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Discussion Suggestions and Ideas

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    The server lags because of all the features...
    Maybe remove some of them?
  2. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Voting is sort of borked.

    Another race can force yours into an alliance, and there is no cooldown on Diplomacy so players will spam votes until they get a result they like.
  3. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I think Aphelion once mentioned making more advanced diplomacy system where issuing votes would cost gold/coins. We can have our hopes ::D:
  4. super_gaming_geek

    super_gaming_geek Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    That would be great
  5. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Hey, great suggestion.

    not rly
  6. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Make a thread: "Questions and answers".
  7. wuusup

    wuusup Shipwright

    I love u and everyone but could u possibly remove the various "APHELION" carved into the map... At very least make it on top, above the red line.
  8. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Some suggestions:
    This can be crafted in the builder workshop, and is used for making drinks. It can be filled with water like a bucket.

    Make it so you can make beer at the kitchen too, with some sort of a plant* and a mug of water.

    *Donno what kind of plant, maybe add a new one?

    You can also make this at the kitchen, you need 2 leaves and a mug of water.

    P.s. I think the drinks needs more ingredients, so it's a bit more expensive to make, but I haven't thought of some.
  9. orange_otter_01

    orange_otter_01 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i really want individual diplomacy even an assassination kinda thing, like you could have a person enabled as a target for 5 mns or whatevers so you can assassinate peple
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 15, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 15, 2015 ---
    for roleplay it needs to involve more secrecy (in my opinion) in doing this removing the big chat box at the bottom left corner wold be good and perhaps remove team chat? or replace team chat with a /whisper command? so you can have private conversations with another person.

    i would appreciate if these are added.

    and while im att it, i think copper equipment should have the same effectiveness as default equipment (like in capture the flag) and the better equipment will add small improvements, cuz otherwise that one guy with a secret adamantine deposit can destroy everyone.
  10. HeX5

    HeX5 Catapult Fodder

    I apologize if someone has already said this but I suggest that there should be some way or some system implemented into the game to make sure that the admins are not biased to players on the other teams i think that the way it is now leads to a lack of roleplay and it is unfair to the other teams if you cant get into a argument with the other team because you are afraid that they will ban you.
  11. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I suggest you should not try to greif after you were just unbanned and then trying to "argue your point" but your point was completely invalid and not only that but you were arguing with 2 of our admins about something that we already cleared up.

  12. Rspwn

    Rspwn Base Burner

    Considering you didn't RP at all during our 'encounter' your post is very hypocritical, I attempted to RP in some sort of way during it but you decided to start destroying the walls around the outpost and try destroy my tunnel.
    At the time I didn't know you were banned previously at all otherwise I wouldn't of given you a warning. And after I was kind enough to give you a warning/2nd chance you go behind my back and straight back to griefing.
    As far as i'm concerned you messed up and DON'T deserve another chance.
  13. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    To be honest HeX, no admin is biased in such way that they simply ban you for arguing. You might as well enslave the race an admin would be on and make them collect resources for you, provided you would have had proper roleplay and won a legitimate war. Though this example is not a point. I did pay attention to what was happening between dwarves and humans at the time you were playing, and I must say based on your behaviour and reasoning, what you are saying is complete donkey manure.

    All I'm saying is that people do not need to be afraid to argue with anyone, if indeed they would be roleplaying and in character.
  14. Toulhane

    Toulhane Catapult Fodder


    First of all, thank you for allowing me on the forum.

    I am new on the server, but since I have a constant need for new ideas and improvment coupled with a love of roleplay, I already have suggestions::):.

    First of all, I think it would nice to improve the diplomacy system. There are too many unjustified random wars, and alliances meens quiet nothing, they are just there to allow people to use each others doors. It could be a solution to say that when a war has not been started for a real roleplay reason, the winner cannot ask anything from the vanquished. Another possible thing concerning wars, would be to instore a penalty for all the allies of the vanquished, for exemple they would also have to accept one term of the winner, it would force allies to help each others, and people to think twice before starting a war. To frequently, people break alliances and then start wars immediatly, so maybe that it would be good to put a cooldown of something like 20 minutes before being able to start a war after breaking an alliance.

    I also though about some improvments for the races, especially for the elves. It would be cool if the special building had diffrent skins according to the race, it is quiet weird for the elves to have buildings with a stone background. And to be able to play roleplay without making the teams too unbalanced, it would aslo be nice if the elves had "improved" wooden wall, because while it woold be strange to see stone made elven buildings, with only one fire arrow, all of an elven base could be destroyed (not to mention that wood is also less resistant than stone against any weapon), while it is totally roleplay for dwarves to make strong unbreakable bunkers.

    It has probably been already said, but a good thing to promote roleplay may be larger map, and more time between map swapping, it is a bit discouraging to engage in long roleplay and bit constructions while you know that everything will soon be erased. Neutral tunnel placed at four points on the map could also be great allowing factions of the far west to go to the far east, even if there are hostile factions in the middle, and this way no team will be less/more protected than the others.

    One cool thing might be to have two servers, one with long lasting maps, allowing factions to develop and to do plans, and one with the actual fonctionment, but I guess we are far from being able to do this.

    One last thing I though about, was how to get people more into roleplay. Maybe it would be good to "force" people to go to the forum (by adding a pasword which would be there for exemple), making a presentation etc. A forum is always good for roleplay, and usually this kind of things help building a strong community and making the interest for roleplay grows.
    I would also be nice to have a presentation thread on the forum where people could presente themselve/their caracter.

    Well, that all I though about so far (and I think that is already way enough:oops:).

    Thank you for reading, and please excuse my mistakes, english is not my native laguage (and it was 6 in the morning when I wrotte that::D:).

    Edit : Can I make a thread for posting screens of the different races' cities ? I took some screens and I think it is interesting to share them and to discuss about how we could make roleplay structures for each race.
  15. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I can say, what you have suggested, has been suggested many times over. Here and there.

    Not that it is an bad idea to repeat, just saying.
  16. Toulhane

    Toulhane Catapult Fodder

    You mean all that I have suggested ?
  17. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    Not excactly all, some new, or 'improved' ones. But none of them will be added anyway.
  18. Toulhane

    Toulhane Catapult Fodder

    May I ask why ?
    Some are obviously far from what we can do now, but somes seem to be quiet simple to do.
  19. Krabe

    Krabe Horde Gibber

    1.Bigger maps for example, ther were some Bigger maps in the past but bigger maps mean that it gets laggy more faster.
    2.I realy dont think that ther will be more then 2 Aphelions roleplay Server. Dont Forget, a Server cost Money to.
    3.About a Password... I realy dont think that you can "force" everyone to roleplay, jes it is one of the rules, but some People
    will break this rule alway. Do you think that the Password will stop em?

    The rest should be possible to include, but it will be open for Futur updates and how Aphelion desides about it.
    I personaly think that it is possible but ther is just more important stuff to include right now (like the undead or new weapons and bosses)
    (by the way, sorry for bad grammer)
  20. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I support this idea.
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