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Important Ban Appeals

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. UnlikelyAce

    UnlikelyAce Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    There shouldn't be a next time, I'm reading up on what other people have gotten banned for, and I will try my best not to make any transgressions. Thanks!
  2. adisss650

    adisss650 Shark Slayer

    king-george banned me today for: Griefing, Insulting language, Committing offense to angel
    I want to explain it. My friend played on my account and I don't know much what happened. But I'm sorry for him, his english is not good at all, so he can't talk in english. I promise that he won't grief/talk thrash to others again. Please, give chance and unban my account.
  3. crawfish

    crawfish Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Sorry to bother you again aphelion, but it seems as if I am still banned on your server. Thanks - crawfish
  4. HeX5

    HeX5 Catapult Fodder

    Hello i was banned two days ago for griefing and i would like to request a unban. What happened was i was playing as a dwarf and i noticed that the elves had built a large wall/outpost close to are base that they were using as a border of the two kingdoms they never even asked are input on where we think the border should be and they had already started a war with their neighbors to the left about border disputes so i figured that i would take actions into my own hands. I was in the middle of digging through the wall/border when a angel saw me and froze me in place i told him my story but it seemed like he had already made up his mind and told me he was banning me for a day. I think that his punishment was a little harsh but i can also understand why he did it even if i do not agree with it. I think the lesson I learned from this was that even if it is a roleplay server you need to respect the things other people have made and figure out the beast way around undesirable situations that dose not involve messing with something that other people have put there time into making. As i said before the angel said that he was banning me for a day i am not positive that i read it right because i was banned right after but it was over a day ago. I apologize in advanced if i have not followed some procedure or have some how done something wrong but i would like to be able to play on your server and would like to apologize for breaking one of the rules of your server.
  5. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I will unban you, even before your greifing the tower on a border someone made people had been complaining about you greifing things in prior matches (though never confirmed with evidence), so since you came to appeal i'm hoping you care more about the server than to just greif. you will be let back on.

    Thanks for your appeal.
    (The unban may take a little bit)
  6. HeX5

    HeX5 Catapult Fodder

    Thank you i just tried it and i was able to get onto the server
  7. adisss650

    adisss650 Shark Slayer

    Hey, how much i need to wait for examine my appeal?
  8. stefmon

    stefmon Builder Stabber

    I was instantly banned after blowing up a side of a neutral building. I gathered materials to repair it and gave the owners 1000 stone. As soon as the admin found that it was my keg however I was instantly banned without question. A war status had also just ended so it was not blatant douchery on my part. Though because it was during neutral relations I gathered materials to repair the damage.
  9. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    The war that you speak was long over, what you did was hate griefing. You were banned for 1 day.
  10. Hats7

    Hats7 Shipwright
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I was banned by Zhuum because my actions within the RP didn't suit the way he wanted, I attempted to knock down my own building after he made the demand that the Humans were to work for the Elves in terms of mining gold and the likes, I needed to go so I thought I'd make more a impacting decision within the RP. Without warning I was given what I didn't know at the time was a one day ban. I swiftly went to the forums and requested reasoning to why I was banned, I was told it was only one day later on. However, my manner of argument and conversation were provoking to Zhuum as he described, regardless. I apologise for the misconception of offense he may have taken from my manner of argument, I also apologise for Zhuum not having the RP go the way he would've liked. I'd appreciate my permanent, however apparent non-appealable ban due to Zhuum's continued misunderstanding of the intention of my words; revoked if that would be possible.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
  11. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    As even discussed before, you just seem to get things wrong. In any way it wan't "my" roleplay. It was elves roleplay that were a majority of the server at that time. I happened to play on elves and I made sure they had atleast reasons of war. If anything, the first war humans declared, was bit random, but I decided to go along. When you lost you didn't meet our demands and thus the following wars continued.

    You happened then to ignore the term from that last war on time when quite few players had complained to me about people who refuse terms and refuse to play along. For that you got that one day ban. And when I said of why it was so you had already tried to reason your way with backhanded comments. Thus I took you for just another angry person, who cannot deal that they were wrong.

    If you want to look like an adult, then the best way to seem like one is to climb off your own high-horse and admit that whatever you are doin is just digging the hole you fell in deeper. If you really "love" this server then you would know when to let go of pointless anger. It was not RP that did not go my way, it was situation that didn't go anyone's way.

    Make a proper appeal, and I'll give you chance to prove you can be trusted playing on the server again.
  12. Hats7

    Hats7 Shipwright
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Excuse me, but I'm not on any sort of high horse. I'm simply objecting to your claims, you are the one not reading my responses. If you had even noted anything from our previous discussion upon the matter you would see that firstly, the first war was in no way random. Comhraic, who is in fact now notably -banned- from this server was antagonizing the Humans, attempting to claim the caves beneath our base, we warned that he leave and he did not and proclaimed the caves Elven land; we then started war to kill him so he didn't build beneath our base. I will not comment on your performance as an admin, that isn't what this is relevant towards.

