vertical synchronization of video with monitor.
    v_uncapped = 0                                                          # Set to 1 to not cap framerate at 30FPS; set to 0 if GPU is overheating
    v_showfps = 0                                                            # Show the current FPS on screen.
    v_showminimap = 1                                                        # Show minimap or not. Might solve performance issues.
    g_playerlistkey = 9                                                      # The key used for showing the players list.
    g_screenshotkey = 115                                                    # The key used for taking screenshots.
    g_reportbugkey = 116                                                    # The key used for sending screen bug reports.
    g_tutorialkey = 112                                                      # The key used for showing help.
    v_postprocess = 0                                                        # Use fullscreen post processing effects.
    v_fastrender = 0                                                        # Degrades visual quality for speed
    v_smoothsprites = 0                                                      # Uses a filter to smoothen sprite pixels
    v_smoothmap = 0                                                          # Uses a filter to smoothen map pixels
    v_screenshotquality = 100                                                # screenshotquality 92
    v_drawhud = 1                                                            # v_drawhud 1
    g_fixedcamera = 1                                                        # Uses a fixed camera on player. Disabling this makes the camera Soldat-like.
    g_kidssafe = 0                                                          # Turns on/off violence & gore.
    g_chatbubbles = 1                                                        # Turns on/off chat bubbles hovering when players chat.
    v_camera_ints = 1                                                        # Snaps camera position to whole integer value.
    s_soundon = 0                                                            # Determines if the sound engine starts or not. Requires restart to turn sound on/off.
    s_volume = 0.5                                                          # Sets the overall sound volume.
    s_musicvolume = 0.5                                                      # Sets the music volume.
    s_effects = 1                                                            # Use sound effects or not.
    s_system = 0                                                            # Sets the sound system (0 autodetect;    1 DirectSound 8; 2 DirectSound;    3 Win MM; 4 ALSA; 5 Core Audio;    6 No sound.
    s_showmixer = 0                                                          # Shows the music mixer debug.
    s_gamemusic = 1                                                          # Plays music in game
    s_ambientmusic = 0                                                      # Ambient music while playing game.
    s_menumusic = 1                                                          # Menu music on or off.
    s_swapchannels = 0                                                      # Swaps audio channels.
    security_whitelist_active = 0                                            # Set to 1 to allow only the names in the whitelist or 0 to disallow the names in the blacklist
    security_whitelist = ../Security/whitelist.cfg                          # The file with the whitelist config
    security_blacklist = ../Security/blacklist.cfg                          # The file with the blacklist config
    security_ignorelist = ../Security/ignorelist.cfg                        # The file with the ignorelist config
    security_seclevs = ../Security/seclevs.cfg                              # The file with the seclev config
    security_banflags = griefer abuser impersonation                        # Ban flags to observe but be lenient about - once expired these users will be allowed back in.
    security_strictflags = hacker                                            # Ban flags to observe absolutely, anyone with a history of these will be banned permanently.
    n_graph = 0                                                              # Shows the network activity graph.
    sv_maxplayers = 4                                                        # Maximum number of players allowed ingame.
    sv_enable_joinfull = 1                                                  # If set to 1 then privileged users (join_full seclev feature) may join the server when full.
    sv_reservedslots = 0                                                    # Number of reserved slots (additional slots on top of the max, accessible only to privileged players).
    sv_ip = 0                                                                # Server communication IP address, this is where it listens for incoming clients. This is the IP address clients can connect to. Set to 0 for automatic detection.
    sv_ipv6 = 0                                                              # Server communication IPv6 address, this is where it listens for incoming clients. This is the IPv6 address bound for anything but game traffic (currently). Set to 0 for automatic detection.
    sv_tcpr = 0                                                              # Whether to enable the TCP RCON server on sv_port. Default: 0.  Cannot be enabled on Windows.
    sv_register = 1                                                          # Whether or not to register this server with the master list.  You likely only want this set to 0 if this is a firewalled private server.
    sv_preferAF = 0                                                          # Server AF preference for whether clients connect using IPv4 or IPv6. Set to 0 for clients to use whichever performs better when both are available
    sv_enableIPv6 = 1                                                        # Whether to use IPv6 globally. Set to 0 to disable IPv6 globally including for API calls (NOT RECOMMENDED!).
    sv_port = 50301                                                          # Server communication port, this is where it listens for incoming clients. Remember to open this port in your firewall.
    cl_port = 50328                                                          # Client communication port.
    sv_password =                                                            # Sets the server password.
