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Bw 1v1 Archer Tournament (eu)

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by daskew87, Dec 3, 2014.


So who's going to win?

Poll closed Jun 22, 2015.
  1. Blue Tiger

    2 vote(s)
  2. Elowan

    12 vote(s)
  3. Franek

    5 vote(s)
  4. Demosito

    4 vote(s)
  1. Ronoc_ST

    Ronoc_ST Shipwright

    scurred :boulder::knight::dance::spam:
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 31, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 31, 2015 ---
    wt time exactly? i might just be blind but y'know ???:bow::bow:
  2. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator


    :up:We now have 21 people confirmed. [EDIT: now 30]

    We need 11 more, so if you want to help get this tournament started quickly convince some of your eu friends to come along for the fun.

    Meanwhile I am on the search for some more myself.

    The First stage

    There are 5 stages in this tournament and the first is the group stage.

    There are 4 players in each group. The groups will be sorted randomly. After I randomly sort them I will 'spread out' the best archers evenly through the groups so that there aren't any rediculously hard groups.

    I will work out convenient times for each group to have their session.

    In a group session the best 2 players will move forwards to the next stage (knockout stage). The least successful 2 will be out of the tournament.

    Each player 1v1s one another in a first to 5 kills scenario.

    If it still not yet clear, this means each player will have 3 fights, each first to 5 kills.

    -You are allowed to buy anything from the shops, however most maps purposely do not have any shops.
    -You are also allowed to use anything you find on the map.
    -All audience members must only teamspeak as to not disturb the players competing.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
    Verzuvius and Blue_Tiger like this.
  3. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    First to 5? Please. Why not first to 11? ;_;

    And I don't like the idea of water and boulders being allowed. ;_;
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  4. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Hi, I know someone who should compete, his username is daskew87. Don't forget to ask him!
    AmestriStephen likes this.
  5. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    I don't normally respond to questions on the thread individually but I think this is important...

    • The Group session is the only time it's just first to 5 kills because in the session each player will be having 3 fights, (6 in total for the session). The next 2 stages are 11 kills and indeed the semi-finals and finals are even longer than that.
    • Boulders are available on only 3 of 17 maps in the list. I want to include them because I think they can add something interesting to the tournament. The maps try to cover a wide range of archer skills - so if you have a weak area in your ability with an item or a type of terrain then it might show up at some point in the contest.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Verzuvius like this.
  6. SirDangalang

    SirDangalang Lvl. 128 MissingNo. Donator

    Usually not the competitive type but I will like to participate too :)

    I'm mediocre on skill but 1337 on the scumbag scale. Prepare to feel insulted whilst my face gets crushed :^D
    Verzuvius and Blue_Tiger like this.
  7. r0ber7

    r0ber7 Shopkeep Stealer

    Alright, I'm in. Playing against archers better than myself is what I like most. Hope the time works for me. The group thing is a nice twist too. Love arrow wars. OUR ARROWS WILL BLOT OUT THE SUN:note:
    blackjoker77777 likes this.
  8. TheGreenShadow

    TheGreenShadow Catapult Fodder

    I'm sure that I can join too, You Only Live Once!
    I'm not best, but I'm not worst too!
  9. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator



    Is now the number we need before 32 is reached and we begin.

    If you have any eu archer friends, get them involved!
  10. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    @KagMatches aka 4seen ! join them
    Verzuvius likes this.
  11. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Snake, you join too!
  12. AJFaas

    AJFaas Base Burner
    1. supr sekrit cln [skrt]

    you better hope youre up against me in the first round or ill get shot out by the first other archer.
  13. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    I have decided:

    By the end of today if I do not have 32 EU archers in total I will open the doors to players with a higher ping of 133 (no more).

    The groups will be created either tonight or tomorrow!
    SirDangalang likes this.
  14. GreyHCK

    GreyHCK Shark Slayer

    hope i'm in \o/

    is there a list of players that will partecipate?
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  15. Cobramuziek86

    Cobramuziek86 Arsonist

    Account verification succeeded. Would like to enter tournament.
    AmestriStephen likes this.
  16. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    I would like to add to this that if 2 more players are not found, the first two applicants with 133 ping or under (for a frankfurt, germany server) that post here will be allowed to enter.

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  17. vale_valerio

    vale_valerio Shark Slayer

    i'm of yours ;)
  18. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Dask, you better be one of those 30 players ....
  19. super_gaming_geek

    super_gaming_geek Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    2 spaces left?
    Im in.
    Oh and in eu servers I have about 100 ping :)
    blackjoker77777 likes this.
  20. AcidSeth

    AcidSeth Arsonist

    Still time I hope?

    I'd like to join! EU player here.
    NinjaCell and GreyHCK like this.