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[1239] How important resupplies are in KAG!

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by HappySheep, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. HappySheep

    HappySheep Horde Gibber

    Hello everyone :r_flex::smug::flex:

    I would like to make people think the importance of resupplies during all the game, which is very important on early stage and it gets really usefull at lategame, when it's actually hard to find any stone or you lose your trees. :wood_mat: :stone_mat: :gold_mat:

    1. Resupplies at warm-up phase.
    2. Resupplies at late-game phase.
    3. Resupplies while travelling.
    4. Extra tips and tricks!
    5. Summary.

    1. Resupplies at warm-up phase.

    On warm-up stage, you've got 180 seconds to build your base before you start a game. If you're getting resupplies every single time you can, you get 4 resupplies PER PLAYER (180 / 40 = 4,5) and you still have 20 secs to travel around the map. I would really point that every time you get a resupply on warm-up stage is:
    -300 :wood_mat:
    -100 :stone_mat:

    If you get 3 resupplies per player (because you can't get it every single time) and you have 5 players that do it, you get those resources before even starting the game:

    - 300 (every resupply) * 3 (resupplies) * 5 (players) = 4500 :wood_mat:
    - 100 (every resupply) * 3 (resupplies) * 5 (players) = 1500 :stone_mat:

    This is a base you could get with those resources:

    And you havent touched the map yet! (So you can still make some mental maths about how many would you get without those resupplies!). ::P:

    2. Resupplies at late-game phase.

    So let's talk about late-game phase, yay!

    Let's make a case that you're in a map that has been active for like... 30 mins and you're playing builder. You can face up tree problems, but only two of them are fixable!:wood_mat: ::): - :stone_mat:::): - :gold_mat:::(:

    a) After a couple of minutes travelling around the map, you realize there's no more stone on your side of the map. :stone_mat: :no: !!!

    b) When you spawn you see that enemy team destroyed your seeds (or you lost them) by any reason and you can't get any more wood from trees :wood_mat: :no: !!!

    Those two problems can get fixed way easier than you think, don't worry! :wink:

    The only thing you need is to make your teammates to switch from their class (for example knight :dance: 0r archer :archer:) to builder :builder: on your stash (if it's near your tent), then they switch back to their classes :dance::archer:.

    How much time is this going to take? 1-2 seconds? Oh well, but let me show you how efficient are those resupplies that noone does, but everyone should! :wood_mat: :stone_mat:

    Let's suppose that every time an ally spawns, he gets a resupply, without thinking which class they're playing (Who dies within 5-10 secs?). Let's make the same example as before, doing it with 5 players (so you can compare).

    -100 (every resupply) * 1-2 (resupply per min) * 5 (players) = 500 - 1000 :wood_mat:
    -30 (every resupply) * 1-2 (resupply per min) * 5 (players) = 150 - 300 :stone_mat:

    You are getting those resources for this time spent:

    - 2 (secs) * 1-2 (resupply per min) * 5 (players) = 10 - 20 seconds (this is the time spent from all members on your team combined!)

    The following base needs 1250 wood :wood_mat: , 460 stone :stone_mat: and 50 gold :gold_mat:, so not very far from what i've calculated. In HALF A MINUTE (30 SECONDS) you can get resources equivalent to this base if everyone in your team (5 players) gets resupplies.

    I also painted a possible position for knight and builder shop :b_shop: :workbench:!


    3. Resupplies while travelling.

    This is the last point i'm going to take, but it's going to be almost as effective as the others. Trust me, i'm going to show you!

    So let's suppose you're in an advanced base with walls and such, and you have three shops: tavern :food:, tunnel :kappa: and knight shop :b_shop:. You should really get a builder shop :workbench:!

    You tell your knight mates that when they get into this advanced base, switch to builders, then they go back to knight. Those knights don't need anything from resupplies, so doing it will help you repair and continue building stuff towards enemy base.

    By doing so, you get same resources as point 2, which if you haven't realized, it's a ton of resources which will help a lot for builders! :builder:

    4. Extra tips and tricks!
    • You can change class near a ballista, so you can give extra resources to near builders changing classes in like 2 secs!

    • If you are going to play archer and you want to get many arrows early game while helping your team, you switch to builder (so you get resupplies), and with the 40 sec timer, change to archer. You will get both resources and arrows, even though timers respawn again to 40, you only lose 2 secs and you can still get several sets of arrows and resources!

    5. Summary

    Probably some builders here already know this is not anything new, but i hope some KAG players here realize that those are some really easy and fast tips to help your builder mates to make a big impact on the game. :builder::builder: :builder:

    Sorry if my English is actually bad, English is not my mother language and I'm trying to improve with the time. :X3::thumbs_up:

    If you got here, it means you liked it, and i would really appreciate some feedback (I'll try to answer comments and questions as good as possible. :smug:

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
    Magmus, J-man2003, Noburu and 18 others like this.
  2. IguanaMan

    IguanaMan Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Yes! We need to see more people (especially those that happen to be on my side) wising up to this tactic. Great write up. :thumbs_up:
  3. Shadowor

    Shadowor Shark Slayer

    Not to forget that you have to drop your resources or you can't pick up new one or it will go into waste if you have some with you. :(
    It is really annoying, but a storage nearby can fix it. And that 20 second is not really that long, sometimes I rather gather it up myself.
    But yes, people should know the importance of the resupply, in the building phase I depend on that.
  4. HappySheep

    HappySheep Horde Gibber

    When i see players getting resupplies at early game, I actually know we're going to have an incredibly big base :castle::castle::castle:on our side, which will force enemy team to try really hard to pass through . Thanks! :wink::thumbs_up:

    When i play kag, i try to build a storage shop :chest: as near as possible to our tent, so we are able to put resources inside and help builders to do their job. I must say most of the time I'm playing knight :dance: (because I'm trying to improve with him) and I always put stuff on it (using resupplies of course!).

