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Baron's Warchest Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by daskew87, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    Hey everyone I'm having problems at the moment with the servers. The map lists are messed up and also the admin list isn't working.

    This will be fixed shortly when I have time to address the problem.
  2. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

  3. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    !!!2 of the 3 big servers are up and running properly now ::):

    -Maplists are back.
    -All admins are reinstated

    Thanks 8x for updating me on the autoconfig change.

    I am still having problems with Baron's Warchest mixed-maps however... (watch this space)

    >All Bw Admins can continue dishing out justice on the two fixed servers!
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 3, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 1, 2015 ---
    Superadmin report:

    @hunternevss was caught blatantly griefing in Bw Map-maker's Corner! CTF. He was outright trying to knock down a flag room as the builder. I froze him and he instantly left.

    -He has been banned for 1 day.

    He is on his first strike. Further griefing of the same magnitude will receieve harsher punishment.
  4. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Hey, I don't know if you are still looking for admins but I would like to be one. I seem to be on your mixed maps server a lot :).

    Also, your 1v1 dm server is broken. I get an error when I join. Sucks for when I feel like a 1v1 :p.
  5. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    >Admin Update<

    @Egholm is now part of the Bw Admin team! YAYAYAYAY WOOOOO!!!!!! Erm, yes ::):

    He's done his 'Rites Of Passage' which is a new thing all new successful applicants must do before becomming an admin here. All current admins have luckily dodged this ordeal ::D:

    Good luck to Egholm.

    As for @Vampire I should make it a bit clearer in the OP. I am looking for fresh admins... People that are either not admin at any other place or people that are admins at quite small places that aren't full that often. I am however really pleased a well-known and respected member such as yourself wanted to apply. It's only for the reason above that I have to say no.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 3, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 3, 2015 ---

    -Baron's Warchest mixed maps CTF now has admins again!

    Rejoice! :r_flex:
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
  6. Egholm

    Egholm Shipwright

    Haha, thanks for having me! ::):

    Gonna do my best to learn and make the servers a better place to be! :smug:

    PS: The rituals are bloody!!! :eek::rekt:
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 3, 2015 ---
    >Ban Post<
    player: (SP) As a God (princess C
    user: Jon Killer

    Banned 1 day for speedhack on Barons Warchest

    Server was almost full and everyone agreed that it was definately speedhack and I of course saw it too.

    @daskew87 Let me know how long you'd seem it fitting to ban hackers.
    I'd say 1 day ban and if he does it again perm or something like this.
  7. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator


    :up:My thoughts on admin proceedures

    This is great. Thanks for the griefing account @Egholm you're the first to do it! :B):

    -I would like all Bw Admins to do this for anyone they ban for a day or more.

    1 day for speed hacking is a well chosen amount of time so good job. The next time the same user commits a serious offence either ban them for 1 day again OR ban them for a week in RCON like the following:


    Press the home key on your keyboard :huh?:

    The type in:

    /rcon /ban username -1 Please remove a week from now on the 11/01 -Egholm

    -The "ban" is self-explanatory

    -The "username" is obviously the name of the users account (you need to be quick to catch it, or ban them for a day then perform the command: /rcon /listbans this will show you everyone who is currently banned and for how long their ban will remain. You will be able to see their account name in that list)

    -The "-1" basically means for a permanant length of time

    -The "Please remove a week from now on the 11/01 -Egholm" is just a bit of text that you add afterwards to leave a note about how long the ban is for and also which admin you are making the man.

    Everything but the little note at the end must be spelt 100% correctly... duh.

    When a bit later on in time one of the admin team performs the /rcon /listbans command they will see the latest bannings and come by the 11/01 date and if it is past that date then they can remove the ban. I will explain about removing perma bans another time, but for now I will remove them when the date comes up.


    >The above is a lot simpler than it seems, it just takes a lot of text to make it clear.

    KAG doesn't allow you to do a 1 week ban, so this system has to be the way we acheive this. It works. 8x informed me about it :thumbs_up:

    We are doing this because we want a step between a 1 day's ban and a permanant ban.

    !!!Admin application...

    @Blue_Tiger I'm sorry but I have 2 LVT admins already and I don't wish for Baron's warchest to become a clan server for LVT, so it's unfortunately declined.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 7, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 4, 2015 ---
    Superadmin Report:

    The user @nazarovaldex was caught speed-hacking.

    This user was seen performing this "feat" a little while ago on one of the other servers.

    -Therefore he has been banned for 1 week this time round.