    sv_rconpassword = rcon                                                  # Sets the server remote console password.
    disable_seclevoutput = 1                                                # If set to 1 then loading seclevs will not print them out.
    sv_allow_globals_mods = 1                                                # If set to 1 global KAG moderators and admins can kick/ban players on server.
    sv_deltapos_modifier = 1                                                # Controls the threshold for delta packet updating. Value higher than 1 will reduce bandwidth, lower increase.
    sv_compression = 1                                                      # Compress network data or not. Disabling compression may improve performance. DO NOT change this while running the server!
    sv_fastdeltas = 0                                                        # Faster deltas mean less CPU intensive but more bandwidth used.
    cl_name = Peasant                                                        # Sets the players nickname.
    cl_clantag =                                                            # Sets the players clan name.
    cl_classnum = 0                                                          # Sets the players class number.
    cl_team = 1                                                              # Sets the players team number.
    cl_sex = 0                                                              #
    cl_head = 255                                                            #
    cl_hat = 0                                                              #
    cl_joinaddress =                                        # Client only! Join address for the GUI box in menu.
    cl_password =                                                            # GUI: Join password.
    sv_maxping = 380                                                        # Max ping allowed on server after which player is kicked. Large ping players will slow down server.
    sv_maxping_warnings = 600                                                # Because of ping spikes, warnings are issued if a player has ping over max number.
    sv_maxhack_warnings = 25                                                # Maximum amount of warnings where server thinks player is hacking.
    sv_alloweditor = 1                                                      # If set to 1 players that have RCON can start map editor on server
    sv_name = [Aus] Zombies (WIP)                                            # Sets the server name displayed in server browser.
    sv_info =                                                                # Sets the server info displayed in server browser.
    sv_global_bans = 0                                                      # Determines whether the server uses the KAG accounts global ban data.
    sv_verify_mods = 1                                                      # Set to true to if you want this server's mods to be API-Verified (must be registered and distributed directly by the developer), else false.
    sv_visiblity_scale = 1.25                                                # Scales the area where other blobs are determined to be visible by the player.
    u_transparency = 255                                                    # Transparency of the game interface.
    u_showtutorial = 1                                                      # Show controls tutorial
    u_shownames = 0                                                          # Show team member names above head
    u_agreedterms = 0                                                        # Agreed to terms
    c_dimension_x = 1                                                        # Width of console in percents of screen.
    c_dimension_y = 0.9                                                      # Height of console in percents of screen.
    c_linespacing = 1                                                        # Space between lines in console.
    c_indent = 1                                                            # Left indentation of messages in console.
    c_key = 36                                                              # The key for opening and closing the console.
    c_history_size = 20                                                      # Number of console commands stored in history.
    c_halign = 2                                                            # Horizontal alignment of console 0-left, 1-center, 2-right.
    c_valign = 0                                                            # Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
    cc_linespacing = 1                                                      # Space between lines in console.
    cc_indent = 8                                                            # Left indentation of messages in console.
    cc_key = 84                                                              # The key for opening and closing the chat.
    cc_key_team = 89                                                        # The key for opening and closing the chat in team mode.
    cc_history_size = 25                                                    # Number of console commands stored in history.
    cc_valign = 2                                                            # Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
    cc_killfeed = 0                                                          # Show kill feed in chat console?
    g_reloadfiles_count = 0                                                  # How many files to tick forward the file reloader each frame. High numbers will cause filesystem rape and lag.
    g_reloadfiles_wait = 0                                                  # How long to wait between updates to the file reloader.
    g_rendergraph = 0                                                        # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the rendering time graph.
    g_particlegraph = 0                                                      # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off particle performance graph.
    g_physicsgraph = 0                                                      # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the physics time graph.
    g_scriptsgraph = 0                                                      # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the scripts time graph.
    Best of luck and tell us how you go =]
    Rocketlock likes this.
  3. Draco1991