    I'm not angry in anyway shape or form, I have other things to do with my life, I can deal with a permanent ban. What I however can't deal with is false accusations, I am not wrong. I explained the entire series of events to you from A - Z, I have a photographic memory and amply certain of the events that took place, upon request I will happily produce the entire set of events without any biased inclusions if need be.

    If we could take a step back you would note that during the RP, I didn't decline the terms, I dealt with them within the roleplay, just because they weren't accepted doesn't mean that I declined them outright, I didn't ignore your terms. My character took it upon herself to destroy the base that I had built so that the RP would end in a manner that met my need to go walk my dogs.

    That is RP, just because it didn't go the specific way you wished does not mean it was RP any less. I will not stand idly by and be accused, insulted and frankly mocked because you are mistaking my words as offensive and angry, I won't have it. Once I had tried to knock down the building, you kicked me without question, you did not freeze me, you did not warn me. You simply applied a one day ban, I then went to the forums and asked you why you did such. After I spoke with you and made the observation that the brash act of yours came across as petty, and made you out to be I quote myself, a 'salty teenager' you informed me it was merely a one day ban, for the comment you made my ban permanent.

    The conversation went on and you were clearly becoming more and more wound up as time went by, that wasn't my intent I assure you. However you took it this way. In summary, I feel as if I've done nothing wrong, and I won't sit by and admit to things, and apologise for things that I have not done. The one thing I will apologise for is your offence taken to my manner of argument, I'm sorry if anything I've said has come off as rude to you, I didn't mean it in such a way. The other RPers who apparently found their experience ruined I feel need to say that they did within a screenshot, otherwise that is not an applicable point within your argument.

    Oh! Another point to add, after the first war you announced the terms were that the sky-island structure of ours was to be destroyed, you indeed did that. However you came back and demanded gold as an out of war term, so you began another war and destroyed our bases shops and doors. We could not offer the gold because we did not have it. I do not appreciate lies about my person, thank you very much.


    P.S The ban was later made non-appealable within the discussion, however I felt this judgement was unfair despite his position as admin so I appealed regardless.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  13. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Sigh... It seems you do not see the point.

    As with you I have photographic memory. And when I give you the ways the things happened you claim I am wrong, I do know when I would be and here it is not. At the time when comhraic had antagonised you I did not remember of him being previously banned, and since he had not played on the server for very lõng time I had forgotten the name. Whatvever he did he got his own punishment. However, indeed I was not right next to him when he was at human lands, but if he was exploring there and mining some, I repeat some, resources there should have not beenmuch of a trouble. Even if heclaimed lands for elves, he knew elves had majority and could possibly defend themselves. As that first war was about.

    Upon winning that war, we did not täke the sky island for ourselves as we discussed between ourselves and decided to have some resources instead, which you didn't meet. Whatever wars we won after that no terms of ours were met too.

    And How many times you proove to be on the high horse and ignorant of my texts when you say it was my RP wish. It was not my RP. Thus frankly you are just arguing for no reason and making it look like an accusation. You cannot face the fact you are wrong at this time, and try to go against the descision that was made for just cause. And before I banned you I did say, You resited the roleplay after war. This makes you look like an sore loser... no ohter way to put it.

    Ofcourse I get wound up, because you only seem to have thoughts that you were right. If you cannot and do not want to accept what was done. And my post before I decided if you can come up with an appeal I'll be ready to accept it. If that was your appeal, then it was not an good one.

    If you have anything else to say, ohter than to make an proper appeal, start an conversation with me again, I have unignored you.
  14. Hats7

    Hats7 Shipwright
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    No, if you could not understand my reply above you will not understand any further engagements with me, I'm afraid. I'll be declining your service as an admin, now. I don't mind staying banned, I can live with it to be frank with you. You're banning me based your own opinions and feelings, irrational ones at that. I'm sorry but no, I know precisely what happened, to the damned letter and half of the stuff you spoke of above was fallacy, false. You do not have a photographic memory, you can believe you do if you wish but such an inaccurate recitation of the events that took place says otherwise.

    The facts are this; you banned me for simply a day. I approached you on the forums asking why I was banned, I used a manner that seemed to upset you, which is your own issue if you sought offense and anger within my argument. I discovered I was banned for a day, however by that point you felt upset enough to ban me permanently and then -later- you felt the need to make it non appeal-able. I will appeal to be unbanned, however I won't lick your boots, I won't apologise to you for things that you can scarcely piece together in an accurate fashion.

    In a collective summary, the main reason you banned me was because you took my words the wrong way, I can copy and paste the conversation if need be to clarify that this is in-fact the case at hand. You might think me strange for making such a big deal about this, but I don't do well with people lying about me. Especially not admins.

    Please read my reply carefully, you have a tendency of not taking in all that I've said and working upon things that I've already contradicted, your response doesn't bring the argument forward it simply turns it into a circle of me correcting your misunderstandings.

    The main misconception you have is that you feel it wasn't your RP, it was -your- RP because unless you can give me substantial evidence that the other RPers felt that their time was ruined by my actions, it was in-fact your RP that you felt wasn't met. Therefore you kicked me because I didn't meet the expectations you had for the RP itself.
    Perhaps you should read up upon what RP is and learn the aspects of subjectivity within it, the one reason you kicked me was because I tried knocking the building down.

    I forgave you the first time you assumed I was being a sore-loser, however I had by that point clarified that I was acting within the RP. I defer to my earlier point about not taking in all that I've said to bolster this point. With this said, your reason for banning me has been factually made moot within the walls of a structured argument.

    I'm not on a high horse, my writing is calm and collected, thorough and the purpose is to assure that no confusion is met by attempting to cover all the bases of the matter. I think you need to begin looking past your own feelings, and opinions about -me- and focus upon the matter at hand. This ban appeal; right now all I can see is that you think me childish, up myself and angry because I'm contesting your point. That is your opinion, that has no basis within a ban appeal on the forums. I'm not attempting to be rude, but you need to have this said lest you keep avoiding it. Do your job.

  15. Samatka

    Samatka Guest

    My In game name is Samatka and I have been banned on the roleplay server and im not sure why.
    I have looked at the latest ban logs and my ban has not been listed their.
    If I was breaking the rules I am deeply apologetic.
    Roleplay is one of my favourite servers and I would really like to be able to return to it.
    Thank you for your consideration.
  16. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    To hats,

    And circles you do go on creating. And If you truly cannot face your own situation you yourself created then it can so be. As long you have your falsly claims, you just won't reach anywhere. You say thing about me you do not know, I happen to have a photographic memory, however if you do not wish to believe so then it is your choice. You choose to give or take characteristics of me, which in turn is just not right. It is not misunderstanding you are just denying the descisions made that were necessary

    If you cannot accept me as admin then you cannot accept the rules of the server it seems, and as such you frankly do not deserve to play there as well.

    I can give you brief overview that resulted in your ban if you clearly choose to deny the decisions made. Including how it was not my RP.

    You disregarded the roleplay just after you had lost the war.

    You managed to play on a time when I had some of the more frequent players saying quite many people are not respecting rules as such. To respond to that I decided I'll be more though for time being until things get better. During the last war, you were given chance to accept the term of at least say few words of why you cannot anymore. After quite some time of silence you did not say anything and proceeded on to do your own things at random, you tried to knock down a building for no reason, you had time to say last words before you would have done that thing, but no you yourself decided to do it without any say. Thus you ignored of what was asked by majority. So I decided to ban you just as you had ignored the term. It was not my expectation of RP, you just didn't say anything then and deserved to get banned.

    For that you came to me, giving a question with an insult included. That was clear sign you are more of an troll it seems who cannot handle that they did anything wrong. You chose to disrespect me and thus the rules before you even chose to look what you did wrong. Upon explaining it to you, you started these pointless arguments. You were wrong, and still seem to be.

    It was decision made for reason for you had broken rules. And do not come talking about RP you clearly have no clue about how things go around.

    You have too high of a horse it seems for you to climb off, you can be calm, you can look like reasonable, but everything you say comes off as "sorry, but not really". I am doing my job and if you cannot seem to realise that then I feel sorry for you.

    I do not know if you manage to read all that out because you seem to read my posts still in between lines, here are the points in more simpler version:

    • You decided to ignore the war term as you silently jumped on a building to destroy it. You did not say anything of why you would do that. Not even slightest word. That is clearly ignoring the players around you.
    • Your first questions as of why came with prissy remarks, showing disrespect before even looking into oneself.
    • You decided to deny any kind of reasons given, coming off as ignorant.

    Please... These were reasons of your ban. If you cannot accept that and make proper appeal then this server is not for you...
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 18, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 18, 2015 ---
    Hey there,

    if you were banned recently and no ban log was made then your ban wouldn't last longer than a week. How long has it been as of now?
  17. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    This is a thread for ban appeal purposes, not trying to justify anything you were banned for, all Zhuum asked for was an apology and a formal ban appeal not to be told he is "not doing his job" If that were the case he wouldn't of been an admin for so long. as stated in "The Rules" thread:
    Please refrain from responding unless you make the proper appeal asked of you.
  18. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    I'm not sure if it was you, but yesterday I banned someone for 1 day, but my game crashed right at the moment of the ban so I don't remember the full name. The person was an Angel (if you have V.I.P status it might have been you).
    If you are the person I banned, don't worry, you should be unbanned in a few hours.
    If you're not the person I banned, than I can't help you.
  19. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    Were you frozen before you were banned?
    Have you done anything bad on the server?
    Have you tried connecting to the server a hour later?

    It might have been a ping-ban, which usuallu wears out after 5 minutes.
  20. Hats7

    Hats7 Shipwright
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I apologise for the things that you -feel- I have done wrong, they will not come to pass again. I would give you a lecture on why neither of you made any sense, but there we have it. I hope you can accept my apologies, judging by your responses you haven't read my previous messages so I'm sure you aren't at all offended. Thank you!