    Note to all admins:right:

    I am not sure but it seems like /rcon functions are not working for admins. I will look into this problem soon... however if anyone from the community wishes to enlighten me in anyway way please post here.
  8. Egholm

    Egholm Shipwright

    Ban post:!!!
    User: theepicguy452

    Was caught speedhacking. I spectated him and could clearly see he was moving way faster than everyone else.
    He was complaining as i froze him and tried to show me he wasn't speedhacking. By that time he'd most likely turned the hack off.

    Banned for: 1 day
  9. JediOfTheReich

    JediOfTheReich Shark Slayer

    IGN: JediOfTheReich

    I've had no experience so far with administrating, but I'd like try it out;
    I'm very active (Almost every day, and every weekend)
    And I'm not very strict, but I can be if you want me to
  10. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    Thanks man:thumbs_up:

    As for @JediOfTheReich I will consider your application and get back to you.
  11. Ozminer

    Ozminer Bison Rider

    IGN: Ozminer
    Why you would like to be admin: I want to be admin because I want to stop every griefer & make people have a good time.
    Why should you be admin: Because i can use the RCON commands fluently & i am always looking out to help people
    Exp: I have been admin on my server, and can easily do tonnes of commands such as mute, ban, kick, I even know how to reload the seclevs on the spot, i have good judgement and have never wrongly accused someone.
  12. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    >Admin update<

    @Ozminer has been added as an admin to the servers.

    Also I personally asked blackjoker77777 oker if he wanted to be an admin. He has been very helpful responding to my server-based questions and also seems like a pretty nice guy. He is now also an admin.

    As for @JediOfTheReich I've decided to decline your application. I might be wrong but I didn't get the right sense from you.

    There are now 8 Admins:


    ***Maps maps maps!


    The Map-making contest is over. However I intend to keep hosting people's maps. So if anyone has any CTF or TTH maps they want to send me I will upload them to the servers: Bw Map-maker's Corner! CTF and Bw Map-maker's Corner! TTH

    I will however be rating them and giving them a score out of 10. So be warned about that ::D:

    -Submit them either here or to me via personal messages. They will be posted onto the thread in any case.

    Some of the maps from the contest will be removed from the servers as they have had their time and it's good for newer maps from the community to come up in the server rotation. However the better maps in the map list will be staying a little while longer.

    Submit 'em to us!
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  13. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I'd like to apply for admin. :flex:
  14. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    New server!

    'Baron's Warchest Nice 'n small CTF' is a new server I started today. The server is very small (only 10 slots). It is for players who enjoy having a small amount of people in a game. I myself usually like this over hoards of peasants.

    >Admin request<

    Hey @RampageX thanks for applying on the thread. I will get back to you about being an admin!
  15. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    YES! Thank you, Dask!
  16. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    lol haha it was about 80% for me this server as I love small games ::D:
  17. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider

    Just a heads-up that these servers are run by a badmin. I was in a game where he griefed our base, several times, and when called out on it (the only offense I made was insulting him when I called him out on griefing), he TKd me, muted me, "trolled" me for a few minutes before eventually banning me without discussion (never even unmuted me first).

    Really wanted to post this since I very much dislike abusive admins and think they are often the cause of online gaming communities dying out.
  18. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    You were banned for 1 day for spamming insults at me constantly. The griefing was in your head, nobody griefed you.

    Don't come onto Baron's Warchest again with the same behaviour otherwise (if an admin catches you) being abusive it will be a longer ban and in future a possible permanant ban.
  19. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider

    Except we both know that's a lie. I insulted you exactly once, which was entirely warranted because of you griefing our base. After that I only typed two or three sentences (since you denied griefing), in which I did not insult you at all.
    Your response was to childishly abuse your admin powers on top of TKing me (which you in turn boasted about) and mute me so I could not even have a discussion. You spent the following five minutes spamming the chat with messages like "come on heX, say what you want to say! :)" with me still being muted, after which you finally banned me without any further offense from my side safe for that one single insult.

    Don't worry about me coming back on your servers unless by accident; there are enough servers out there that are actually run well.

    I've said my piece, go ahead and have the last word.
  20. ThE_HeRo

    ThE_HeRo Bison Rider

    • 1. How often do you play?
    • 2. Which well known servers have you had admin on before?
    • 3. Did you simply get admin because you are a friend of the owner?
    • 4. How long were you an admin?
    • 5. Was your admin status ever removed and if so why?
    • 6. Do you have any recommendations from guards or server owners or other notable people?
    • 7. Why should you get admin and what makes you a good admin?
    • 8. Any other information you think might be relevant?

    1. Almost every day.
    2. None, this will be my first time. (unless Classic)
    3. (see answer 2)
    4. (see answer 2)
    5. (see answer 2)
    6. No.
    7. I think I would make a great admin, and only freeze people only when griefing, hacking, etc.
    8. The time I actually HAVE been admin is on old Classic Kag.