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KAG Dedicated server doesnt work

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by bru-jaz, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Hi. I want to play in lan with my brother, but i cant make the server to work on the list. It appears with "unknow ping", and when i try to play through the list, the server disconnects me automatically. It doesnt happen when i play through "connect via IP", but the other pc cant find the game in that way

    I think ive already unlock the ports on my router, and disabled the blocking for all kind of connections for KAG within the win 8.1 firewall. I even tried to sleep the antivirus. But it doesnt seemed to work. Ive tried to copy the images i found of other people unlocking those ports the most equal possible, but like everybody says "all modems and routers have different interfaces", so i make my best.

    In the autoconfig the server register, port and all that stuff are correctlly checked-
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
  2. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Yeah, all you need to do is use the forum tags:

    Your content goes in here
    As for you issue, can you please attach the following to OP or a new post for troubleshooting purposes:

    KAG/Autoconfig.cfg (Hide your rcon passwords and such)
    KAG/Logs/Console%date/time%.txt <- Where the date and time is the most recently attempted to launch.

    Other things to check:

    - Confirm that your router is port forwarding to your computer and not any other device on your network.
    - Try running the sever in a separate directory to your client. You can simply make a copy and paste of your entire KAG folder and just name it KAG_Server for example, launch the server from KAG_Server and run your client from KAG to see if this fixes your issue.
    - Most importantly, upload those files requested above.
    bru-jaz likes this.
  3. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Also, check the dedicated server CPU usage. It might be an infinite loop if it uses 1 / *Amount of logic cores* CPU or so.

    Usually, computers has 2/4/8 logic cores. 12/16 is rare, but exists.
  4. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    And where do i find that option??

    I thought it would be pretentious to wanna get your dedicated server on the master list, so i tried to join through "direct join". I joined successfully (from the master PC) but when i join from another computer even in my own home workgroup via "direct join", the Cant find the server message appears.

    The log shows nothing when the other pcs try to join, but it does when i enter.

    I should say ive even check the option to get all the ports ,in and out unlocked for KAG (udp and tcp) in my win 8.1 firewall. Unlocked 50301 in my router. Even ive made a virtual server on my router, but i cant get other pcs connect to it. Either on lan nor internet

    Thanks to all of you. merry christmas
  5. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    In the task manager in the processes column.

    Is it on the same network (connected to the same router)?
  6. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor


    I used this page to verify if my ports are actually open but no matter what i put in it. It stills telling me they where all closed. I also tried to check em when running the server, even open KAG, but nothing happens.
    Do you think is a router problem or those sites arent allowed to detect my ports because im far away from them? Ive only had this problem with "die by the sword" (old pc game) and "GTA2" (another oldie). But i ran about 5 games via lan successfully.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 21, 2015 ---
    Sorry! i dint saw your reply. Yes. They are!
    By the way. Where do i find that in task manager?
    Sin título.png
  7. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    It's the "CPU" column. Can you get into the performance tab (not sure if it's on w8 tho) and write there down the amount of cores?

    So, if LAN is working, the cause shouldn't be your PC. I guess that's due to the router. Try disabling its firewall temporarly (for once it allows it) and retry? (Put it back after then, it's just to know where's the issue located)
    bru-jaz likes this.
  8. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Well. At last i can get the server to run in LAN.
    But i still have the problem with the master server.
    Sin título.png

    And this is a screen of my Taskmanager performance (?) tab
    Sin título2.png

    I got 4 cores in total if that matters
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 21, 2015 ---
    By the way. wich command should i enter to be an admin of my own server. And then how and wich commands could i use as admin?
  9. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Check out the ChatCommands.as file, all commands are written in.

    It's strange that you can see it in the master list but you can't connect to it. That means the KAG API can connect to it but not you... I don't know.
    bru-jaz likes this.
  10. blackjoker77777

    blackjoker77777 Haxor Tester
    1. Zen Laboratories

    in the "autoconfig.cfg" there should be a line like this:
    sv_rconpassword = XXX
    choose a password (in this example the rcon password is XXX) , then while in-game press "Home" button on your keyboard (a blue console will pop up) and write
    /rcon /login XXX
    with XXX is the password. here is how to get all the commands available in KAG , just press "Home" key and the write
    /rcon /list
    /rcon /help

    both of them will show you the full list of commands with some description about them
    bru-jaz likes this.
  11. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Thanks! Ive already get to that list but it's too big and it doesnt fit on the screen, so some of the commands where away from the screen, any way to scrool on the console?
    One more thing. Are the "!" spawn commands a mod?
  12. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    I believe page up and page down scroll through the console, but I could be wrong - I know there is a button to scroll through it though. =) Alternatively there is a list of commands found on the wiki HERE <--- Clicky:thumbs_up:

    As for the !spawn commands, you need to have sv_test = 1 (Turned on, but this will allow everyone to do things such as !bison), there are certain mods that allow you to use these commands, but only for a list of users configured as part of the mod.
    blackjoker77777 and bru-jaz like this.
  13. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    thanks kaizo, you all was really helpful.
    Ive just downloaded that mod you are saying

    The only problem im still having is the internet thing. Can you play , although with high ping, with other people via internet when you master a dedicated server?
    I think the way ive fixed the LAN game was specifying in the autoconfig the client port (50328), but it's a guess, maybe it was just magic.