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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Jesus, guys. Fulfen propably wanted to say that LeChameu is a cheater and spawnkiller and many guys (eg. BlueLugi) confirmed that with reports.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, Acavado and Thiel like this.
  2. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    Blue Luigi is not a spawn hacker. I can confirm this with screenshots and me stalking him for a good 24 hours. :P
  3. stronzi

    stronzi Shipwright

    1. JBFC_PL
    2. griefer
    3. [FR/EN] Zeus
    4. 2011/11/20 ~21.30 RU
    [18103] <stroncium> JBFC_PL: Are you griefing?
    [18279] <JBFC_PL> noo
    [18410] <Wwuunnkil> JBFC_PL: yes he is
    [18500] <Wwuunnkil> JBFC_PL: kick him
    [18510] <stroncium> JBFC_PL: and why are you destroying everything?
    [18722] <JBFC_PL> this take hit for our players
    [18918] <stroncium> liar
    [19354] <JBFC_PL> for love team
    [21100] <[FR] Herobrine73> JBFC_PL: JBFC GRIFFER KICK
    [22423] <JBFC_PL> fuck tou
    Kill messages and unrelated phrases cut.
    I can't find where KAG saves screenshots and it doesn't prove much, so no screenshot.
  4. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    2.Tried to greif then switched teams.
    4.A moment ago.
    5.Yes i have pics.
    Hes the builder hitting base with hammer to the top left.

    I have cursor over him while he destroys back wall.

    Him destroying backwall again my cursor near him.
  5. Fulfen

    Fulfen Horde Gibber

    I did never say that BlueLuigi or all the other guys I mention inn my comment (ekcept LeChameau) was a hacker or griefer I said that LeChameau was that and they said the same about LeChameau as I!
    (I even met LeChameau again erlier this morning and guss what, he grieft again, but unnfortenly I dident get any pic cuz I pressed wrong buttom again and again and when I relised that I was pressing wrong buttom he destroyd the bridge I wass standing on so I falld to my deth, he also said I was a noob :P, but someone said that they tooked a pic and probobly will post it on the Forums later)

    thanx for reading a little bit more closely then these guys and backing me up :)
  6. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    I'm sorry, I guess I could of read it a little closer and tried to really understand what it was. Glad to know they you don't think BlueLuigi is a spawn hacker though. XD
  7. Fulfen

    Fulfen Horde Gibber

    Thanx for saying sorry :)
  8. stronzi

    stronzi Shipwright

    I got banned for destroying skybridge. I see lots of confirmed weeks ago speedhackers around though.
  9. i saw that after reading earlier posts in the thread.
  10. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    I just like to point out that doing this glitch: screen-11-11-20-18-31-14.png

    Can get you in trouble. (Ban/kick)

    Well, I'm pretty sure anyways.

    Also, this was on the CTF - Unlimited Respawns
  11. i have actually seen people do that and it may or may not be a glitch, as people can be and have been one block into the sides or above the map, lots of people have done it, especially with skybridges and small maps, as the above image shows.
  12. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    Like I said, I'm not sure, but I've seen mods and admins yell at players for doing that. And I've read somewhere that it is ban-nable.

    Ban-nable, hm, funny word. :P
  13. 1.nyan19184
    3[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4. 2011/11/20 6:32
    5. I HAVE SCREENSHOTS!!! :D he grieffed our flag's little base http://imgur.com/a/BThs2
    Hrafnar and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  14. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    2.Saying he hates "niggers" and calling people "niggers" nonstop.
    3.Same server as above.
    4.A moment ago.
    5.My f4 wasnt working sorry but im also not sure if i can report someone for this.
  15. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yes it is a glitch, MM and Geti are aware of it. It only works going from right to left. And yes you will be kicked for doing it.
  16. 1.1337TWIZZLER!!!
    2.Grieffing our bridge
    3[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4. 2011/11/21 10:40
    5. http://i.imgur.com/UQu0m.png (check the chat)
  17. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Hrafnar likes this.
  18. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester

    Huuurrrm... reporting as in title of video

    Can't tell... between unintended kind and hax...
  19. LLC

    LLC Shipwright

    1. MirocznyZywiol
    3[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4. 11:00 AM-11:22AM, Nov 21
    5. Sure.

  20. maltchi

    maltchi Shopkeep Stealer

    1. katboy9
    2. Completely griefed Red spawn and made CTF game unwinnable for blue (see screen)
    3. Action CTF
    4. 4:30AM-5:30AM EST
    5. Screenshot/Log (near the end of the log)

    EDIT: Turns out the game was winnable, but after 20 minutes of this crap did we finally get the flag.
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