    Anyway, if you're playing builder :builder: in an advanced base and don't want to stay alert to your team's resupplies, you can make a storage shop :chest: nearby (It only costs 200 wood :wood_mat: and 50 stone :stone_mat:) and tell your mates to put those resources inside, so not a big deal! :rollseyes:

    wilpin7 likes this.
  5. SirDangalang

    SirDangalang Lvl. 128 MissingNo. Donator

    :thumbs_up: You are a scholar and a saint <3

    Thank you for the education in this, I never have thought of the power of good resupply management until now.

    Will certainly try and put these tactics to use next time I play ::D:
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  6. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Thank you for bringing back this thread. I really need this information
  7. HappySheep

    HappySheep Horde Gibber

    Thanks bro! :smug:

    As a builder, i felt that post was a must for me, and so i made it public for everyone :wink:

    I was also planning on a similar thread called "How important coins are in kag" dedicated to builders, so they could understand the power of builders most of the time (and it's wasted, obviously), but unfortunately i havent found it enough interesting. ::P:

    The only way you can make this really work, is having a team behind your shoulders, so you can practice all those 3 tactics together, because this never happens when playing public games with random people. ::(:
  8. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Wow you put a lot of work into this. Great job!
  9. Dubovnik

    Dubovnik Drill Rusher
    1. Top Hat Squad [THS]

    -Hey, Need Help Builder?
    -Yep, our team dont have stone and wood to repair and defend Flag.
    -Dont Worry! I had Read @HappySheep Thread about Supplies, so il change to builder....
    *snack!**Changed to builder*
    -And give some wood and stone supplies.
    *throwing stone/wood*
    -Ty alot!
    -Dont ty to me, ty to @HappySheep
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 4, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 4, 2015 ---
    Maybe, ''How important stone in kag''?
    Noburu, SirDangalang and HappySheep like this.
  10. HappySheep

    HappySheep Horde Gibber

    Thanks! :wink:

    Touching story, sir! :thumbs_up:
    Dubovnik likes this.
  11. wilpin7

    wilpin7 Lewd~ Donator
    1. KAG Competitive League

    So true, people seem to ignore resupplies everywhere I go when I'm builder, makes me feel sad because other builders always get all of the stone with drills while I'm actually building stuff, so there's nothing left for me and they don't share. If all knights/archers did this it'd be amazing, I should probably do it more when I go knight/archer though.

    9/10 I'd put that thread in my favorites.
  12. HappySheep

    HappySheep Horde Gibber

    Edited some stuff. I'm going to edit it once again in the future with some pics, so people realizes visually. 25252525
  13. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    Great job, I would love to see more guides like this.
    HappySheep likes this.
  14. Koveltskiis

    Koveltskiis Shark Slayer

    This is the best post ever. Even before I signed up for the forums to post I saw this and have been using it since. 10/10 more people need to do this pls
    HappySheep likes this.
  15. HappySheep

    HappySheep Horde Gibber

    Thanks, really appreciated! :wink::thumbs_up:
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 15, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 12, 2015 ---
    I just discovered something a couple of weeks ago! ::D:
    You can change classes if there's any ballista nearby, so you don't need builder shop :workbench: in order to give resources! :wood_mat::stone_mat:!!!

    You only require knight shop :b_shop: + Ballista!
    Noburu and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Actually, I just discovered this myself a few days back. Very, very awesome; being able to minecraft an entire base in the middle of the map using nothing but resources from the balistta. ::P:
    Dubovnik likes this.
  17. Dubovnik

    Dubovnik Drill Rusher
    1. Top Hat Squad [THS]

    Too late, it was made about 1-3 months ago.
  18. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    The issue I find with this mechanic is that it requires the team to be aware of it and actively res-drop to be useful - which is fine in competitive games with competent players where res-dropping can play into your tactics (compatants fall back to heal and res drop periodically, extra important w/ tickets), but is very opaque and hard to coordinate in a public game.

    I've thought multiple times about changing to a system where buildings could generate things over time for a gold investment to make it clearer and less prone to players forgetting to use it/not knowing about it/etc, but would require a lot of time and work. It would be a nice merging of TTH factory production and CTF shop production though, I think, and definitely give gold more purpose.

    Sorry for derailing. I definitely like that this is a viable tactic growing in importance, but it's hard to reconcile with public play and that's a real issue.
  19. HappySheep

    HappySheep Horde Gibber

    First of all, thank you for answering! 25252525

    Well, let's start! :wink:

    The main purpose of this topic is to make people to be aware of resupplies' potential in any stage of the game. When i created it i wasnt thinking to who i would be talking to, so it's meant to let everyone use it when they want.

    I personally use resupplies a lot (specially on construction stage) and on lategame, when we need resources to repair and rebuild shops. When i was playing in NMS, i used to tell my mates to get resupplies every single time they could, because it makes a huge difference in the game, but i'm so used to do it in public games aswell.

    I think the only change this game needs is a very expensive building:castle: (like 1000 wood:wood_mat: and 300 stone:stone_mat: or so) that produces gold :gold_mat:automatically (slowly obv), because some maps lack a bit of gold:gold_mat: and once you've reached 30 mins into the game, there's no more and you can't get siege shop, tunnel or ship shop.

  20. Koveltskiis

    Koveltskiis Shark Slayer

    Adding a tip when you die about resupplies would suffice
    Geti likes this.