    Draco1991 Haxor

    Unfortunately I still haven't gotten it working :\ I'm pretty sure its my ports but I don't know why their not working, I have '50301' as start and end ports and I have UDP and TCP as my protocol. Is there anything about having to have a static IP? I've also allowed 50301 as a port in my firewall, with both protocals UDP and TCP. But, I'll keep on trying. Thanks for the help Kai
  4. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    In your router settings, if you have a dynamic ip routing table (Your router assigns you the ip address) there is an option to add static IP's into the table, or you can set your lease time to be years or whatever (how long your IP stays the same for).

    Just make sure ports 50301 is pointing towards your internal IP address for both UDP and TCP, as well as any additional ports you want to use.

    Here's some pictures from my router, that might help:

    Advanced routing table, give it a route name ie: My Kag Server PC or MyComputerIsSexy
    destination IP I'd use something simple like;
    Subnet Mask would be:
    GateWay is your Routers IP address, in my case


    Once you've done that, you need to open your network and sharing center settings in windows:


    Then click "Change Adapter Settings".


    Right click on your networking device you are using to connect to router, in my case my only LAN port and select properties:


    click on "Internet Protocol Version 4" and then hit the properties button and then plug in your details:


    If you've done it all correctly you should be good to go. If you have failed, then your net will not be working. To fix it, just tick the Obtain an IP address automatically and you'll be running DHCP again ::): Hope this helps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2014
    Rocketlock likes this.
  5. Draco1991

    Draco1991 Haxor

    I finally got it working! Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the help Kaizo. I think the problem was with the ports in the firewall. Fixed that then viola, it was working. Thankls again for the help :) bubai
    kaizokuroof likes this.
  6. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    I'm having an issue with my firewall. I've port forwarded already but my friend cant connect and my server will not show up on the server list. I tried to add the ports through my firewall but I cant access my firewall. please help
  7. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Fixed the pictures in Kaiz's post. PRO tip: use direct links to images as not all the browsers can deal with shortened grab.by links. Or better upload it to forums - this way you'll be sure that they will never expire.
    kaizokuroof likes this.
  8. Draco1991

    Draco1991 Haxor

    Thanks Furai c:
  9. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    I'm having kinda the same issue. I do now have access to my firewall after many hours of googleing, but my server is not visible in the master list and I can only join via LAN. What I have done so far is forward the ports 503011 and 50328. I have also allowed both of those ports through my firewall. but my server is still invisible. DO I have to allow a port for each player slot? For example do I have to open 16 ports to allow 16 plays on my server?
  10. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Hi, I'm sure it's just a typo but it should be (by default) 50301 (no 503011) and 50328 ::): - Have you checked your Autoconfig and confirmed that these are the ports your server is using? And no, you will only need to open up the ports (port forward) for that computer that the server is being run off.
  11. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Yeah it was a typo. I meant 50301 not 503011. And my Autoconfig has the lines:

    sv_port = 50301
    cl_port = 50328

    is that what you meant?
  12. blackguy123

    blackguy123 Bison Rider

    Does this work for Beta? :3 Windows
  13. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    beta? you mean kag gold/premuim

    Yes, if you mean that, just the autoconfig will be a little out dated.
  14. blackguy123

    blackguy123 Bison Rider

    does it have to be this? cl_joinaddress =
    cuz i saw on kag official CTF US No. 2 it was like 226.???.???.???:10617
    I dont remember it's ip
  15. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    if your joining your own server yes is your local IP (so you can join your own server)
    And the 50301 is the port, which you can change in the auto config
    dont edit the cl_joinaddress, leave it as it was.
    all you need to do is port foward 50301 (both udp and tcp)
  16. blackguy123

