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Changes for Builders/Bridges

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wyeth, Nov 16, 2011.


What do you think of these changes?

Poll closed Nov 23, 2011.
  1. I like them

  2. I dislike them

  3. I am indifferent

  1. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    The only problem I have with this is, like mentioned previously, that people can just tunnel under buildings and separate them from any dirt blocks to collapse them.
  2. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    We'll test the background thing.
    I personally very much like the idea of digging under buildings to collapse them. If you're letting a team of tunnelling builders get so close they can literally undermine your fortress, you're doing something wrong. As Miczu says: "when you have the builder under a wall what is the point anyway as he will take whole thing anyway".
    It also means that floating spammed bridge and ladder blocks wouldn't be a pain in the ass when trying to defend the underground - you'll be able to drop them off by cutting their connection to the land.

    To be clear - charging for builders would literally just be a progress ring around your cursor at the end of which a block would build like it does now, and without the cursor lock delay on building like there is now that leads to odd placement. We can set this up to make building stone blocks take exactly the same amount of time as it does now while cripping a builder's ability to move while building and allowing enemies to prevent the builder from building by attacking him (-> cancelling the charge bar), as well as making more complicated mechanisms take longer to build.
    It also means getting the jump on a builder would be easier - they wouldn't be able to instantly drop blocks -> a knight would have some reaction time before that inpenetrable stone block went down.

    "Worst mechanic in history" - go boil your head. Your other points are mostly fine, however:
    - :builder = obsolete during the game": False. As stated above, the only time I've seen builders actively building while moving a lot is when they're spamming one block or another - bridges and ladders at a wall or stone blocks in a tunnel. Frontline builders build either behind or with their group of soldiers and do so whilst almost always stationary -> this isn't a nerf for them, it's a nerf for the aforementioned spammers.
    - "I've never seen a frontline builder not jumping around while trying to build a tower": You're not playing the same game as me then. If you're talking about not having seen knights defending a builder ever, then you've experienced the same thing I have - public players suck. I'm not planning on catering to the majority that suck, especially as they're unlikely to notice or care about the changes. My main point was staying stationary while building - you do it anyway if you're trying to build anything sensible.
    - "I only run from knights and spam blocks because I don't want to die D:> why are the guy with swords good at killing the guys that build stuff?": Thing is, in that situation, I want you to die.
    - "do it as a server option": there are literally 7 custom servers out of 39 at the moment. If we add charge time and build radius as a server option (which we probably will as it'll be fairly simple) then I predict approximately 5 servers will tweak the variable in the first week and then ~2 in the coming months. The majority of server hosts literally just change the name, info, map size and player count.

    To those saying "builders need to be able to defend themselves!" - you're wrong. They're a utility class that's supposed to either be protected by allies or behind the frontline. Builders walling themselves in in tunnels is a shitty mechanic and makes me want to permaban the user doing it every time I see it.

    Neat: Increased build radius doesn't help builders barricade in caves more at all unless they're being smart and covering their ass before moving on (as opposed to when they're caught). I don't have a problem with that as it literally means the threat from that tunnel is one builder.
    "double" the build radius is only 2.5 more tiles fwiw. We could simply add 1 or 2 tiles more range, it's just to get around not being able to jump-place that final block on your wall if you don't have any wood.

    sorry if I've missed stuff, I think this has covered most of it.
    SirZergling and Noburu like this.
  3. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Okay, let's see...

    Builders are already insanely easy to kill, the only way you're not killing one is if he gets stone and fills it in and around him and even then he's stuck, you open a hole with a bomb and get an archer to shoot him, but if your front line is protected there's almost no way he's getting in without a strong push, when has this ever been a problem, if anything it's pretty neat and shows how your structures should be set to also protect a bit under it or allow you easy access to kill people digging shallow earth.

    The builder would be able to reuse the structure, as it is many maps run out of resources as times go by and taking a fortification to use for your advantage is much better/easier than simply destroying it most of the time, maybe more people can comment on this aspect, people used to playing forward builders.

    Re: builder = obsolete during the game ; As it is most stay behind because coming out to the front is so intense for a builder it usually all but spells their death, they can die very easily to archers, are targeted easy and have almost no defense, building up there must be fast not to die and slowing this down means that knights have to work much harder to stop this from happening. No one likes the builders that wall themselves out and slowly progress through stone going into something, but no one likes those people period, they're annoying "I don't want to die so I'll wall myself in until you go away instead of making any progress!'.

