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GS Host Servers - US/DE/AU

Discussion in 'Server Hosting' started by jrgp, May 20, 2014.

  1. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hey All,

    As many of you may know, one of the things I do is run gshost.us, the game server host that runs the "KAG Official" servers you see in the server list. We used to be known as kag2dservers.com

    • FL, USA
    • Germany
    • Australia
    Example servers to test out ping:

    Open up KAG and search for "KAG Official" in the servers list.

    • Server created immediately upon purchase
    • Fully custom control panel which lets you change all game settings, edit files, and view current game status including the players
    • Game server auto restarts in case it crashes
    • Reinstall with latest version of beta or classic with one click
    • Full file access via FTP/FTPES
    • Runs on Linux (Debian)
    • Unlimited data storage
    • Subaccounts! Delegate permissions like FTP and billing to other people without sharing your main account password.
    • Many more here: https://gshost.us/home/features
    The cost for all locations is USD 60 cents per slot. Payment is on a monthly basis and you can either pay each month or prepay a specific amount of time, and keep adding time as you see fit.

    Order now: https://gshost.us/buy/game/kag/location/US

    Feel free to ask me and my support people for help at any time by emailing support@gshost.us or contacting us in #gshost on quakenet
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  2. buster-boy17

    buster-boy17 suries gard

    I have brought a Server from here before! For sure low prices for what you get! I'm getting a Aussie one tomorrow ;)
  3. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    I recommend this, bought like 3-4 kag servers from here once and it is good!
  4. buster-boy17

    buster-boy17 suries gard

    Today I was struggling to add Maps and Jrpg helped me out! He gave up his time to help out his customer!
  5. War_Crab

    War_Crab Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Can i use a custom gamemode? For example zombie redux or roleplay?
    Im starting a server and i need to know this to use gshost.
  6. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yeah you can upload custom game modes / scripts / maps / etc via FTP
  7. War_Crab

    War_Crab Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I need some help with your website, i have added some server to my cart but i cant remove them!
  8. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Wait what? Might be best if we start an email thread about this so we can talk more in private. Contact us at support@gshost.us
  9. Sky_Captain_Bjorn

    Sky_Captain_Bjorn Bison Rider

    I actually have the same problem. I was going through the process of buying a server just to see how it all worked and now I have an invoice that says payment is due tomorrow... but I can't get rid of it. I haven't put in any payment information at all...
  10. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It really doesn't matter. The invoices auto-void if they aren't paid within a week or so of their due date, and it doesn't have any affect on your account.
  11. War_Crab

    War_Crab Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Thanks for the reply!
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 16, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 3, 2015 ---
    I bought a server but i cant edit files it says Connect with FTP for full file access what does this mean?
  12. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

    Download an FTP(File Transfer Protocol) Client, Filezilla is a good choice, then connect to the server with the credentials on your server's page.