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[NI!] NI

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by zampanothechimera, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    We are waiting for our match since 2 months. Just call your guys..
  2. ThE_HeRo

    ThE_HeRo Bison Rider

    OK. Sending message to all 5 people except me and Zampano.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 12, 2014, Original Post Date: Dec 12, 2014 ---
    Message sent to every member.
  3. zampanothechimera

    zampanothechimera Shopkeep Stealer

    ok i have talked to everyone multiple times i was waiting for you the last 2 times which was over the period of this month i have told you only to hear back from you weeks later and never being able to make it happen because i have to talk to my team again. because of an unset date we need to confirm the date and get ready. !!!
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 19, 2014, Original Post Date: Dec 14, 2014 ---
    and i think we have a cw with pug maybe just logs though i would practice like my playing style absolute InSaNiTy
    and shenanigans
  4. Adrianza

    Adrianza Shark Slayer
    1. Zen Laboratories

  5. zampanothechimera

    zampanothechimera Shopkeep Stealer

    i dont know what us time zones but
    it is 9:26 from the time you posted that to me
  6. Adrianza

    Adrianza Shark Slayer
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Answer pls can or not
  7. zampanothechimera

    zampanothechimera Shopkeep Stealer

    ni is done by