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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Rambo, Jan 7, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Nice, looks like a real stoner helmet. I'm not a smoker, so wouldn't wear it but it's cool. Do you wear it like you would wear any cap? On the way to work and such? At family? Wouldn't be accepted in every situation I assume? (In law family ::D::rollseyes:)

    Oh much apologies man, I just checked your profile and saw that you're 17. This conversation's only allowed on terms, and the most important is only people from 18 years or older due to legal terms, otherwise KAGforums could get trouble. No hard feelings, it's not personal, a stoner like you would fit in there but this is just the rule. ::(:

    Aside of that, the only way to practise English is speaking/writing/reading it, you don't want to know how 'well' my English was when I started playing this a few years ago. Keep practising it, knowing an extra language is only usefull for the future.

    As stated I'm not a stoner, do you drink? If you get here, we could get a pint or two, or Jägermeister as I love that shit. If not, we'll see. Can't skip a multicultural gaming community meeting! ::): Always welcome here, just hit me up some time before you're coming!

    On a joking matter (to avoid misunderstandings): I'd like to see you try hitting me, I'm still the thuggish Dutch motherfucker :kappa:

    On a serious matter: The lagwhining against ZEN made you guys seem like a bunch of guys who can't handle a loss. Nobody respects that really, either decline the match or play it and accept the outcome. Then, the claiming to be the best made it very temptating to start my 'fun', next to the fact I've seen some of your players kinda acted like elitist dicks in the game.

    A lot of players in the community think you guys are taking this game and it's competition way too serious. It's not Major Gaming League. That's preference though.

    Serious tense guys are very easy to bait, since a single joke caused so much rage on one side, and laughs on the other side that a second joke was unavoidable. That's what started it, the joke, but what continued it were the reactions.

    I must say, you started taking it like a good dude. You learned. I realised that here:
    It was a funny, simple counter. Getting mad at jokes makes you look like a kid not to be taken serious. Taking it like that like that makes people take you more serious. Who takes a raging kid serious? Nobody, but I grew more fond of you, and started taking you more serious after you started not giving a fuck.

    T' was just jokes to you guys, do you think I really hate you guys that much I would put so much time in it? It was funny, people laughed because of it and so did I, but you guys took it as a real flaming war and thought people were disrespecting and hating you. That's the language barrier, and the misunderstanding.

    I don't love your clan, nor do I hate your clan. It was just funny to post some pictures about you guys there. Had some laughs, shared some laughs, and that's it.

    My advise would be, behave like the gentlemen, even when having a misunderstanding, be the bigger man. Refrain from rage on the forums, refrain from elitism in the game. You don't have to claim to be the best to be respected, be a nice guy ingame and on the forum and you will be respected, that goes for you and your AG# buddies. With the pizza eating reply you were actually the bigger man compared to me, and I've heard people respecting that and praising it. ::D:

    If someone claims you're not the best or the worst, you shouldn't give a fuck. Who gives a damn? You guys know if you're good or not, that's all that matters. :wink:

    I am not promising I won't make jokes about you guys anymore. Why? Because it's only (funny) jokes. Nothing too serious, I don't have time or cares to spare for serious flaming wars on the internet, neither do you. ::D: :kappa:

    At start you reacted like a raging kid, now you react to these bashing jokes with jokes in return, and you realised it's no real war, it's a misunderstanding. I really respect that, you learned. Good job dude:thumbs_up:

    I am explaining how this stuf started, and how to avoid negativity on the internet with trolls like me in the future, next to that I praised you. It's ment positive, if there's a misunderstanding in this text send me a private message and I will explain it to ya, love n' peace :wink::heart:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    StarskyGianni, Snake19 and Sir_Walter like this.
  2. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Yes. I actually left my computer.
    There was some stupid thing going on on the other side of it, so I had to take it from this side ;_;
    RadioActive, AcidSeth, hierbo and 8 others like this.
  3. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

  4. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    All I can think about was that one train picture.
    Goddamnit, @Pizza
    Pizza likes this.
  5. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Dargona1018 likes this.
  6. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    So, no I do not wear this cap all the time, she (the cap) Moreover, cause trouble during my trip to England (where I buy them)

    I try not to wear it in town, I was taking more for parties between friends ;)

    Also, my family did not know that I smoke it ....
    My mother saw the cap, but has not made the connection ^^ '
    (Well, I say no more I'll avoid telling my private life in public.) : P

    No problem, in a few months I would be majeure (08/05)

    Holding that date to wish me a happy birthday ! : P

    Of course I drink :)
    I am a great drinker of beer, the bottoms up do not scare me haha : P

    The history between Zen and us is very long.

    Each in its versions ...

    We accepted this defeat, although the Zen played 2 times on a US server and we once on a EU server.

    So they had the advantage of the ping.

    The rules were bad and that's why they were changed afterwards.
    The team play 2 times on the server of their country, always win.

    Anyway, our poorly understood is part of a lot further. In short we had done a favor to Zen, which have not made subsequently for us (the same favor) we did not like their behavior that day.

    But that's settled, soon revenge with real rules should happen.

