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KAG In My Opinion(short)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kingofthebrithins, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. kingofthebrithins

    kingofthebrithins Shopkeep Stealer

    I have not played for a year and a half so its...been gone for a long long time.. You may delete this thread, but im just getting my opinion out there. Ever since beta was released, kag got bad for me. I started to not play because the lack of servers and players started moving to beta. I had so much fun in classic, I would laugh and rage, but in the end I was a happy player. I wouldn't say it "changed" my life, but it made my life a bit more fun than before. Still I am sad that all my KAG friends are practically gone and dont play anymore, I miss this game but I just dont like the new KAG( or KAB?...) Please no hate , just wanted to express my feelings even after 500+ days since it has passed. AHHhhhhh the old clans, the pro people, the noobs, the pro noobs, and the noob pros I MISS IT ALL.
  2. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    im sorry its been so harsh for you, classic was lots of fun but for me when silent beta came out i felt that the new kag was so much better, i guess some people just didnt like the new one and it ended up ruining kag for them 3:. have you tried the new kag in its current state? i would say its much improved from the kag you played back then.
    jimmyzoudcba likes this.
  3. kingofthebrithins

    kingofthebrithins Shopkeep Stealer

    No I havent played it yet , but I just miss the glitch arrows , the good servers , the stupid jokes that are still funny, the unknown people , JUST THE LAUGHTER. The new KAG is just so different that I dont want to leave classic yet. (doesnt make sense...?) Just the old plain kag is what makes me happy , but thanks for replying :D
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 31, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 31, 2015 ---
    To old kag friends

    It has been AWHILE but lemme tell you a game that you may not like , Team Fortress 2, I just continued playing it but if you have it please add me ! I mess you guys a lot

    steam name : kscorpiov
    jimmyzoudcba and icemusher like this.
  4. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    If someday i start playing that game, would totally add you, and about classic, yeah i sort of feel the same, but i like Beta so it compensates a bit...
    kingofthebrithins likes this.
  5. kingofthebrithins

    kingofthebrithins Shopkeep Stealer

    Even the forums upgraded..
  6. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    I respect your opinion @kingofthebrithins (long live BA!) but I'm confused;

    I think you should give KAB another try, honestly it's changed lots, and there are plenty of older people from classic (probably your friends) moved to beta. Just do me a solid and try it, even for a game or two.

    And if kag beta isnt' for you, I suggest maybe looking at this thread https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/organizing-play-on-classic.22461
  7. kingofthebrithins

    kingofthebrithins Shopkeep Stealer

    I guess ill try... it just makes me sad playing KAB because it reminds of the good days and how its all gone.. btw thanks for respecting my opinion ..
    101i likes this.
  8. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Sooner or later everything advances, you should give beta a try...
    kingofthebrithins likes this.
  9. It ain't beta anymore, and it hasn't been for a long time. :P
    101i likes this.
  10. :thumbs_up: Damn, that just summed it up... BC Flatmaps.. <3
  11. kingofthebrithins

    kingofthebrithins Shopkeep Stealer

    icemusher likes this.
  12. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    and me? ;_;

    Hop on #kag.gather on IRC, ask some people what is it. You'll be against really skilled people. Skilled, as in people you can't fight without having 0.2 ratio if you're a noob.
  13. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    From what I know, @BC is making his flat maps again in release kag. We had done this beforehand but people started disliking it because of the archer spam. I hope we can really get them going again tho. Also if you end up liking kag a lot I could try to get you involved in mumble too :3
  14. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

    classic kag > kag
    the game was much better when it was simpler
    icemusher likes this.
  15. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Hallic likes this.
  16. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    But no matter what everyone says, I love beta. Maybe even when the official version comes out I'll stay on Beta.
    What I mean is, like Classic is awesome (especially the roleplay) but-----it kind of lacks the 'smoothness' and 'flow' of combat.
    Beta made it much better. Now I feel (ME ONLY) that the game is almost alive, with players everywhere on the battlefield.
    And there's still alot of laughing! Like when I put a mine in my backpack and when someone kills me and turks on me they get
    blowed up by the mine, and many other occasions. Anyways I still hope you try Beta again.
  17. kingofthebrithins

    kingofthebrithins Shopkeep Stealer


    Everyone has different opinions :D Im just attached to classic a lot because I have played it longer than beta and I communicated with other cool people through it !
    jimmyzoudcba likes this.
  18. Yeah, I agree that Beta gameplay is a lot smoother. I laughed a lot in classic too, whenever an archer would hide in a tree, and shoot me in the back as I walk below him, and then make a clean getaway as I stumble after him, shielding. People seem to have conversations with emotes in classic more. @Domis @AdminstaffofJuxtaCTF
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
    jimmyzoudcba likes this.
  19. kingofthebrithins

    kingofthebrithins Shopkeep Stealer

    ahhhhh the good old days...
  20. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    I sure did love randomly gibbing while walking around, or randomly respawning while I was still alive, archers shooting through corners, not being able to swim, and deadly invisible rubble from a collapse five minutes ago.