    As for jumping while building, if you're making something small this isn't as much of a problem but with the sometimes very small startup times to build things, charging along with this could be a problem, now if the radius is that where you could build high enough where let's say you could at least cover the top of the flag, maybe 9 blocks then that would be pretty decent, but the charge time might still make building a castle really slow (I guess it depends on how long the time is, but charge times seem like they'd slow things down quite a bit, which may be annoying).

    I also have to wonder, if you can drop stuff underground (constructions) isn't it overkill to also have charge times on those stone blocks? I mean couldn't the knight just dig right under that stone block (that dirt tile) and it now falls giving him much easier passage to get to the builder unless the builder literally spams a stone line?

    Look forward to testing these things either way, they are definitely interesting changes.
    Monsteri likes this.
  4. TerryDactyl

    TerryDactyl KAG Guard Tester

    if a bridge takes 3 ticks to destruct, how about 3 ticks to build it? and one or two for ladders. as opposed to blocks, which just slide into place. ;)
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    The fundamental problem people seem to happen with charging is that "everything will take ages" - I've said a few times in here that we'd tweak the charge so that building normal castle blocks would take roughly the same amount of time as it does now, with larger delays for bridges (-> skybridges would take ages and ages to build) and probably a little longer for doors and spikes too. By a "larger delay" I mean 1 second of charge - that only stacks up if you're trying to spam blocks (or building a skybridge).

    We'll try to get a test build together over the next day or so with the changes, at least to test the blocks dropping off background dirt - we need to determine whether it'll make towers totally redundant or not. Seems to me like they'd just start needing a basement to prevent really speedy undermining but we might need to slow up dirt destruction time (which has the added bonus of making whole map tunneller's lives hell)

    @Terry: I don't want to do multiple hits to build various structures at this point because I have the feeling a lot of noobs would assume the bridge or whatever was done on the first hit -> public games would be even more frustrating than they are now.
  6. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    I didn't see this thread

    Noburu and Wonkyth like this.
  7. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Noburu and SirZergling like this.
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @Sani: I like all of that and it matches what I'd like to do except for the "can move while charging" thing - that doesn't address them hoppity builders being slippery as mackerel out of water. I think if they were slowed like charging knights are it'd work. We'll see over the course of a few test builds I guess.
    Strathos likes this.
  9. Strathos

    Strathos KAG Guard Tester

    Just one thought: if digging under a structure to collapse it will become a strategy. What would be its counter-strategy? More digging, right? You'd have to dig a vertical tunnel to intercept theirs, then kill them from behind. Problem here is that tunnelers with 250 stone (which they are likely to have because of all the digging) can hold off a lot of enemies by blocking their access with stone. Digging is also easy, cheap and fast., filling the tunnels is tedious and expensive. Yes, it's true that using castle background tiles for support will save the structure from collapsing, but what I'm trying to say is that stopping tunneling enemies is disproportionately harder for a team than digging a tunnel for the other.
    I guess this is more of a general problem with tunneling. We'll have to see how it goes on the test servers :D

    P.S. digging is not fun.
    Contrary likes this.
  10. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Counters: Tar, arrow traps, water
  11. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Tar moats to burn them alive! :D
  12. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    The more i think about no background tiles, the more scared i become. The griefing potential is absolutely huge for collapses caused by tunneling. Simply make a tunnel under your team during warmup, and when the round starts, initiate collapse of whole team area.

    Also, everyone has seen a tunnel that spans from tent to tent... so the whole map will collapse when this happens? Not only will this screw up the whole map, but servers / clients will crash like crazy if this were to happen.

    I really do not think this will work out as well as intended, but i hope i'm wrong.
  13. Bestlock

    Bestlock Shopkeep Stealer

    I like the nerf if it will happen, But what SirSalami said, I too am also scared of a entire world collapsing with the whole "dirt don't hold structures up." I think the dirt should still be able to hold structures up but not as much as the stone background, but with dirt the dirt background would just hold it up how it is now.

    Anyways that's the end of my sentence and I hope the nerf will come out!

    Edit : Nevermind about that! Apparently I cannot read, but I still hope the nerf comes out of course!
  14. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Salami only natural blocks would be supported, not manmade ones. I don't know if this remedies your fears but... yeah.

    Would it be humanly possible at all if collapsed structures did not completely dissappear but make smoldering pile of ruins that people can just easily traverse over instead. It kind of sucks that you can recycle resources from a completely collapsed structure... but who knows ha ha.
    SirSalami likes this.
  15. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Hmm. That indeed does resolve my issues i think! Thanks, and sorry! =]
  16. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    I guess we'll just see more stone paths everywhere, huh?
    To prevent digging? Anyone?

    Also, what you could do is build a really deep tower at the edge of your base and then connect all of the subsequent buildings with stone and castle walls. People will figure out how to combat the under-tunneling collapses.
  17. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    mb add mounts for resourses? :D like horse... if u dont like current magic inventory. more fun, more reality :D
  18. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Oh, Geti. I forgot to add one thing to that image;

    The charge time is either lower or non-existent for lesser materials, such as ladders and background tiles. Doesn't make sense to make it take so long for something that doesn't collide with the players.
  19. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    Or just disable the ability to put bridges on dirt background and the spamming should decrease drasticly.
    Noburu, tekoppar and BlueLuigi like this.
  20. tekoppar

    tekoppar Horde Gibber

    Of course I over exaggerated, since I hate this idea and think it's plain stupid I had to type something that would show how I feel. I rarely buy games, I only buy games that are GOOD or have lots of potential. I believe KAG has the potential to be a great game, but when they/he/she (How many do develop this?) announced this. That little dream started getting crushed.

    Yes, you only need 1 builder for that, and he's only there to do your biding. The rest of the builders are pretty useless and will only take up valuable knight slots. This is just how I feel and I'm not saying this is how it's gonna end up. Just how I feel and think it might.

    This is what I dislike, this will make it so the team who try to set up a fortification only needs a builder in their frontline. The attackers will only need to touch him and he's rendered him useless for a brief moment, and that's all the other team needs to take over the fortification. I would rather see that the attacking enemy needed to have builders in their frontline, this would make us builders feel a bit more important. At the moment it's all about "BOMBSHOPS" "NOOB BUILDER MAKE BOMBSHOP AT ME" "ARROWS" "NOOOB" "BOMBSHOPS" "BOMBSHOPS", They never end the spam about their bombshops even though there is one 15 blocks next to them.

    Them I'm in a bad team all the time, don't matter if theres "premium" player nor free players. Knights just want to charge up a head and score kills, who wouldn't? That's why you should hurt the knights instead of the builders.

    I have actually played with 1 good knight so far. He came back with the loot he took from the enemy and gave it to me so I could build more stuff. That was the nicest game I probably have played so far, even thought we lost cause knights thought they could jump over the enemy pits and ended up mass dying.

    This is what I hate about the idea. That builders has no mean at all to defend themself. I'm not talking about killing anything just a mean to protect myself in case a knight gets to close to me. Instead of hurting the building gameplay of builders, hurt the stone block, Knights can already dig dirt blocks as fast as builders (at least what I have noticed playing). So why not make it so a full charged attacks damages the stone blocks. That way builders CAN defend themself by dropping down blocks, the knight can still get to the builder if he wants. Even if the knight don't get the builder, the builder wasted a large amount of valuable stone and time trying to defend himself. Thus still making it a win for the knight, since he got the stone he destroyed.

    New ideas.

    Since you probably won't change this, could you at least fix so the build menu disappears the moment I release the F key? Several times have I been in a hurry to switch blocks and ended up placing something else down, mostly stone blocks which is a pain in the ass to remove. Which brings up another idea.

    How about player specific blocks? Any block you yourself have placed down only needs 2 chops to be removed. Any other block placed by any other player behaves normally like now. This would prevent the need to spend time removing some blocks you placed by mistake or ended up being placed wrongly (like my problem above). (The 2 block is so if you accidentally hit something placed by you, you can still repair it.)

    If I remember correctly dirt blocks need 4 hits to be removed, I propose that during the build phase dirt blocks would be removed by only 2 hits. Making it faster to build pits/underground fortifications during the build phase but once the game starts it's back to 4 hits.