    blackguy123 Bison Rider

    So it has to be sv_port = 50301? When i right clicked dedicatedserver, i clicked edit and it said,
    echo "TO SET IP/PORT/SLOTS/PASSWORD ADD THESE COMMAND PARAMS: ip port 50213 slots 32 password pass123"
    KAG.exe autostart Scripts/server_autostart.as autoconfig autoconfig.cfg
    sv_port = 50213 do i do this because it said port 50213?
    Or can i see your autoconfig for an example then i can reedit it for myself?
    When i connect to my server, and press Tab, it said But when i see another server, it said a different ip:port than
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
  17. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester


    nobody said to edit dedicatedserver.bat

    leave that, that does nothing (other then start up the server, and you can change it to make the server stay alive, but no, DONT EDIT DEDICATEDSERVER.BAT, DONT TOUCH IT)

    you need to edit autoconfig.cfg

    pick a port
    50301 is normal
    go to your router in your browser
    port forward that port
    both udp and tcp
    then run dedicatedserver.bat (or .sh if your a linux user)
    If you did it correctly, it should show, if not check your firewall
    Do the same, allow 50301 udp and tcp connection outbound and inbound i think
  18. blackguy123

    blackguy123 Bison Rider

    im just asking like how does the server get my ip? is it automatic? because i see on other servers their ip's are different
    and i can pick a port for sv_port = 50213 right?
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 30, 2016, Original Post Date: Dec 30, 2016 ---
    g_debug = 0 # Sets the level of debug information (0 - none).
    g_locale = en # Sets the translation language - minimal support currently, more coming!
    g_externaleditor = # Sets the external script editor eg. for Sublime Text 'sublime_text.exe %s:%i:%i'
    k_rendersync = 0 # Sync rendering FPS with game ticks ~ 30FPS
    g_sort = 2 # Type of sorting in the server browser
    g_filterplayerlower = 0 # Lower bound of players to filter on in the server browser
    g_filterplayerupper = 100 # Upper bound of players to filter on in the server browser
    g_filtergold = 2 # How to filter on modded servers in the server browser
    g_filterpass = 2 # How to filter on passworded servers in the server browser
    g_filtermode = All # Which gamemode to filter on in the server browser
    g_filtercategory = 0 # Filter by Cooperative/Competitive game modes
    g_videorecording = 0 # If set to 1 will hide most of the interface for a clean video recording.
    m_width = 256 # Map generator width
    m_height = 128 # Map generator height
    m_seed = 0 # Map generator seed. Pick a random number. 0 will be random each time
    auth_autologin = 0 # Should authentication be automatic on game start with saved password.
    auth_login = blackguy123 # THD Account authentication login
    auth_remember = 1 # THD Account authentication remembered
    sv_gamemode = WAR # The gamemode launched on start of dedicated server. This usually is the DIRECTORY name under Base/Rules!
    sv_mapcycle = # The default map cycle loaded on server start. See Base/Maps/mapcycle.cfg.example for an example. Leave blank if you want Rules to load their own cycle.
    sv_mapcycle_shuffle = 1 # Shuffle the map cycle or use maps in order?
    sv_mapautocycle = 1 # Auto-cycle on next map to next map in list
    sv_gravity = 9.81 # Sets the global physics gravity.
    g_registrationtime = 1 # Time of players account registration.
    sv_canpause = 1 # Determines whether the server can pause and sleep while there are no players to save CPU load.
    sv_test = 1 # This determines if the server is in development testing mode. For usage in scripts.
    sv_restart_on_update = 1 # The server closes and restarts itself if game update is detected - only done on map changes.
    g_measureperformance = 0 # Measures script performance. Reset to 0 after game restart. Use performance or performance2 console command to show.
    v_bpp = 32 # Requires v_restart to take effect.
    v_driver = 5 # Rendering driver (0 - null, 1 - software, 2 - software+, 5 - ogl).
    v_vsync = 1 # Vertical synchronization of video with monitor.
    v_uncapped = 0 # Set to 1 to not cap framerate at 30FPS; set to 0 if GPU is overheating
    v_showfps = 0 # Show the current FPS on screen.
    v_showminimap = 1 # Show minimap or not. Might solve performance issues.
    g_playerlistkey = 9 # The key used for showing the players list.
    g_screenshotkey = 115 # The key used for taking screenshots.
    g_reportbugkey = 116 # The key used for sending screen bug reports.
    g_tutorialkey = 112 # The key used for showing help.
    v_postprocess = 0 # Use fullscreen post processing effects.
    v_fastrender = 0 # Degrades visual quality for speed
    v_smoothsprites = 0 # Uses a filter to smoothen sprite pixels
    v_smoothmap = 0 # Uses a filter to smoothen map pixels
    v_screenshotquality = 100 # screenshotquality 92
    v_drawhud = 1 # v_drawhud 1
    g_fixedcamera = 0 # Uses a fixed camera on player. Disabling this makes the camera Soldat-like.
    g_kidssafe = 0 # Turns on/off violence & gore.
    g_noswears = 0 # Turns on/off the swear filter.
    cl_chatbubbles = 1 # Turns on/off chat bubbles hovering when players chat.
    v_camera_ints = 0 # Snaps camera position to whole integer value.
    v_no_renderscale = 0 # Disables the resolution scaling effects
    s_soundon = 1 # Determines if the sound engine starts or not. Requires restart to turn sound on/off.
    s_volume = 1 # Sets the overall sound volume.
    s_musicvolume = 1 # Sets the music volume.
    s_effects = 0 # Use sound effects or not.
    s_system = 0 # Sets the sound system (0 autodetect; 1 DirectSound 8; 2 DirectSound; 3 Win MM; 4 ALSA; 5 Core Audio; 6 No sound.
    s_showmixer = 0 # Shows the music mixer debug.
    s_gamemusic = 1 # Plays music in game
    s_ambientmusic = 0 # Ambient music while playing game.
    s_menumusic = 1 # Menu music on or off.
    s_swapchannels = 0 # Swaps audio channels.
    security_whitelist_active = 0 # Set to 1 to allow only the names in the whitelist or 0 to disallow the names in the blacklist
    security_whitelist = Security/whitelist.cfg # The file with the whitelist config
    security_blacklist = Security/blacklist.cfg # The file with the blacklist config
    security_ignorelist = Security/ignorelist.cfg # The file with the ignorelist config
    security_seclevs = Security/seclevs.cfg # The file with the seclev config
    security_banflags = griefer abuser impersonation # Ban flags to observe but be lenient about - once expired these users will be allowed back in.
    security_strictflags = hacker # Ban flags to observe absolutely, anyone with a history of these will be banned permanently.
    n_graph = 0 # Shows the network activity graph.
    sv_maxplayers = 4 # Maximum number of players allowed ingame.
    sv_enable_joinfull = 1 # If set to 1 then privileged users (join_full seclev feature) may join the server when full.
    sv_reservedslots = 0 # Number of reserved slots (additional slots on top of the max, accessible only to privileged players).
    sv_tcpr = 0 # Whether to enable the TCP RCON server on sv_port. Default: 0.
    sv_tcpr_everything = 1 # Whether to print the entire console log to tcpr, or just stuff sent specifically from scripts with tcpr(). Default: 1
    sv_print_tcpr_specific = 0 # Whether to print tcpr specific stuff to the console. Default: 0
    sv_register = 1 # Whether or not to register this server with the master list. You likely only want this set to 0 if this is a firewalled private server.
    sv_sendminimap = 1 # Sends minimap to API. If this is set to 0 the minimap won't appear in servers browser.
    sv_port = 50213 # Server communication port, this is where it listens for incoming clients. Remember to open this port in your firewall.
    cl_port = 50328 # Client communication port.
    sv_password = # Sets the server password.
    sv_rconpassword = rcon # Sets the server remote console password.
    disable_seclevoutput = 1 # If set to 1 then loading seclevs will not print them out.
    sv_allow_globals_mods = 1 # If set to 1 global moderators and admins can kick/ban players on server.
    sv_deltapos_modifier = 1 # Controls the threshold for delta packet updating. Value higher than 1 will reduce bandwidth, lower increase.
    sv_compression = 1 # Compress network data or not. Disabling compression may improve performance. DO NOT change this while running the server!