    Thank you for the explanation, and thank you for giving your opinion :) :heart:
    Pizza and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  7. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hahahaha, nice nice. I love how parents can't make the connection, how obvious is it? #Mothers, My brother smoked weed on our roof every evening, we didn't know. Thing is, I also chilled on thaf roof, but never met him there. One evening I climbed upon the roof, found my brother there with a joint. Laughed my ass off. We were around 15/16, my mum never found out untill it was too late :kappa:

    ~My brother, accurate picture

    Good, very good! Don't worry about your English, there's no beefing in there, just discussions about weed, stealing garden gnomes, drinking till you think you're a locomotive and stuf like that. Including retarded pictures, it's all love n' peace. Still a few months but I'll remember, try not to leave this shit game in the meantime :kappa:

    Then that's settled, when you're in Holland hit me up and we'll get some pints! Where in France are you from? This summer I'm in the southern alps. I'm up for a French beer or wine too, counts for all Frenchies! Amour et la paix! (My French sucks, so not sure if it's correct :kappa:) :wink::flex:

    Good that you guys settled it. Very good, I was just trying to explain, if you play a match, accepting the rules and server you have to face the consequences. If the situation is shit, wich it was in your situation since you're all european gooners, better decline the match due to rules or ping problems instead of playing it and complaining afterwards. I am nobody to tell you what to do man. I'm just trying to explain you this, since people do barely respect it when do not accept a loss, it makes you look like a bad loser, not a good loser.

    There's no shame in declining a game if the situation's shit. I´m trying to explain you this to avoid negativity in the future, you guys are an active clan with some good players as far as I know, just not the nicest people, (most of the time) only thinking about status, not about fun. that's what causes disrespect in a community. If you behave a bit less tense about losing or being the best I'm sure you guys will get a lot more respect

    I am telling you this from my own experience and perspective, I have been one of the biggest lagwhiners in this game. Nobody respects it really.

    Please take a bit of my advice for your future match with ZEN, I do not have any power to force you, or even tell you what to do. Just trying to give you some tips n' tricks, I think you guys will be taken way more serious this way. I mean it in a very positive way, you seem like a good dude when speaking with me outside of the clan section ::)::heart:

    You're welcome, anyday man. If you guys chill out and take some of my advice, you will be taken more serious by a lot of guys in this community, at least I think so. If not, it's their fault and not yours. On the other hand, people in the game wouldn't be annoyed by you or your guys. It's a good situation for everyone! I'm not saying you should stop trying to be the best. Ambition's good, but try to stop annoying outsiders in the process, then we're all cool and it's love n' peace again. :heart:

    You're having trouble with speaking English yet you're speaking with me on a serious, mature way. I respect that. Big up to ya. Keep up the good work :thumbs_up:

    Let's not take over this thread with stories about weed n' booze, or clan talk. It's not the point of the thread, if you have anything to discuss or just want to say hi feel welcome to send me a private message. Peace out! :wink::thumbs_up:
    Snake19 likes this.
  8. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    HAHAHA it's awesome :O ::D:

    To be honest, I planned to leave Kag, After the Kag World Cup due to the problem I had in this community.

    I had jokes by reporting my nationality, who makes me laugh a lot, but many insults. The French are frowned in video games ...
    (it also to many other reasons)

    I live in the Limousin, in Corrèze, tulle


    We say more "Peace & Love" that "Love & Peace"
    the "la" was not necessary : P

    I would not have imagined you like that, it made me much good to talk to you, you're a good guy! :)

    Good luck in the future! :):heart:
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Pizza like this.
  9. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    @Snake19 This picture wasn't mine, just googled. No credits for me :kappa:

    The French are frowned upon for a reason, a lot of them refuse to speak English, and somehow a lot of French guys are elitist assheads ingame. Not all of them ofcourse, that's impossible. If you behave nicely, nobody cares about your nationality. That's the key! :wink:

    Thanks for the correction, you're personally not a bad lad either. There's just the language barrier. And of course the very competitive tense mind, in comparisation to the rest of this community. That causes a clash but it's just a preference. As long you do not bother others with it, no problemo! :smug:

    Keep the good work up, keep practising English, good luck and most of all have fun!

    To not take over this thread with just offtopic talks, Pizza and Santa claus!


  10. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    His facial expression implies that he can't stand how amazing that scarf is.
    Pizza likes this.
  11. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Gay scarf 10/10. I lost it at a party in my friends home, far away. I was drunk. They still send me pictures posing with my scarf every weekend. :kappa:

    On a different note, this is exactly what my room and pc spot look like.

    Actual reality, I should change my life

    rymcd, Sir_Walter and Dargona1018 like this.
  12. Hermap

    Hermap Haxor

    I like the way this thread has completely evolved.
    JoshTG, Pizza and Dargona1018 like this.
  13. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Back to the basics! Ontopic time!

    @Galen :kappa:
    thebonesauce, PinXviiN, Gurin and 5 others like this.
  14. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Why has this thread been invaded by pizza and dank? I know what you look like, stop posting pictures of yourself
    Fuzzle and Pizza like this.
  15. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    No porn tabs, 0/10
    Hermap and Pizza like this.
  16. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Maybe you've forgotten about this? It became even worse :QQ:
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
  17. Juaro

    Juaro Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Pls 2 call internet polis.
  18. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator


    @TheDirtySwine: I don't know if you're bad or if you just didn't try, but there are actually a shitton of people who posted more than just one picture (I suggest reading the OP).
    Pizza likes this.
  19. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Gurin, hierbo, JoshTG and 6 others like this.
  20. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Haha I know that there are multiple people that post multiple pictures but at this point it's the only thing I see in my alert box and I consider it to be spam. No need to get butthurt.
    Noburu likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi