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Blue Luxury Resort: A Story of Entrepreneurial Spirit and the Establishment of a Business

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fellere825, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    In the barbaric lands that is KAG Official CTF US, during a very heated match, Weman and I decided to embrace our entrepreneurial spirit and create competing businesses.

    Mr. Weman first attempt at a successful business in the dangerous world that is KAG CTF was Mr. Weman's Burger Delivery Service. By providing fast food delivery with a smile Mr. Weman attempted to assist customers from both our ally's the Blue Team as well as our enemy's the Red Team. While Mr. Weman had difficulty finding customers from the Red Team, his tenacity and drive allowed him to expand his business to create a brick and mortar establishment. Despite Mr. Weman's valiant efforts to provide fast food to people without prejudice the Red Team's hatred for Blue Team prevailed and led to an arson burning down Mr. Weman's business.
    Weman's Shop.png
    -This is a photograph of Mr. Weman's rebuilt establishment after the arson committed by convicted felon Rymcd aka Jiggy.​
    During this arson I decided to publicly announce the creation of my business, a sauna. With funding provided by my parents from the Spawning Tent I set out to create a lodging of comfort and hygiene. After the creation of the sauna I was able to quickly find regular customer's in Mr. Weman, Mr. Bas, and Mr. Jedi. After the arson and some lamentation Mr. Weman decided to become an investor in my business and an eventual co-owner in the enterprise.
    -This is a photograph of Mr. Weman, Mr. Bas, Mr. Jedi, and I enjoying the Grand Opening of the Sauna.

    With our combined efforts Mr. Weman and I were able to hire our very first employees, Mr. Bas (Fisherman and Sauna Tester) and Mr. Jedi (Fire Prevention Specialist). With our sauna fast becoming overcrowded we decided to expand into the business of hotel management. Mr. Weman and I then went forth to procure the necessary supplies to expand our business. However we had a problem. It was becoming increasingly clear that we would be unable to buy anymore land to expand our business. Nonetheless a good business will always find room to grow. And room we found. Mr. Weman decided that if we could not expand horizontally we could expand vertically. We had built a veritable hotel of sorts. Business was good. We received no complaints and had customers frequenting our premises on a habitual basis.

    Hotel Expansion.png
    -This is a photograph of all employees enjoying a rest at the newly expanded Hotel Tower.

    While business was booming Mr. Weman and I decided to rapidly expand to rapidly create a monopoly in the hotel industry. We created a Beer Keg Cellar, a Koi Pond, a Chicken Coop, a Movie Theater, and a Bounce House.

    -This is a photograph of The Blue Luxury Resort upon its completion. Each room has been labelled to allow ease of identification.

    Business was great... Despite all of this success Mr. Weman felt a void in his heart. After the devastation of his first business Mr. Weman could only swallow his sadness and continue onwards. While he was able to create a successful business from the ashes of his first one... The longing was still there. Mr. Weman decided to rebuild the brick and mortar Burger Delivery Service by hand and with it he spent the rest of his days venturing forth delivering burgers to friend and foe alike. Even the release of convicted felon Rymcd aka Jiggy from maximum security prison could not put a damper on Mr. Weman's spirit.

    Burger Shop.png
    -This is a photograph of Mr. Weman's long lines from his burger stand. His motto was, "5 face."

    Convicted felon Rymcd aka Jiggy was noted to be particularly upset at Mr. Weman's success and was noted to say, "I will f***k up your sauna." He never could get past our wall of devoted customers.

    The End.
    Lee_Shioon, BlueLuigi, Geti and 36 others like this.
  2. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    Mazey and Fellere825 like this.
  3. finleymars

    finleymars Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    Dear Mr. Fellere and Mr Weman,

    I am proud to have fished for such a glorious enterprise. The pay was good and the food was great :food:. I enjoyed admiring the chickens play in their spacious and entirely humane pen:chicken:. The sauna was always :lantern:warm:lantern: and the drinks were the finest in the land:water_bomb::keg:. The koi pond provided a beautiful entryway into the luxurious resort. It is most distressing that the flag:blue: was situated directly behind the fine establishment, a goal for which the barbaric reds lead by the villainous Jiggy:skeleton: would sacrifice their lives.

    If at any point you need me to die over and over and over and over and over and over again for another branch of your honest business, I will do so without hesitation. For who can resist such a glorious chance for fine dining, good company, and soggy burgers?


    Bas ~Licensed Fisherman and Devoted Tester of Spas

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  4. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    And this is why I keep coming back to the community. People like you, Fell. :heart:
    finleymars and Fellere825 like this.
  5. SirDangalang

    SirDangalang Lvl. 128 MissingNo. Donator

    Oh god why did I look at this during my lunch work break? Somebody help, I can't stop smiling at this and it hurts ;)
    finleymars likes this.
  6. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    Best thing since betty white / jelly gumy guy / etc and I cant believe that @rymcd guy terrorized Mr. Wemans business..... BURN THE CANADIAN
  7. Permaban that jiggy noob
  8. finleymars

    finleymars Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni


    A day at the Blue Luxury Resort heals all pain! Come by buy and relax!
  9. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    I love fellere
    finleymars likes this.
  10. finleymars

    finleymars Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    Don't we all? :heart:
  11. How many calories are in the burgers? I'm watching my weight. The sauna better not be over 5 coins a minute.
    AmestriStephen likes this.
  12. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    @rymcd Why do you hate fun?
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    (btw such story, such awesomeness)
    icemusher and AmestriStephen like this.
  13. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    How the hell was your team not steamrolled when half of it was fuckin about playing sandbox in a CTF?
  14. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Gotta defend your enterprise when the going gets rough. You know how banks have security guards? Well we became our own security guards. Pretty simple really.
  15. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    Another thing I loved about this thread was when fellere showed the pictures and called them photographs xD
    Mazey and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.