    sv_fastdeltas = 0 # Faster deltas mean less CPU intensive but more bandwidth used.
    cl_name = Dark Slayer # Sets the players nickname.
    cl_clantag = LAUNCH # Sets the players clan name.
    cl_classnum = 0 # Sets the players class number.
    cl_team = -1 # Sets the players team number.
    cl_sex = 0 #
    cl_head = 65 #
    cl_hat = 0 #
    cl_joinaddress = # Client only! Join address for the GUI box in menu.
    cl_password = # GUI: Join password.
    sv_maxping = 450 # Max ping allowed on server after which player is kicked. Large ping players will slow down server.
    sv_maxping_warnings = 600 # Because of ping spikes, warnings are issued if a player has ping over max number.
    sv_pingkick_time = 300 # The amount of time in seconds to kick someone for if they're over ping.
    sv_maxhack_warnings = 25 # Maximum amount of warnings where server thinks player is hacking.
    sv_alloweditor = 1 # If set to 1 players that have RCON can start map editor on server
    sv_name = Dark Slayer's Server # Sets the server name displayed in server browser.
    sv_info = [US] Server # Sets the server info displayed in server browser.
    sv_global_bans = 0 # Determines whether the server uses the THD accounts global ban data.
    sv_verify_mods = 1 # Set to true to if you want this server's mods to be API-Verified (must be registered and distributed directly by the developer), else false.
    sv_visiblity_scale = 1.25 # Scales the area where other blobs are determined to be visible by the player.
    sv_max_localplayers = 1 # Maximum number of local players.
    sv_bots = 0 # Number of bots (might not be used by server).
    cl_ask_to_download = 1 # Prompts for mods download when joining server.
    cl_popup_shown = 1 # Manages offers on menu startup.
    u_transparency = 255 # Transparency of the game interface.
    u_showtutorial = 1 # Show controls tutorial
    u_shownames = 1 # Show team member names above head
    u_agreedterms = 1 # Agreed to terms
    c_dimension_x = 1 # Width of console in percents of screen.
    c_dimension_y = 0.9 # Height of console in percents of screen.
    c_linespacing = 1 # Space between lines in console.
    c_indent = 1 # Left indentation of messages in console.
    c_key = 36 # The key for opening and closing the console.
    c_history_size = 20 # Number of console commands stored in history.
    c_halign = 2 # Horizontal alignment of console 0-left, 1-center, 2-right.
    c_valign = 0 # Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
    cc_linespacing = 1 # Space between lines in console.
    cc_indent = 8 # Left indentation of messages in console.
    cc_key = 84 # The key for opening and closing the chat.
    cc_key_team = 89 # The key for opening and closing the chat in team mode.
    cc_history_size = 25 # Number of console commands stored in history.
    cc_halign = 2 # Horizontal alignment of console 0-left, 1-center, 2-right.
    cc_valign = 2 # Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
    cc_killfeed = 0 # Show kill feed in chat console?
    g_reloadfiles_count = 0 # How many files to tick forward the file reloader each frame. High numbers will cause lag.
    g_reloadfiles_wait = 0 # How long to wait between updates to the file reloader.
    g_rendergraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the rendering time graph.
    g_particlegraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off particle performance graph.
    g_physicsgraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the physics time graph.
    g_scriptsgraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the scripts time graph.
  19. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Yes, you can pick 50213 as the port, it just means you have to port forward that port instead of 50301
  20. blackguy123

    blackguy123 Bison Rider

    I portforwarded 50301 its just that how do i know what sv_port do i use?
    i also noticed something in autoconfig, it does not say sv_ip / sv_ipv6 / sv_preferAF / sv_enableIPv6
    Do I add them into autoconfig? I found that info in https://wiki.kag2d.com/wiki/Server where it shows the autoconfig Is this from Kag Classic?
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016